During that time, as long as you can eat enough, it is good, there is nothing to be picky about.

At the beginning, He Yuzhu brought home food to Jia's family every now and then, as a way to improve the food for their family.

Later, it became a daily belt, and then it was to take the initiative to ask for it, or even grab it.

No one wants to do this kind of thing that can eat enough and eat well without much effort. It is easy for people to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Since they can get something for nothing, how many people are willing to work hard to make money?

And in that era, more people still believed that making money to support a family was a man's business.

In He Yuzhu's view, he did a good deed by taking care of the poor households in the courtyard.

But he didn't think of the evil of human nature.

"By the way, Li Chu." Ding Qiunan asked again, "Does Qin Huairu have cancer?"

"No, but it's hard to say if it continues like this."

"How to say?"

"The cancer that Western medicine refers to actually has a lot to do with a person's mood. Qin Huairu's bad mood may be caused by her son's incident.

Coupled with her two unmarried daughters, she has a lot of depressed things every day. If things go on like this, it is impossible for her to get cancer. "

"Oh..." Ding Qiunan sighed silently, then looked at her man and asked, "Is there anything you can do to help her?"

Li Chu looked at his wife in astonishment, raised his hand to touch her forehead, and Ding Qiunan patted his hand off.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to see if you have a fever. She went to the street office and the supervisory committee to sue my sister and me.

If it weren't for our family and my sister's family to stand upright and behave, if there was a little problem at that time, our two families would have been ruined.

It's not bad for me to see a doctor for her now, so why don't I help her? Daughter-in-law, I can't repay evil with virtue! "

"I know, I know." Ding Qiunan quickly calmed his man's emotions.

"What she did that year was indeed too much. When I say this now, I just feel sorry for her as a woman. No one has helped her in recent years, and their family's life is indeed difficult."

After hearing what his woman said, Li Chu didn't say anything, but walked towards the administration building silently.

Seeing this, Ding Qiunan didn't say anything, just followed beside him.

When they reached the stairs on the first floor, when the two were about to go back to their offices, Li Chucai said, "Actually, if you really want to help her, you should go to Xu Damao and Lou Xiao'e."

After speaking, Li Chu raised his legs and walked to the second floor, leaving only Ding Qiunan standing there watching his back.

She still hasn't figured out what her man's words mean.

If you really want to help Qin Huairu, go to Lou Xiaoe and the others.

I wanted to ask, but my husband's attitude was very clear just now, and there was no need to affect their relationship for an outsider.

Then you can only slowly think about the meaning of that sentence.

It wasn't until she returned to her office and lay on the small bed that she realized what her husband meant.

The reason why Qin Huairu is in a bad mood is because of her son, and there is nothing she can do about it.

The second one is because the two daughters cannot get married.

There are also two reasons for her daughter's inability to marry. One is because they have no job, and the other is that their family's conditions are too poor.

In this case, then find a job for the two of them, not to mention how much money they can earn, but at least they can support themselves.

In this case, it will be easier to find someone to talk to.

Li Chu said just now that he was looking for Lou Xiao'e and the others. Didn't that mean that Xiaodang and Huaihua were arranged to work as waiters in their restaurant?

Thinking of this, Ding Qiunan's eyes became brighter.

Lou Xiaoe and her family's restaurant are getting better and better now. There are only two waiters upstairs and downstairs, and they can't handle it at all.

Every time it's meal time, she, Xu Damao and her mother are busy flying.

Because their restaurant is self-employed, it is difficult to recruit waiters even if they want to.

Nowadays, people basically want to work in state-owned units. Even if they are temporary workers, they only earn about ten yuan a month, and they are unwilling to work for private individuals.

Because they feel that doing it privately will lose face if they tell it.

As for Qin Huairu's two daughters, they don't have jobs right now, so it's probably just to see where there are odd jobs. They can earn a day or two of money.

Now if they are introduced to Lou Xiao'e's restaurant, they should be able to agree, right?

Thinking of this, Ding Qiunan hesitated again.

That's right, what she's thinking now is all her own wishful thinking, whether others agree or not is a matter of opinion.

Forget it, let's go to bed if you don't want to think about it now. When she gets back from get off work in the afternoon, she will go to Lou Xiaoe's place and talk to her first. If she and Xu Damao both agree, she will go to Qinhuai Ru's house to see the two of her family. The child agrees no.

Thinking of this, Ding Qiunan put all these complicated things out of his mind, and began to take a nap wholeheartedly.


It's not time to get off work in the afternoon. Seeing his son running out in a panic, Li Chu knew that his wife was talking about it at noon. This brat and that girl are afraid of being nagged, so they will definitely go back there tonight I'm going home.

He shook his head helplessly, closed the door of the consulting room, said hello to Director Zhao of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine next door, and left.

On the way home, Ding Qiunan told her man what she thought, and seeing that he didn't send the right message, she knew it could be done, so she patted Tian Jun's back: "Xiao Tian, ​​just send us directly to the hotel. it is okay."

"Alright Director Ding."

It's no wonder that Lou Xiao'e was tired from shouting every day. When the two of them arrived at the restaurant, the fifteen tables on the first floor were full, and the six private rooms on the second floor were also full.

There are tables in the lobby on the first floor, and there are people waiting in line at the door.

Li Chu and Ding Qiunan glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They knew that the restaurant's business was good, but to be honest, they didn't expect it to be so good.

As soon as he entered the hall, Xu Yang happened to bring out two dishes from the back kitchen. When he saw the two of them coming in, he hurriedly put the dishes in his hand on the guest's table, and walked over.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Ding, you two are here."

"Xu Yang, where are your parents?"

"My dad greets guests on the second floor, and my mom helps out in the back kitchen."

"Li Chu, why don't I go and have a word with Xiao'e, let's go back and come over when they are not busy that day." Ding Qiunan turned to look at her husband and asked.

"Okay, you go, I'll wait for you at the door."

There were too many people in the restaurant, and Li Chu didn't like such an environment very much.

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