In the bedroom at night.

Ding Qiunan snuggled into his man's arms.

"Li Chu, I heard what you and Wenxuan said just now."

"Huh? What did you hear?"

Ding Qiunan turned over and sat up, facing her man, regardless of whether her delicate skin was exposed or not.

"I heard what the two of you just said in the study. At that time, I was about to go in to pour water for you, and then I walked to the door of the study. Your door was not closed tightly, and the voice came through the crack. Out."

Li Chu looked at his lover's tense little face, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

"Don't move, speak clearly first." Ding Qiunan avoided his hand.

"What are you talking about? Since you said you heard it, you should know what I said."

Taking advantage of his wife not paying attention, Li Chu quickly stretched out his hand and pulled her over, holding her tightly in his arms.

Before Ding Qiunan could struggle, he leaned over and kissed again.

"We have been married for more than 20 years, don't you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you, but I just feel a little uncomfortable." After hearing what her husband said, she no longer struggled, but her voice was a bit muffled.

"I'm with you regardless of the person or the heart. Why do you feel uncomfortable? We have no way to control what other people think, and we don't need to control it. We just need to be ourselves."

Ding Qiunan raised her small head and stared at the man she loved so much.

"Li Chu, tell me the truth, ever since you knew she had that kind of thought for you, have you hesitated for even a minute?"

"No, not for a second. My heart is so small that I can only hold you alone. Since I established a relationship with you, here I..." He pointed to his heart.

"I don't have any other thoughts anymore. I just want to treat you well and live a solid life with you."

"Hmph, you passed the test!" Ding Qiunan rested his head on his chest again.

"Then tell me, whose child is she pregnant with?"

"How can I know this? The last time I saw her was when her sister got married in 1982. I haven't seen her since then."

"Oh, don't care about her." Having said that, Ding Qiunan raised his head again, leaned into Li Chu's ear and whispered, "Honey, love me."

"When will I stop loving you?"


As soon as she arrived at the office the next morning, Li Yunli came to report that the person in charge of the pharmaceutical company in West Germany wanted to meet him.

"Did he say nothing?"

"No, he just said he hoped you could find time to meet him."

Li Chu thought for a while, nodded and said, "All right, then let's go there now."

It has been two years, and five pharmaceutical companies have sent a total of fifty people to participate in drug trials, and some of them have entered the second stage. However, the experimenters sent by these companies, apart from witnessing the magic of this drug, There is no other gain.

In fact, Li Chu sometimes felt a little bit unbearable. After all, these companies have spent a lot of money in the past two years, and their investment in the mainland has also started. A lot has been taken away by various means.

There are also those who come to train, four batches every two years, and now the fifth batch, which has basically covered hospitals above the county level across the country, and is engaged in the use, maintenance, and laboratory testing of medical equipment.

Even the public security system, with the provincial department as the unit, has sent many public security officers who are engaged in laboratory testing to study.

It takes a long time to get caught by these companies, and everyone will feel embarrassed.

In the small meeting room of the base, Li Chu saw Conrad and Bell. From the high-spirited two years ago to the slightly decadent one now, sometimes he wanted to comfort these people.

"You two, I don't know what you want to see me for?"

Conrad and Bell looked at each other, and then the former said: "Lee, we have been working together for two years, I thought we were friends, I know you can speak many languages, but why do you have to communicate through a translator Woolen cloth?"

Li Chu was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "Conrad, you should know that I am a public official and a soldier, so..."

Having said that, he spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

The reason he said made Conrad and Bell very helpless, but there was no way to refute it.

In their eyes, this is just a business cooperation. As long as there is interest, I can make friends with anyone.

In their eyes, Li Chu was the one with huge interests.

Conrad looked at Li Chu's face, which had hardly changed in the past two years, and finally asked his doubts.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. What I am concerned about now is another question, that is, does your medicine have a cosmetic effect?"

"I can tell you clearly, no. And you should be able to see it. Several of your companies should have communicated in private. You should be more aware of the changes in those fifty people than me."

Li Chu answered this question without the slightest hesitation, since there was nothing wrong with it.

Bell, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help but raised his finger to his face after listening to Li Yunli's translation: "Li, can you explain to us why your appearance is seriously inconsistent with your age?"

"Hehe, Bell, what you said is very funny, you know, why should I explain? Give me a reason why I need to explain."

"Uh..." Bell was stopped at once.

That's right, why do people have to explain to you, no matter what they took or wiped, it has nothing to do with you.

Li Yunli, who was sitting on the side, kept sneaking glances at the leader after finishing the translation. She also wanted to know the answer.

No woman can resist such a temptation.

In particular, she can see Ding Qiunan almost every day. You must know that she is ten years younger than others, but if the two of them stand together, absolutely no one will think that she is young, only that she is the older one.

After Li Chu said this, he also thought of the prescriptions in his hand, such as freckle removal, whitening, and scar removal, but because there was no experiment, he didn't know how these medicines would work for people with other skin colors. , will it work or not.

"Li, I'm sorry, I was a little excited and expressed myself wrongly. What I want to ask is, do you have any prescriptions for beauty here?"

Bell knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly explained.

"Bell, I don't have those prescriptions here. I'm a doctor, not a cosmetologist."

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