Ding Qiunan didn't understand these things, so she nodded half-understood, then felt something was wrong, and asked, "Then you mean that Wenhui will follow Xiaoyi around in the future?"

"That's not necessarily the case. Then how will the two children choose to look at themselves."

The two walked and chatted, and a few dogs walked slowly by their legs without running around. Not far behind them, Tian Jun followed silently.

Looking at the leading couple in front of him, Tian Jun's desire to get married became more and more serious.

He has now transferred to the volunteer army, and according to the regulations, he can already talk about marriage.

But he was a little undecided, whether to talk about a partner here, or ask his family to introduce one in his hometown.

He has been with Li Chu for a long time, and he knows that as long as he doesn't make mistakes, he can serve the leader for at least another ten years.

Then, even if I change jobs, I can ask the leader for help to keep me in Forty-Nine City.

In this case, there is no need to think about where to find a partner. It must be here. The team captain said before that he would introduce a partner to himself, and it seems that he can meet him.

After making up his mind, Tian Jun stopped thinking wildly, but continued to look at Li Chu, and turned his head to look around from time to time.


In the next two days, I finally finished communicating with the remaining companies, and their equipment is almost ready to be debugged and installed. Li Chu has already discussed with them that the medication will start from next Monday, and it will still be in this order. , come one by one.

Originally, when he found out about this during Chinese New Year, he thought it would take a few months to prepare here, but he didn't expect it to be so long. After all the equipment was installed, the drug testing was about to start.

The next day, after finishing class at the medical school, I took a leave of absence for Li Wenxuan at the school. From next week, Wenxuan will follow him around for thirty years, just like he did back then.

The only difference is that back then, his master used a whip to drive him behind his back to learn, while Wenxuan's learning environment was much more relaxed.

Except for being whipped by him with a rattan cane at the beginning, she has always been self-conscious afterwards.

From March 22, 1982, Li Wenxuan officially left school and began to study with his father.

Of course, it is still necessary to go back to school for the exam at the end of the semester, so his daily study tasks are very heavy. Not only does he have to learn Chinese medicine from his father, but he also needs to study many professional courses by himself. Fortunately, there is an older sister who is still in school. When the time comes, he will bring his notes back for him to copy.


Time flies, stars move, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Wang Yueyue has officially graduated and has successfully stayed in the school to teach.

At the gate of Normal University, Li Wenxuan was leaning on a jeep, waiting for his fiancée.

From a distance, he saw a graceful figure, wearing a snow-white dress, walking out of the school.

He stood up straight and waved his hand at the beautiful figure.

The other party obviously also saw him, and hastily lifted up the hem of the skirt with one hand, and trotted in front of him.

"Brother Xuan, why are you here?" Wang Yueyue's face was full of surprise when she saw her fiancé.

Li Wenxuan stretched out his hands and rubbed Yueyue's hair: "I know you'll be fine after reporting today, I took a short leave of absence to come pick you up, let's get in the car."

As he spoke, he opened the co-pilot's door, supported Wang Yueyue's arm, and let her sit on it.

After closing the car door, he ran to the other side and sat in the driver's seat.

"By the way, Yueyue, our mother is back."

"Didn't Mom always..." Wang Yueyue was stunned at this point, and it was only after she realized who Li Wenxuan was referring to our mother.

"Brother Xuan, you mean my mother is back?"

"Of course, isn't my mother always there?"

"That's not right!" Wang Yueyue scratched her head in confusion: "Didn't my mother say she would come back on the tenth, but today is only July 3rd."

"Then I don't know. My mother said it during lunch."

"From the moment I went out to run after the new year, I found that my mother is busier than my grandpa."

"Hehe" Li Wenxuan smiled when he heard his fiancée's complaints: "Qiaoyun's mother is now a household name and a big star, so she must go to the grassroots to give her condolences."

"Hmph, look how nice Qiu Nan's mother and Chu's father are, they hardly go out, and my parents, one is in the army all year round, and they say that the army is close, but they just don't see other people. Weiwei is basically running around, and I want to see her more difficult than meeting grandpa."

"The division of labor is different. I believe that Junzi's father and Qiaoyun's mother also want to spend more time with you, but their work is too busy. Besides, didn't my father also go on a business trip for more than ten days last month?"

Li Wenxuan smiled and comforted his fiancee.

Wang Yueyue wrinkled her nose at him. In fact, she was just complaining casually, and she had been used to it for so many years.

Since her mother participated in the first Spring Festival Gala last year and sang the song "Moon of the Fifteenth", man, it really exploded overnight.

From the second day onwards, all major newspapers discussed it.

There was another singer surnamed Li who also became popular overnight, but her song "Hometown Love" was criticized by Mimizhiyin.

But Li Qiaoyun received a lot of praise.

That is to say, since then, she has been busy without touching the ground.

Then at the second Spring Festival Gala this year, she went on stage and sang "Say Something from My Heart" which was also given to her by Li Chu. These two songs immediately established her position in the song and dance troupe.

The price is exactly what Wang Yueyue complained, seeing her is even more difficult than meeting the chief's grandfather.

"Brother Xuan, where is my mother now?"

"At home, you are sleeping in your house. She took the train all night last night."

Back home, Wang Yueyue tiptoed into her room in the front yard, while Li Wenxuan came to the kitchen in the middle yard and started preparing dinner.

Now he and Wang Yueyue have both moved to the front yard, but the house is still separate.

He was preparing dinner here, and Li Chu and Ding Qiunan also came back from get off work.

Wang Yueyue had already woken up her mother and asked her to continue sleeping after dinner.

"Qiaoyun, have you taken the medicine Li Chu prescribed for you? I can see that your complexion is not very good."

At the dinner table, Ding Qiunan looked at the mother-in-law and said.

"Drinking all the time, it's just that I haven't had a good rest on the train for the past two days. Don't worry, Qiu Nan, I'm fine."

"How long can you rest this time?"

"This time I will not go out for the second half of the year. This is not to prepare for the party after the National Day military parade, and then the Spring Festival Gala."

Having said that, Li Qiaoyun turned to look at Li Chu who had been burying his head in his meal: "By the way, Brother Chu, our team leader wants to visit you."

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