The other students didn't know about Li Wenhui's engagement, but Lu Ping knew it all.

But she didn't intend to spread this kind of thing out of her mouth.

"My fair lady, a gentleman is so good, even if you refuse, you can still pursue her."

"What do you know!"

Li Chu saw this male classmate walking over, before he could say anything, Cheng Huaiyuan spoke first: "Mr. Li, I am the monitor of Li Wenhui's class, my name is Cheng Huaiyuan..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Wenhui interrupted what he was going to say later.

"Squad leader, what are you doing here?"

"I..." He became a little nervous when he saw Li Wenhui, his face turned red, and he didn't know what to say.

Li Chu looked at the male classmate, then at his daughter, and finally at Wenxuan.

He understood what the so-called squad leader was up to, but he was lazy and believed that his daughter could handle it well.

He raised his hand and rubbed his daughter's head: "I'll go first, you take care of the matter."

After speaking, he patted Wenxuan on the shoulder again: "Study hard."

Tian Jun had already driven the car not far away and waited for him. After greeting the two children, Li Chu walked towards the car.

Just as he opened the door and was about to get in the car, he saw Lu Ping standing aside with a worried face.

And Lu Ping just happened to look over at this time.

"Student Lu Ping, if you have nothing to do on the weekend, go to the house with the two of them to play."

"I know Uncle Li!" Lu Ping replied crisply.

Li Chu nodded with a smile and sat in the car, and Xiaotian drove away from the medical school.

The students standing next to Lu Ping also heard the conversation just now, and asked one after another: "Lu Ping, do you know Teacher Li?"

"I know you. We couldn't go home the year after our military training. I went to her house with Wen Hui to spend the year. Teacher Li is a very nice person!"

As Lu Ping said that, she walked over to Li Wenhui.

Li Wenxuan had already bid farewell to Li Wenhui and left, it was better for her to handle her sister's own affairs.

After his younger brother walked away, Li Wenhui looked at Cheng Huaiyuan with some annoyance: "Squad leader, I hope we will be normal classmates in the future!"

"I...I...haven' other...other meaning, just...just worried..."

Li Wenhui took the arm of Lu Ping who had already walked over, and interrupted the monitor: "Squad monitor, really, I really appreciate your concern."

After she finished speaking, she ignored Cheng Huaiyuan, pulled Lu Ping and walked towards the dormitory.

A few male students who were close to Cheng Huaiyuan over there saw that Li Wenhui had already walked away, so they hurried over.

"Huaiyuan, we just found out that Teacher Li is the father of Li Wenhui and Li Wenxuan."

"What did you say?"

Cheng Huaiyuan felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body was torn apart.

He really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in right now, it was too embarrassing, no wonder Mr. Li said that to them when he left just now, and touched Li Wenhui's hair.

Li Chu didn't have the heart to think about it at the moment, there was a boy who liked his daughter.

In his heart, he thought that his daughter and son were so good that it was normal for the opposite sex to like him, including Wang Yueyue.

However, he also believes that with the character of the three children, they will not do anything to be sorry for their other half, and they will handle their own affairs well.

He sat in the back of the car and leaned back in the seat, with his eyes slightly closed, thinking about another matter.

Just now a student asked a question about traditional Chinese medicine, which made him realize that he had been caught in a misunderstanding all along.

At present, our country does not have an intellectual property protection law, but other countries already have it.

Then we can take a lot of popular traditional Chinese medicine formulas, go abroad to apply for patents first, and take up the pits first. As for whether we will sell the medicines to those countries, we will talk about it later.

The energy and money required to apply for a patent can be helped by several pharmaceutical companies who came to test the drug this time.

But this matter must be reported upwards, which requires the foreign affairs department to negotiate with those companies.

Thinking of this, Li Chu patted the back of Xiaotian's seat directly: "Let's go."


This time he didn't go to look for Uncle Wang, but went directly to the office area on the other side.

Originally, he was going to come over to check this person's body in the next two days.

Fortunately for him, when he came here, he was fine for the time being, and soon he went in.

The lunch was brought in by the staff here, and when he came out, it was already five hours after he went in.

This guy also specifically turned down a few things.

There were a lot of things that should be said, and the secretary wrote more than a dozen pages just sitting on the sidelines and taking notes.

Call Ueda Jun from the Ximen driver's lounge and go back to the hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, Xu Damao was walking out dejectedly.

This is the second time he came to look for Li Chu today. No one was there in the morning, and he ran out to look for Ding Qiunan, only to find out that he went to the medical school for class today, but he should be back after lunch.

He also deliberately avoided the meal time, and came after work in the afternoon, but he never came back.

It's not urgent to come to see Li Chu today, but the new restaurant has been renovated, and he wants to invite Li Chu to have a look.

It’s like a child who did a good deed at school and couldn’t wait to go home to be praised by his parents. After returning home from school, he found out that the parents were away for the past two days. Do you think the child is depressed?

Xu Damao was not in a hurry to leave at the entrance of the hospital. He squatted on the side of the road, lit a cigarette, and then saw a black car driving across the road. This car had this brand, and he was familiar with it.

He quickly stood up and waved his hand at the car.

Tian Jun, who was driving, was about to turn into the hospital when he saw Xu Damao waving across the road. He knew this person and had a good relationship with the leader, so he said, "Leader, Xu Damao is at the entrance of the hospital."

"Huh?" Tian Jun's words made Li Chu, who was thinking about things with his eyes closed, open his eyes and glance out of the window.

"Stop in front of him."

After the car stopped, he rolled down the window: "Da Mao, are you waiting for me here?"

"That's right. I came here once in the morning. My sister-in-law said that you can come back at noon after going to class. This is the second time I have come."

"Why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Get in the car and tell me."

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