While he was talking, he had already arrived outside the front door of his house. Chen Weiguo waved his hand towards Sheng Xiping and stepped into his yard first.

Sheng Xiping entered the west courtyard surrounded by his brothers and sisters.

The Sheng family's house was built by Sheng Liancheng in his spare time when Qianchuan Forestry Farm was first established in the 1960s.

The conditions in the forest farm were difficult at that time. Where could we find bricks and tiles? All are made from local materials, using the remaining wood from harvesting, cutting grooves on both ends of the wood, and then laying them up layer by layer.

Then wrap the yellow mud with thatch and stuff it into the cracks of the wood. The whole thing is stuffed firmly, and the yellow mud mixed with grass segments is smeared on the inside and outside.

The roof is paved with large pieces of linden bark and covered with thatch.

The ridges and eaves of the house are pressed with long wooden poles to prevent the thatch from being blown away in strong winds.

Under the eaves, some sections of linden bark were hung with wires to catch the water flowing from the eaves, so as to prevent water from dripping everywhere under the eaves when it rained.

The self-built thatched houses are not very high. A big man like Sheng Xiping can reach the grass on the eaves with just his hand.

You have to be careful when entering the door, you may hit your head if you are not careful.

At the beginning, Sheng Liancheng only built a house with one and a half rooms. The half room at the entrance was the kitchen and the east room was occupied.

Later, when the family had more children, Sheng Liancheng bought another house in the west, which was equivalent to two and a half rooms.

The kitchen occupies half of the room in the middle, and the east and west rooms are occupied.

People in the Northeast live in Kang. Relatively speaking, due to the sunshine during the day, the southern Kang is warmer than the northern Kang.

Women in the Northeast like to work on the kang in winter, sewing and doing some sewing. The southern kang has better light.

The Sheng family also has two beds in the south, the east room is connected to a large pot, and the west room is connected to the stove.

As soon as he entered the door, Sheng Xiping saw his mother standing in front of the stove, taking dishes out of the pot.

It's half past six. It's not too dark outside, but it's a little dark inside.

Although the forest farm has electricity, most people are reluctant to use it. The 15-degree light bulb hanging on the roof of the Sheng family's kitchen is basically just a decoration.

The door of the east room is open, and some light comes from the room. With the help of the fire in the stove pit, the women can work very skillfully.

In the dim light, the mother's busy figure is particularly kind.

Mother and son had been apart for forty years, but she never expected that one day they would see each other again. Sheng Xiping only felt that his eyes were sore and swollen, and his vision was a little blurry.

Mom, I'm back.

This is what he has always wanted to say to his mother after he came out in 1986. Unfortunately, he did not have the chance in his previous life, which has become a lifelong regret.

No matter how rich and successful he was in the end, failing to provide for his mother until she died was always the deepest pain in his heart.

Now, when he comes back, he will definitely be filial to his parents and let his mother live a good life with him.

It's good to be back. Wash your hands and eat quickly. Zhang Shuzhen turned to look at her eldest son.

The light in the kitchen was not good, so she didn't notice anything unusual about her son. He just smiled at his son, then picked up the vegetable basin and walked into the house.

Mom, I'll bring it to you. This is the pheasant I shot in the woods in the afternoon. I will prepare it and stew it in the evening. It will be eaten tomorrow morning.

Sheng Xiping hurriedly stepped forward, handed the pheasant in his hand to his mother, and walked towards the east room carrying the vegetable basin.

Oh, this chicken is not small yet. If it were just the beginning of winter, would it weigh four pounds?

Zhang Shuzhen picked up the pheasant and weighed it. She felt that the chicken was not light.

Regardless of whether they are pheasants or domestic chickens, roosters will lose weight during the breeding period.

At the end of autumn, pheasants will eat a lot and accumulate fat in order to successfully survive the winter. The chickens at that time are fatter.

Of course, no matter whether you are fat or thin, it is still meat. Most people these days are short of oil and water in their stomachs. As long as they have meat, who cares about whether they are fat or thin, old or tender?

It's a pity that we can't store things at this time. It would be better if the weather is cold and we can put them outside to freeze.

If you have guests at home one day, take them out to entertain them.

Most people live like this in their daily lives. They keep some delicious food and only take it out during the holidays or when guests come to the house.

Mom, my eldest brother told me to stew chicken tonight, so just listen to my eldest brother.

Sheng Xitai, who came in behind, immediately pursed his lips when he heard his mother's words, and discussed with his mother aggrievedly.

Chicken, chicken stewed with mushrooms is so delicious. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. How can I hold it back?

Zhang Shuzhen rolled her eyes at her younger son angrily, Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat. When did our family lack your mouth?

Your brother works day in and day out, and goes fishing and hunting from time to time to satisfy your cravings.

If you go out for a walk, how many of the children in the forest farm can compare with our family?

There are four sons and two daughters in the Sheng family, and Sheng Xitai is the youngest.

As an old kid, these older brothers and sisters are all doting on me. If I can't bear to eat something delicious, I have to give it to my younger brother.

Parents say that a bowl of water is equal, but in fact they will be partial to the youngest.

Just like Zhang Shuzhen, who talks about all kinds of disdain, when it's time to eat, she can't help but save more of the good things for her younger son.

From the perspective of future generations, Sheng Xitai is not fat, but should be considered very healthy and strong.

He was only nine years old, and he still had baby fat on his face, and his face was chubby.

But in these days, people's food is rough and there is not much oil and water. It is really rare to see fat people.

Sheng Xitai has become what everyone calls the fat guy.

Mom, don't scold the old guy. He can eat it if he wants. A pheasant is no big deal. You can shoot it later if you encounter it.

As soon as Sheng Xiping put the dishes on the Kang table, he heard his mother scolding his younger brother, so he stuck his head out of the east room and opened his mouth to help his younger brother.

Sheng Xitai jumped up to his brother, hugged his brother's waist and started acting coquettishly.

My eldest brother is still kind to me. He loves me the most.

Sheng Xiping raised his hand and wiped his little brother's head, Okay, don't say nice and sweet things about me here.

I can tell you that after eating chicken, you have to study hard.

If you continue to be naughty and don't study hard, let me catch you and I'll spread your ass.

This little guy is quite smart, but he just doesn't want to study hard.

Later, this kid stopped going to school after junior high school and just fooled around all day long.

Sheng Xiping hadn't come out yet at that time, and no one could control this kid.

Fortunately, many old people in the field had good relations with the Sheng family. The field director and secretary helped to think of a solution and sent Sheng Xitai to join the army.

Sheng Xitai stayed in the army for seven or eight years. After changing his job, he was assigned to work in a protected area. The job was quite good.

Ah? Upon hearing what his elder brother said, Sheng Xitai's face immediately fell and he wailed.

Brother, please spare me. I'm not a nerd like my second brother. My head hurts when I see the textbook.

Sheng Xiping actually just said it to scare his younger brother, but he couldn't show it in front of Sheng Xitai.

So he glanced at his brother and snorted coldly.

You can give it a try. Anyway, you eat more and the meat is thicker, so it can withstand beatings.

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