The engagement date of Sheng Yunfang and Jiang Yanbin was set on May 1st, which happened to be Sunday on March 16th in the lunar calendar.

Both of them had jobs and couldn't take time off to come back for the engagement, so the two families decided after discussion that the engagement venue would be in Shanghai.

Anyway, Sheng Liancheng retired and Zhang Shuzhen had no job and had free time.

Although Jiang Guozhong and Cao Yuqin haven't retired yet, they basically don't have any important jobs anymore and can take leave at any time.

Zhang Shuzhen said that she wanted to leave early and prepare in advance.

According to the rules of engagement here, the bride's family must prepare two outfits from head to toe for her future uncle.

What Zhang Shuzhen meant was that Jiang Yanbin worked in Shanghai and was very concerned about appearance and had to buy something nice, so she had to go to the capital or Shanghai to buy.

Sheng Xiping didn't care, he could leave anytime.

So on April 20th, Sheng Xiping accompanied his parents and set off by train with a lot of things.

The three of them did not choose Shenyang to transfer, but chose the capital.

Sheng Xiping still had some things to do when he went to the capital, and Sheng Liancheng and his wife also wanted to visit Mr. Wu and the Wu family.

At noon on April 21, the three people arrived in the capital.

In the afternoon, Sheng Liancheng and his wife took a rest, and Sheng Xiping went around the mall to learn about the operation of the mall.

Generally speaking, the period from winter to the end of the year is the peak season for shopping malls.

During that time, there were many weddings, and with people buying new year's goods, business was very good.

We have bought enough before the New Year, so naturally it is the off-season after the New Year.

At this end of the supermarket, the passenger flow is indeed not as popular as it was a year ago, but it is not as deserted as others expected.

The supermarket on the first floor already has a fixed customer base, especially foreigners living in China. They don't like to go to traditional vegetable markets, but are particularly happy to come to this large supermarket.

The leisure and entertainment area upstairs also attracts many young people.

Those who have money and leisure love to visit shopping malls, have a meal, drink coffee, watch a movie, and play billiards or bowling.

As long as there is a flow of customers, there is business. Bao Buqi walked around and bought whatever he liked.

Therefore, the business of the shopping mall after the new year is still good, and the major shops are also making a lot of money.

There were still some vacant shops, but businesses have gradually moved in. Now there are no vacant shops to rent out.

The management of high-end shopping malls is also a science, so the management of the shopping malls also follow Sheng Xiping's wishes and take turns to go to Hong Kong or abroad for training and study.

After all, there is little domestic experience in this area, and we must learn advanced management methods from others.

“Everyone is very serious and responsible in their work, and the mall management is also in order, which deserves recognition.

However, I still want to emphasize one point, which is safety.

In a shopping mall as big as ours, water, electricity, and fire must be inspected frequently and focused, and no safety hazards must be left.

Fire evacuation passages and fire-fighting equipment are top priorities and must not be neglected.

The security department should remain vigilant at all times and conduct fire safety drills and evacuation drills in emergency situations at regular intervals. "

In his previous life, Sheng Xiping had heard too much about these things. He didn't want the mall he had worked so hard to build to cause heavy losses due to a small oversight.

Therefore, vaccination should be given first, which must attract everyone's attention.

“I will arrange for people to come over from time to time for random inspections. Once problems are found, don’t blame me for turning your back on them.

This matter is related to the interests of the market and the lives and safety of our market employees and customers, and must be taken seriously. "

After listening to the meeting, all the department heads who were called to the meeting stated that they would do their duty and do a good job in the safety protection of the mall.

Sheng Xiping walked around the mall and held a meeting with the supervisors. After listening to their reports and confirming that everything was running well, he felt relieved.

On the morning of the 22nd, Sheng Xiping accompanied his parents and went to Wu's house again.

Wu Bingzhong is not in the capital. He has not returned from Heihe.

He was the main person in charge of this transaction. It was said that there were still two batches of goods that had not been exchanged. Wu Bingzhong could not return to the capital until the transaction was completed.

Wu Bingyi has not retired yet. He went to work as usual on Friday and was not at home.

Most of the younger members of the Wu family have also gone to work, leaving only Yu Wenlan's sister-in-law, the nanny, and the health doctor at home to take care of Mr. Wu.

Mr. Wu is already eighty-one this year. Ever since he drank Xuan Yang's blood that year, the old man has always been in good shape and in good spirits.

Mr. Wu was happy to see Sheng Xiping.

"You're good, you're promising. I heard that this time, you brought back a lot of planes and tanks for us?"

Okay, okay, that's great.

If we could have had these things back then, wouldn't we have beaten the shit out of the little devil long ago?

Son, you did a good job, grandpa is very happy. Mr. Wu took Sheng Xiping's hand and praised him.

"Grandpa, this is what I should do. In fact, I didn't do much, I just put in the middle to make connections."

How dare Sheng Xiping show off in front of his parents and Mr. Wu? Just be modest.

"It's great to have someone like you to help connect people. Without you, even if we want to buy it, we can't find a way."

Mr. Wu obviously disagreed with Sheng Xiping's statement. No one knew better than him how difficult it was for them a few years ago.

At that time, no matter how much money you had, no one would care about you and you couldn't buy it at all.

"Liancheng, you two have really raised a good son.

A while ago, the chief even praised him, saying that Xiao Sheng was a good comrade. Mr. Wu said to Sheng Liancheng and his wife with a smile.

Faced with Mr. Wu's compliment, what could Sheng Liancheng and his wife say? I can only keep nodding and saying yes.

Brother Wu Bingzhong was not at home, and Mr. Wu was getting older, so Sheng Liancheng and the other three sat at Wu's house for a while, then excused themselves and left on the pretext that they had other things to deal with.

Zhang Shuzhen was going shopping, so Sheng Xiping sent her parents to the mall and gave them a lot of money, letting them wander around and buy whatever they liked.

After settling in with his parents, Sheng Xiping went to visit Mr. Yang again.

Ever since he learned that Mr. Yang was ill, Sheng Xiping had been thinking about him. He happened to be in the capital this time, so he had to go and take a look.

Sheng Xiping brought Mr. Yang a tube of old wild ginseng from home, as well as medicinal materials such as Ganoderma lucidum, deer antlers, and deer blood.

Mr. Yang was also very happy to see Sheng Xiping and kept praising Sheng Xiping for his ability.

Of course, he was very sorry that he was not able to see this transaction with his own eyes.

"Grandpa, take good care of yourself. We didn't see you this time. Let's try our best next time.

In the future, maybe we can get a bigger guy back, right? "

Sheng Xiping couldn't see the originally high-spirited old man acting like this, so he patiently persuaded him.

"Big guy? Can there be a bigger guy?" Sure enough, when Mr. Yang heard this, he immediately became energetic.

"Yes, I definitely can, grandpa, just wait and see."

Of course there are big guys, such as Ty-95, Ty-114, Ty-154, IL-76, etc., even the semi-finished product from Ermao's family.

In the past, Sheng Xiping really didn't dare to think about this, but now it seems that Maozi's side is completely rotten.

As long as the channels are opened and there is enough money, these are not problems.

Not only that, in the future, while Maozi is splitting up, they may also be able to take the opportunity to recruit a group of Maozi scientists back.

Sheng Xiping had started planning this matter two years ago. Wu Bingzhong had arranged for many people to go there when he took advantage of the opportunity to set up a trading company in Gongqingcheng.

"Okay, grandpa believes in you. Grandpa will take good care of himself and wait to see those big guys you mentioned."

Sure enough, Mr. Yang was attracted by Sheng Xiping's words and couldn't help but look forward to the future.

Although Mr. Yang has been discharged from the hospital, he still needs to rest, and Sheng Xiping cannot disturb him for too long.

After chatting with Mr. Yang for a while, Sheng Xiping stood up to say goodbye and went back to the mall to pick up his parents.

When Sheng Xiping saw his parents, he almost stopped laughing.

I saw Sheng Liancheng carrying many things in his hands and following Zhang Shuzhen with a tired look on his face.

Zhang Shuzhen’s hands were not idle either, and she was still eager to continue shopping.

"Oh my God, you're here. Come on, take a hit. My old arms and legs are really going to kill me."

For Sheng Liancheng, it was terrible to be able to farm the land for a whole day without being tired from shopping.

Sheng Xiping stepped forward with a smile and took the things from his father's hand, "Mom, you bought so many? Are they all for your fourth brother-in-law?"

To be honest, Sheng Xiping was quite surprised when he saw his mother buying these things.

When all these things are added up, is the ten thousand yuan given to them just now almost spent?

"No, there is still the fourth child.

Oh, son, it’s so nice here. It’s much better than the stores and department stores we visited before.

Let me tell you, just now your dad and I almost wandered around in there and got confused and couldn't get out.

The place is so big that as soon as you enter, you can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and you feel dizzy. "Zhang Shuzhen was obviously very excited.

For her, no, it should be said that for most people in this era, this kind of relatively advanced large shopping mall is really too attractive.

Entering here is like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, everything you look at is new.

"Mom, how was your shopping? If you don't buy enough, can we go shopping with you a few more times?" Sheng Xiping couldn't help being happy and asked his mother with a smile.

“No, no, that’s almost it.

Well, I have bought all the things for my fourth partner. Let’s go back. It’s already noon and I’m so hungry. "

Before Zhang Shuzhen could say anything, Sheng Liancheng waved his hand hurriedly.

Are you kidding me? My legs have straightened out from shopping for him for half the afternoon, why are you still shopping? If we continue shopping, can the three of them still carry it with six hands?

"Dad, it's okay. There is a restaurant on the fifth floor. If you are hungry, we can go up and have something to eat before continuing shopping." Sheng Xiping deliberately teased his father.

"No, no, it's too expensive to eat out. Didn't we agree to go back to the third child's place at noon?

I haven't cared enough about Xinze yet, so I promised him to come back and play with him in the afternoon. "

No matter what Sheng Xiping said, Sheng Liancheng shook his head.

Zhang Shuzhen was indeed not satisfied with shopping, but seeing her husband's virtue, she no longer had the intention to continue shopping.

"Let's go. We've almost bought everything we need to buy. Let's go home and comfort our grandson."

Finally, Zhang Shuzhen gave up the idea of ​​continuing shopping and agreed to go home.

In this way, the three of them returned to Sheng Xikang's residence, carrying their belongings.

Neither Sheng Xikang nor Wu Yuhua went home at noon, so they just took a bite to eat.

In the evening, Yu Wenlan called her daughter and told her to take her parents-in-law there for a lively dinner.

The Sheng family had no choice but to go to Wu's house for a meal.

On Saturday the 23rd, Sheng Xitai had no classes in the afternoon, and Sheng Xikang and Wu Yuhua also got off work early and went home early.

Zhang Shuzhen bought vegetables and meat in advance, chopped stuffing and made noodles with her nanny, and the whole family started making dumplings together.

"Third brother, I'll send you some money later, and you can help the sixth brother look around for a house. It doesn't have to be too big, just about the same as yours."

While making dumplings, Sheng Xiping suddenly remembered this and told Sheng Xikang.

Sheng Xitai graduated from his senior year this year. He has successfully admitted to the school and will study for another three years.

Sheng Xiping speculated that Lao Liu would have a higher chance of staying in the capital in the future, so he planned to buy a house for Lao Liu in advance.

"Brother, do you want to buy me a house? Don't be in a hurry, right? I have to study for another three years."

Sheng Xitai was stunned when he heard this. He was still studying. Is it okay to buy a house so early?

“Buy a house sooner rather than later. The sooner you buy, the better. You may not know how much the price will rise to in the future.

Buy a house in advance and hire a construction team to slowly decorate it. If you graduate and get married in a few years, you don’t need to buy a house now. "

There will be fewer and fewer courtyard houses in the capital. Take the time to buy one and keep it. You can live there if you like it in the future, and leave it there if you don't.

Sheng Xiping is the eldest, and he can't do much to help his younger brothers and sisters now. It's just a small kindness to buy them all a nest.

In the future, when they have the ability, they can buy an apartment by themselves. If they have no money, living in this courtyard house is not bad.

No matter where you are, having such a place to stay can be regarded as taking root in a big city.

In fact, people of this generation are quite lucky and have caught up with the good times.

As long as you have a job in the city, you can get a house anywhere in the future, whether it is a welfare housing or a fund-raising building.

Wait until the younger ones grow up before watching?

There are no good things for those born in the 1980s. There is no job distribution, and you have to spend money to buy a house. Most of them are only children, and the burden is heavy.

Sheng Xiping thought that now that he had this ability, he would create some good conditions for his family so that the children would not suffer hardship in the future.

The boss has said so, and Sheng Xitai can no longer object.

"Then thank you eldest brother and third brother. I have been studying for four years and I don't understand these things in school all day long. I have to ask third brother to help me organize it."

"Brother, what are you talking about?" Sheng Xikang smiled and shook his head after hearing this.

“Hey, brother, we have all bought houses in the city, why don’t you buy one?

Let me tell you, you can also buy a yard. Where are your four children? Who knows where they will be in the future?

When you and my sister-in-law get older in the future, we will move here and the children will come back to visit you during the holidays. The capital is always much more convenient than Songjianghe. "

Sheng Xikang is still very smart. In his opinion, the eldest brother has enough money, so it is not a loss to buy a house there.

“I really haven’t thought about this, mainly because I don’t know if there are any restrictions on buying a house in the capital now?

Otherwise, you can ask me about it. If I can buy a house with an out-of-town residence, you can help me find one. It doesn't matter if it's a little bigger. "

Sheng Xiping really didn't have much research on this aspect. He asked the third and sixth children to buy a house mainly because these two people had their registered residence in the capital.

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