The factory building has been built, the machinery and equipment will arrive in the next year, and the recruitment notice has been drawn up and can be posted at any time.

The most important thing right now is raw materials and orders.

It's easy to place orders. The trading company exports a lot of wood products every year. From now on, you can just ship them directly from your own factory.

Sheng Xiping also has channels to sell other products.

There is no need to worry about raw materials. When Sheng Xiping used home appliances in exchange for wood, he had friendships with the forestry bureaus of Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces, so it would not be a problem to buy some wood.

It happened to be the last batch of home appliances to be delivered before the year, so Sheng Xiping simply took Zheng Hua and others out in a car and three jeeps.

Sheng Xiping asked someone for help and bought the jeep that was a second-hand car that was eliminated by a certain department.

It was said to be second-hand, but in fact it had not been driven for a few years. I wanted to replace it with a car there, and I was afraid of being criticized, so I sold the old Jeep.

The group traveled from Songjiang River through Quanyang and Lushui to Erdaobai River.

Then go around Erdaobai River to Dunhua, from Dunhua to the provincial capital, and then to Bingcheng and other places. The forestry bureaus along the way went to visit and keep in touch.

In the past two years, brothers Liu Yujiang and Chen Jianguo and others were responsible for the replacement of wood for home appliances and the specific matters of exporting various agricultural and sideline products. Sheng Xiping was too busy and had no time to come.

Sheng Xiping personally brought people here this time, and received warm hospitality from various forestry bureaus and many counties and cities. Basically, they could drink wherever they went.

Of course, Sheng Xiping didn't forget to take the opportunity to sign a large timber supply contract.

At present, the situation of the forestry bureaus in Northeast China is not bad, and within five or six years, they will not be starved of resources.

However, if wood processing plants want to develop in the long term, in addition to the forestry bureaus in the Northeast, they must also develop a partner in advance that can provide stable long-term supply.

At present, the relationship between China and Maozi is gradually easing. In two years, border trade will restart, and the company will be able to purchase timber from Maozi.

In her previous life, Sheng Xiping did not catch a good opportunity. Later, I heard someone say that when the border trade between the two countries resumed, bartering, a bottle of high-quality liquor here can be exchanged for a pair of big leather shoes or a telescope, and the profit is ten times or even dozens of times. .

The wood over there is so cheap that a box of liquor can be exchanged for one cubic meter of wood.

How much does a box of liquor cost? It only costs about ten yuan. In exchange for this wood, even if shipping costs are included, it is much cheaper than in China.

I don’t know how many people made their fortunes from here back then, and there was even an outstanding person who used canned food and other non-staple foods to buy airplanes.

Tengyue Trading Company now has a very large stall and is very profitable.

Sheng Xiping probably didn't have the energy to take care of the small border trade, but he could plan ahead. Large-scale bartering was still worth trying.

Sheng Xiping took the people for a walk around, and by the time they returned to Songjiang River, it was already the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month.

The preparation office also has a holiday. Those who are far away will leave a few days ago, and those who are close to home will return in the next two days.

Sheng Xiping did not lose out to these people. He gave everyone generous wages and bonuses, and also gave out some New Year's goods, and everyone went home happily to celebrate the New Year.

At the other end of the factory, several elderly men from Songjianghe were hired to guard the gate.

The factory hasn't started yet, and no machinery or equipment has come in. It's just an empty shell, so I'm not afraid of losing anything.

The main thing is to see that there are no other people waiting to come in, so that nothing happens.

In these chaotic times, no one dares to say what might happen. If there is a murder case or something like this before the factory opens, it will be very troublesome.

After making arrangements for the factory, Sheng Xiping didn't have much to think about.

So Zheng Hua, Yu Haibin and others were asked to drive the jeep back to the forest farm first, while Sheng Xiping stayed and waited for Zhou Qinglan.

The senior year of high school lasted until the morning of the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month and had a holiday in the afternoon.

Sheng Xiping went to school to pick up Zhou Qinglan from get off work. The two went home for lunch, then packed their things and loaded them into the car.

During this trip, leaders from many places gave away souvenirs. Before leaving Bingcheng, Sheng Xi'an's father-in-law, mother-in-law and other relatives also packed a lot of things.

The last four cars were all packed with stuff except for people.

After coming back, Sheng Xiping divided some of it among everyone, sent a lot to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and kept some for the family for the New Year.

Even so, the back seat and trunk of Sheng Xiping's car were so full that there was no space at all.

Aunt Li still stayed in Songjianghe to celebrate the New Year. Such a big house, with a heating boiler and so on, couldn't leave anyone behind.

As soon as the car arrived at the east alley, before it could park the car, several old dogs at home heard the noise and all came out of their dens and started chirping outside.

Dogs are smart. After Sheng Xiping drove the car a few times, they remembered it. So when they heard the movement of the car, they knew that the owner was back.

As soon as the dog barked, the Sheng family heard it and hurriedly came out to check. They happened to see Sheng Xiping and his wife carrying large and small packages outside the garden stick.

Fourth sister, fifth sister, come out quickly. The eldest brother and sister-in-law are back. They have brought a lot of things.

Sheng Xitai shouted and trotted out to help Sheng Xiping and the others get things from the car.

Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei who were in the house also heard the noise and hurried out to take things home in large and small packages.

Did you move the store back? Why did you bring back such old things?

When you all leave in the next year, how long will it take for your mother and I to live together? Sheng Liancheng said while moving things.

Did I buy this? They were all given as gifts. Haven't I been out these days? This is a good time. People give me things wherever I go.

I don't want to spread out all the old and young, otherwise, our warehouse may not be able to accommodate it. Sheng Xiping explained helplessly.

The family is busy, and the two puppies are not stopping, jumping around and kicking around.

These two puppies should be regarded as the leopard's grandsons.

Leopard is the most outstanding big-headed dog after Erlangshen. Ever since Erlang Shen grew old, the hunters over at the Great Alkali Field have been looking for leopards to mate with dogs.

These two puppies were bought from Lao Yu's house on the other side of the alkaline field. Their mother is Hua Leopard's daughter.

Sheng Xiping had mentioned before that the new house had a small population and a big house, so two dogs should be kept to look after the house.

It happened that a dog in Yu's family was pregnant with puppies, so Yu Haibin told his family that he should pick the best two puppies from this litter and give them to Sheng Xiping.

Because of this, the Yu family raised the puppy until it was two months old. It happened that Sheng Liancheng and the others came back a few days ago, and the Yu family specially sent it to them.

The two puppies were still too young to be chained outside, so they made a nest inside the house.

These two little dogs are so happy, and they are so cute as they are jumping up and down all day long.

Sheng Xinyue and her sister love their two puppies and play with them all day long.

Maomao, Qiuqiu, don't follow, be careful of stepping on you two. Zhang Shuzhen saw the two puppies walking behind each other, and was afraid that one of them would accidentally step on them, so she called out.

Maomao? Qiuqiu? Oh my God, who named this? Sheng Xiping was speechless when he heard it.

Maomao and Qiuqiu, these are the names of poodles.

Erlang Shen is a cross between a Mengxi and a native dog, while Hua Leopard looks very much like Erlang Shen. These two pups also follow the leopard's appearance and are not long-haired dogs at all.

With these two names, there is no sense of majesty at all.

Your girl, who else is there? Originally, these two dogs were called Xiaolong and Xiaohu at Lao Yu's house.

Finally, when they arrived at our house, Yueyue and Qiqi had to rename their two puppies Maomao and Qiuqiu. Zhang Shuzhen explained her son's doubts with a smile.

Sheng Xiping glanced at the two girls and said, well, this is something these two girls can do.

Okay, it doesn't matter if it's a dragon, a tiger, or a furball, it's just a name, you can call it whatever you want.

If it was given by a son, he would have to change it back no matter what, but if it were a daughter, just make do with it and don't make the child cry.

Sheng Xiping brought back a lot of things, and after putting them all away, he took off his shoes and got on the kang, where the family sat on the kang and chatted lively.

Mom, the second child and his wife will not come back to celebrate the New Year this year. The second child also has a daughter-in-law. She is only two months old. I don't dare to go back from such a long distance.

After sitting down, the first thing Sheng Xiping did was to tell his parents the news.

A few days ago, Sheng Xiping led people to various forestry bureaus to contact each other and visited Chen Ruiqing and Sheng Xi'an.

After Sheng Xi'an graduated from graduate school, he directly stayed at the school to teach, and the salary was pretty good.

Feng Shuyan found out she was pregnant a while ago, but it was only a short time ago, so she kept it quiet.

Sheng Xi'an secretly told her brother that Sheng Xiping should go home and tell his parents that they would not be able to come back for the New Year this year.

Hey, the second daughter-in-law is here too? Oh, we will have two calves in our family next year, okay, okay.

This second child really doesn't know how to do things. He just writes a letter or makes a phone call to his family. I quickly prepare things for them to have a baby.

When Zhang Shuzhen heard that her second daughter-in-law was also pregnant, she was so happy that she turned around and went to look through the cabinet.

Oh, look, I haven't prepared enough. These are for the third daughter-in-law.

No, boss, you have to drive me to Songjianghe tomorrow. I'll buy some more cloth and cotton. There won't be any good-looking ones after the new year.

Zhang Shuzhen took out a pile of fabrics from the cabinet, which she had prepared for the third family.

Okay, I don't have anything to do these days anyway. Whenever you tell me to buy it, we will buy it.

She had a car at home, so it was convenient to go anywhere. Sheng Xiping agreed immediately without any hesitation.

Zhang Shuzhen originally wanted to ask about Feng Shuyan's condition and whether she had any reaction to the pregnancy.

But when he thought about it, he was wrong. Sheng Xiping was the eldest brother and his sister-in-law was pregnant. How could he have the nerve to ask too much?

Lao Wu, write a letter to your second brother quickly and help me ask him how your second sister-in-law is doing.

We are far away, and I can't go over to serve you. Let your brother be more diligent and do the housework, and don't make your second sister-in-law angry.

When Zhang Shuzhen said this, she couldn't help but sigh. Logically speaking, her daughter-in-law was pregnant, and she, the mother-in-law, should go over and take care of her for a while.

But the family is inseparable from this situation, and besides, both daughters-in-law are pregnant, where will she go? Whichever way you go, the other side will definitely be unhappy.

That's all, don't go anywhere, just stay home.

Hurry up and write. We will go shopping tomorrow, so we will send it away. I will send another five hundred yuan to your second brother and keep it for Shuyan to buy whatever she wants.

There is no way, the mother-in-law is far away, so she can't help much. If she doesn't contribute, she can only contribute some money.

Hey, I got it. Sheng Yunfei responded, immediately went to find the stationery and wrote the letter.

Sheng Liancheng asked again, how was Sheng Xiping's trip, whether it went well, how were Chen Ruiqing and his wife, how was the Feng family, etc.

Dad, Brother Ruiqing and his sister-in-law are both very good. From what I hear, Brother Ruiqing will probably be promoted to the main hall.

Chen Feng is in his second year of high school. He studies well and has good final grades.

He also asked me to bring back a lot of toys and stuff, saying they were for the family to play with.

The Feng family met me with great enthusiasm, and this time I also met several uncles, uncles, and cousins ​​of my siblings, and we drank together.

Before leaving, I filled the trunk of my car completely.

The fish I brought back just now was brought by my sister-in-law's uncle from the other side of the Black River. It was a seven-grain float, a catfish, a big horse, something like that.

After Sheng Xiping said this, everyone remembered that they had just moved several fish out of the car. They were all quite big. One of them was even cut into two pieces and was quite long.

At that time, Sheng Liancheng was still puzzled. He had never seen such a big fish in the local area. The co-author was given to him by the Qiao family.

Oh, look, how bad is this? I heard these fish are quite expensive.

Go ahead and grab something and send it to the Feng family. It's a little bit of consideration for us. When Sheng Liancheng heard this, he quickly reminded his son.

As we speak, it’s getting late. Today is the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month. It’s the New Year’s Eve and we have to make dumplings.

The dumpling fillings and noodles are ready, so let’s get to work quickly.

They had just finished packing a lot when a dog barked outside, and then Chen Weiguo, Gao Haining and others came in from outside.

The few of them have been running around outside and are rarely in the company. The last time they met was around the Gregorian calendar.

The company's year-end summary and annual meeting were held. Everyone gathered together for a lively meeting, and then went back to their own business.

Chen Weiguo and others came back a few days earlier than Sheng Xiping. Someone just saw a black car parked in the Dongtou Alley of the Sheng family. They knew it was Sheng Xiping's return, so they all came to join in the fun.

When the brothers came, Sheng Xiping put down the rolling pin and went to make a pot of tea. He sat on the north kang with his brothers and drank tea while chatting.

Hey, Xiping, have you heard what people said? Over there in Donggang, someone raises Clivia and earns several million.

Recently, people around Songjianghe and Fusong have been buying Clivia like crazy. A pot of flowers can be sold for several thousand yuan, or even tens of thousands.

While drinking tea, Gao Haining suddenly remembered this matter and said to Sheng Xiping.

I was just confused. Isn't that just a pot of flowers? How could it be sold at such a high price?

We people have gone all over the country to find products for export, but we have never heard of anything so valuable?

This is not only Gao Haining's doubt, but also the common doubt of everyone who knows the news.

No one understands how a small pot of flowers can be worth so much money.

Sheng Xiping frowned when he heard this, Clivia? Someone in Donggang used Clivia to make money, and even made millions?

No, I’ve never heard of such a thing in my previous life.

Although he was still squatting inside at this time in his previous life, if such a big thing had happened, he should have heard about it after he came out.

Who is this? Why do you feel something is wrong?

I’ve been really busy these days and can’t write too much, and I don’t want to stop updating for too long, so I’ll update 4,000 words first and wait until this period of time is over.

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