In the yard of the Sheng family, there was a large pot, which was filled with boiling water.

Sheng Xiping shouted, and Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang carried boiling water over and poured it on the dead pig.

Then, Sheng Xiping took a knife and started shaving, cleaning it bit by bit.

After the pig's hair was almost cleaned, he opened the chest, took off the lantern hanging, then chopped off the pig's head, and chopped the whole pig open along the backbone.

The pigs were loaded into the big basin. Zhang Shuzhen and Zhou Qinglan took the basin away and started cleaning the internal organs.

Everything else is easy, just wash it twice. It’s just that the pork belly and intestines need to be cleaned carefully.

Sheng Xiping, holding a knife, separated the pork according to Zhang Shuzhen's request, chopped it into large pieces, and placed it on the chopping board to cool.

Sheng Liancheng carefully cleaned the pig's head, pig's trotters, and pig's tail.

This time, he specially brought some rosin back and melted it to cover the hard-to-clean areas of the pig hair.

When the rosin solidifies, peel it off and clean all the pig hair.

Add water to the large pot again, put the cleaned pig head, pig trotters, pig tail, pig knuckles, cut cubes of meat, pork liver, pig heart, etc., and blanch them all.

After the water boiled and the foam was removed, Zhang Shuzhen added various meat stew seasonings to the pot, poured some soy sauce, and cooked the meat in the yard.

When it's cooked to a certain level, take out the pork liver first. Don't cook it too long. If the heat is too high, it won't be tender. Instead, it will become stale and unpalatable.

Then take out the pig head, split it in the middle while it's hot, then separate the meat from the bones, and continue to fry the meat in the pot.

When the pork is cooked, bring it over while it's still hot. Apply a layer of brown sugar and soy sauce mixture on the pork skin. When the first layer is dry, apply another layer. In this way, the skin will be jujube red, bright and attractive.

In the pot in the east room, big bones are stewed.

When the big bones are stewed to a certain level and the soup is milky white and fragrant, scoop out some and stir it into the pig blood with chopped green onion, minced ginger and meat oil.

This kind of pig blood is fresh and tender, and the blood sausage is most delicious when left in it.

Add the remaining bone soup in the pot directly to the chopped sauerkraut and pork belly slices.

The pork belly shrinks and curls when heated. Sheng Xinyu didn't understand, so he pointed at the meat in the pot and shouted, Little ladle, little ladle.

Wait a moment. When the vegetables are cooked, grandma will give you some more scoops to eat. Zhang Shuzhen looked at her grandson with a smile and comforted her.

Over there, sisters Zhou Qinglan and Sheng Yunfang started filling them with blood sausage.

After cleaning the pig's small intestine, carefully tie one end with a thread, and then use a funnel or other tools to pour the pig's blood mixed with bone broth, meat oil, and seasonings into the intestine.

After pouring it for a few times, lift it up and blow it with your mouth to make sure there is no air inside.

As a result, Zhou Qinglan's mouth was stained with blood. Sheng Xinhua, who was squatting beside him, saw this and was so frightened that he took two steps back.

Mom, why are you still drinking blood?

After all, the child was still young and didn't understand anything. When he saw blood on his mother's mouth, he thought that his mother had drunk the blood just now.

The children's words made everyone laugh.

Son, stay away from your mother. Be careful that your mother drinks blood and turns into a female monster.

After Sheng Xiping finished his work, he happened to come over, picked up his son, and went to play nearby.

Wow, female monsters can eat people.

Sheng Xinhua acted very cooperatively and acted scared, hugging his father's neck tightly, which made everyone burst into laughter.

Sheng Xiping, just wait, we'll see, I'll let you say I'm a female monster.

Zhou Qinglan was dumbfounded by the quarrel between the two men, so she uttered harsh words and asked Sheng Xiping to watch.

The blood sausage is filled and cooked in hot water in a Western pot.

Zhou Qinglan holds a needle in her hand and pricks the casings to deflate the intestines while cooking.

When the needle goes in and there is no blood when it is pulled out, quickly take out the blood sausage and put it in cold water to pull it out.

The blood sausage is cooked, clean the Western pot, pour all the cut lard into it, and simmer the oil.

When the pigs were unloaded just now, the pig's liver, also known as the spleen, was not cooked with the unloaded items.

Instead, it is cut into pieces, and is then cooked in a pot with suet, water, oil, etc.

By simmering oil, fry the pork liver, then pick it out separately and put it on the plate.

The pig is not big, and two pieces of liver are not much, especially since it is fried like this and there is not even a plate. Zhang Shuzhen added some more oil stains, and then called Sheng Xitai.

Lao Liu, lead Xinhua Xinyu and the others to eat. The gras is delicious dipped in salt and pepper.

Zhang Shuzhen held the plate and handed it to Sheng Xitai, who was already drooling over there.

These greedy cats couldn't help it from the moment they started to eat meat. They kept poking their heads in there to eat.

When they saw the delicious food, Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu stopped looking at it eagerly and followed their uncle into the east room.

The three people sat on the kang, each reached out and pinched a piece of sand liver, dipped it in a little salt and pepper, and put it in their mouths.

The fried sand liver has hardened and is particularly chewy, especially when dipped in some salt and pepper, the more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

Fourth sister, fifth sister, come here and have a try. Fortunately, Sheng Xitai had a conscience and called sisters Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei over.

When the two sisters looked at the little things on the plate and then at their two little nephews, they didn't feel embarrassed to eat more, so they pinched two pieces to taste the taste and left.

You should eat less and give it to Xinhua and Xinyu. It's not embarrassing for you to argue with your nephew when you are the boss.

Before leaving, Sheng Yunfang also gave her brother a few words.

Oh, I got it. Sheng Xitai nodded quickly and ate a few pieces of sand liver and oil stains. Then he stopped and watched his two nephews eat.

The two little ones didn't care about that. They caught something delicious, so why couldn't they eat it with all their heart?

Thanks to the lack of food, Sheng Xitai and the others ate some more, but at least they didn't eat the two babies.

When a pig is being slaughtered at home, the whole yard is filled with the smell of blood. If it were someone else's dog, it might have been able to stop whining and barking for food.

But none of the dogs in the Sheng family were barking. They were all squatting in front of their dens, tilting their heads and looking at the busy people in the yard.

Sheng Liancheng couldn't bear to see the dogs being so good, so he specially left some bones and threw them to the dogs.

The dogs got the bones, wagging their tails happily, and each took the bones in their mouths and went into the nest to chew.

These dogs in our family are about to become sperms. Sheng Liancheng couldn't help but praise when he saw how well-behaved the dogs were.

The family started killing pigs at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and it was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that everything was settled.

Zhang Shuzhen looked at the big bones stewed with pickled cabbage in the pot. The bones were all soft and almost falling off their bones.

So he called Sheng Liancheng and his son and asked them to wash their hands and prepare to eat.

Here, Zhang Shuzhen picked up the blood sausage from the cold water basin, cut off a section with a knife, and put it on the vegetable pile.

Then he pulled the casing with his left hand, took the knife with his right hand, and carefully cut off the blood sausage.

Put the cut blood sausage in a basin, bring it to the edge of the pot, use a spoon to scoop the hot pickled cabbage soup from the pot and pour it on the blood sausage.

In the local dialect, this is called risk.

Blood sausage is eaten fresh and tender. If it is stewed in a pot, it will become old and brittle quickly, and the pot of sauerkraut will be filled with dark blood, which is ugly and unpalatable.

When eating sauerkraut and blood sausage, you usually boil it with hot soup and only heat the blood sausage.

I saw Zhang Shuzhen pour the sauerkraut soup that had cooled down in the basin back into the pot, and then filled the soup into the basin again.

After doing this two or three times, the blood sausage has been blanched. This time, put the sauerkraut and pork belly directly on it. Use a spoon to flip it over gently, and the blood sausage will be flipped to the top.

Then take a basin and pick out the big bones from the pot.

A pot of sauerkraut, pork belly and blood sausage, a pot of big bones, cut pork liver and pig head meat on a plate, some garlic sauce, and a big snow-white steamed bun, the meal is complete.

Hurry up, get on the kang and have dinner. Oops, I haven't eaten such authentic pig-killing dishes in a few years.

Sheng Liancheng looked at the dishes on the table and sighed happily.

Sheng Liancheng's words were true. Even though Sheng Xiping knew how to hunt, the family was never short of meat. However, if the family didn't kill pigs, they wouldn't be able to eat these pig dishes, especially blood sausage.

Sheng Xiping didn't have this even when he got married, let alone other times.

Zhang Shuzhen and others also got on the kang, and the family gathered around the table with steaming food in front of them. Although they were very tired after a long day of work, they felt very happy in their hearts.

Come on, come on, use your chopsticks to eat. You can eat whatever you want. Our family will kill a pig today and open the door to cooking.

As Zhang Shuzhen spoke, she used chopsticks to pick up some blood sausage and put it into a small bowl for Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu to eat.

It was rare to kill a pig at home, and Sheng Liancheng was so happy that he insisted on drinking two cups, so Sheng Xiping found a bottle of wine, and the three brothers drank some with their father.

Our family is doing well this year. We have planted some land and harvested a lot of various things. We also raise pigs and chickens at home.

I heard your mother say that she killed all the roosters a while ago so that the hens will be able to lay eggs after the new year.

Nowadays, life is so enjoyable.

Sheng Liancheng took a piece of pig head meat, dipped it in some garlic sauce, put it in his mouth, chewed the meat, and drank some wine. This life was called a beautiful one.

Your mother and I have agreed to open up some wasteland next year and plant more grains, beans, and the like, so that we can spend more on food.

Your mother saved some eggs and marinated them, waiting to take some with you when you go back to school after the new year.

As long as all of you are well, your mother and I will be happy even if we are a little tired.

Sheng Liancheng felt particularly emotional today, not knowing whether it was because of the pig slaughtering to celebrate the New Year.

Dad, you and my mother actually don't have to work so hard. Our family's life is pretty good now.

After hearing this, Sheng Xiping had to give some advice.

In his opinion, there is really no need to use such foolish efforts. Nowadays, the life of the Sheng family is already much better than that of ordinary people.

Sheng Liancheng and his wife worked hard all their lives to support their six children, which was enough.

Sheng Xiping now has a job and can earn money on his own. He doesn't have to worry about his family at all, and he can still supplement his family's income.

Sheng Xian and Sheng Xikang will graduate from college in two years, and they will definitely have no worries about working. By then, after they save a year or two and add a little more to their family, they will be able to marry a wife and settle down.

As for the next three children, Sheng Yunfang and Sheng Yunfei are girls. After graduating from high school, they can go to any school.

If you really can't pass the exam, the Forestry Bureau still has a technical school where you can study, and you can find a job after graduation.

Only Lao Qiao is left. Where are the five older brothers and sisters? Why can't they arrange for him?

It would be great for Sheng Liancheng to retire in a few years and enjoy his old age in peace. Why bother farming and raising pigs at the same time and suffer the burden?

Why is it so hard? It's not tiring to repair a small factory. Just clean up the place morning and night. Sheng Liancheng had made up his mind long ago. How could he listen to his son?

Sheng Xiping knew how stubborn his father was, so he shouldn't make him unhappy during the Chinese New Year, so he didn't try to persuade him.

At best, if you have time, you can help out more. It's really hard to stop this old man from getting stubborn.

So Sheng Xiping asked his parents to eat more vegetables, especially the sauerkraut and blood sausage, which would not taste so good after two meals.

The blood sausage made today is really delicious, especially tender. Sheng Xiping put a piece of blood sausage into his mouth and praised it.

It was a rare occasion to eat pork butchered vegetables, so everyone tried their best to eat the sauerkraut and blood sausage.

When cooking, Sheng Xinyu called the pork belly Little Ladle. Now that he was eating, he also pointed to the meat in the dish and called it Little Ladle.

It sounds interesting to everyone. You and I will join each other, and I will give Sheng Xinyu slices of meat.

How old is Sheng Xinyu? How much can a child over two years old eat? What's more, I ate some sand liver and oil stains before.

As he ate, the little guy became nauseous. Zhang Shuzhen realized something was wrong and hurriedly stopped the kid from eating.

Oh, did you eat only meat today and hurt your child?

I usually pay attention to it, but today I killed a pig and it was so delicious. I forgot about it in the moment of joy.

After dinner, make some hawthorn water for the child to drink to help him digest his food.

Fortunately, there were still a lot of hawthorns that Sheng Xiping had brought back before, so Zhang Shuzhen hurriedly gave Zhou Qinglan instructions.

Hey, I got it. Zhou Qinglan responded.

Everyone enjoyed the meal very happily. After the meal, Zhang Shuzhen led her daughter-in-law and daughter to clean up the kitchen and outside.

The meat that will be used to make dumplings and stir-fry tomorrow will be left in the kitchen. The rest will be poured with cold water and left outside to freeze. It will be frozen into a wooden barrel for storage and eaten slowly.

In the first month of the year, there are not many guests at home, and delicious food must be kept flowing slowly.

The same goes for the cooked pork heads, trotters, and knuckles. Save what you will eat for tomorrow’s reunion dinner, and freeze the rest.

After packing these, Zhang Shuzhen found the pig skins she had saved at home, added today's ones, and put them in the pot to cook.

Then remove the oil from the inner layer of the pig skin, pluck the hair, cut it into strips, and boil it in a pot again to make skin jelly.

Zhou Qinglan was thinking about the child, so she went to the basket in the west room, grabbed some hawthorns, washed them, cut them in half, and dug out the seeds.

Then put the hawthorn in a big teapot, put less water in it, and sit on the stove to stew the hawthorn water.

Stew for a while, until the hawthorns are soft, put some honey in it.

Xinhua, Xinyu, mom has stewed canned hawthorn, come and try it.

Zhou Qinglan put the stewed hawthorn water outside to cool for a while, then brought it into the house and greeted the two children.

Xitai, come here too. I see you haven't eaten less in the evening, so come over and eat some hawthorn to relieve fatigue.

The two brothers Sheng Xin Hua and Sheng Xin Yu were playing. When they heard that there were cans, they came over quickly.

Wow, mom is so awesome, she knows how to make cans. Sheng Xinhua looked into the big tea vat and exclaimed.

Zhou Qinglan didn't put too much water in cooking hawthorn. After stewing, the red color on the peel blended into the soup. Doesn't it look similar to canned hawthorn?

Come on, let's have a taste. Is it good? Zhou Qinglan went to get two small bowls and filled some for each of his two sons.

Sheng Xinhua took a spoon and scooped out a piece of hawthorn, then ran to Sheng Liancheng and said, Grandpa, you eat it.

I don’t know how this kid got his wits about him today, and he still knows how to let others eat.

Oh, this is for grandpa? It has to be my eldest grandson. If there is something delicious, I will give it to grandpa.

Sheng Liancheng was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear when he saw it.

You go ahead and eat it. Grandpa doesn't dare to eat sour food. Grandpa's teeth are not good and his teeth hurt when he eats sour food.

Sheng Liancheng is so old, can he compete with his children for food? Besides, he really doesn't like eating sour food.

So he deliberately pretended to have a toothache, took Sheng Xinhua's hand, and fed the hawthorn into his grandson's mouth.

Sheng Xinhua squinted his eyes in enjoyment as the sour and sweet hawthorn entered his mouth. He smiled at his grandfather and turned back to eat his own food.

Sheng Xinyu was so stupid, he couldn't even think of this.

But when he saw his brother eating hawthorns for his grandfather, the boy didn't know what happened today. He had an idea, scooped up a hawthorn with a spoon, and ran towards the outhouse.

As he ran, he shouted, Grandma, grandma, canned food.

As a result, he accidentally tripped over the threshold and fell flat on his back. The spoon and hawthorn in his hand flew away.

Zhang Shuzhen and Zhou Qinglan were busy in the outer room and did not pay attention to the child. Suddenly they heard a thump, which made them tremble.

Looking again, Sheng Xinyu was lying on the ground. Zhang Shuzhen rushed over to help her grandson up, but was grabbed by Zhou Qinglan.

Mom, let him get up later.

Sheng Xinyu was so naive that he didn't cry even after he fell. He got up from the ground quickly, patted himself, and then looked all over the ground for the spoon and the piece of hawthorn.

Mom, it's dirty. The little guy came to Zhou Qinglan with the spoon in one hand and the piece of hawthorn in the other, and said with a pout.

It's okay. Mom will brush the spoon and don't take the hawthorn. Zhou Qinglan took the spoon, rinsed it with water, and handed it to his son again.

As for the piece of hawthorn, it was thrown directly into the dirty bucket.

The hawthorn fell to the ground and was picked up by Sheng Xinyu. It had already turned into a soft ball and could no longer be eaten.

Zhou Qinglan wiped her son's little hands and led him back to the house, Just sit here and eat, but don't run around anymore.

This time, Sheng Xinyu didn't dare, so he sat there obediently, scooping up the hawthorn with a spoon and eating it. After eating, he picked up the bowl and drank the soup.

In the outer room, Zhang Shuzhen's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law continued to work until the pork skin in the pot was cooked to a certain level.

It can be broken by pinching it with your hands. When the meat skin soup is too sticky, use a spatula to scoop the meat skin into a basin, add some soup, stir it together, and put it on the north counter.

Put the remaining soup without the skin in another basin.

In this way, after it cools down, two different flavors of skin jelly and clear jelly will come out.

After finishing all this work, it was getting late, so Zhang Shuzhen said that she would not do anything else today and should go to bed early.

Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu have long been accustomed to sleeping with their grandparents. Even when Zhou Qinglan comes back, these two children don't stick to their mother much.

Sheng Liancheng spread the quilt, and the two children took off their clothes by themselves, got into bed, and went to sleep happily without anyone bothering to find their mother.

Zhou Qinglan felt a little disappointed, but the child refused to come to her, what should she do? I can only go back to the West Wing by myself.

The bedding is taken out from the kangqin in advance and placed on the kang. It's not that cold, so just lay it on directly.

It's cold in the Northeast in winter. Most people have to tuck the three sides of the quilt inward when sleeping.

Then put a cotton-padded jacket or something on top of your feet to avoid ventilation under your feet at night.

Zhou Qinglan had just finished taking off her cotton trousers and was about to take off her cotton-padded jacket when Sheng Xiping came in.

As soon as he saw his wife taking off her clothes, Sheng Xiping came over, put his arms around her waist, and gave her a smack on her face.

Who did you call a female monster during the day? Zhou Qinglan glared at Sheng Xiping and asked.

Hey, you still remember. Oh, didn't I praise you? All female monsters are so handsome. Sheng Xiping hugged his wife and chuckled.

No, female monsters can eat people. Look how I eat you.

Zhou Qinglan turned around and rushed towards Sheng Xiping, opening her mouth to bite him.

As a result, Sheng Xiping hugged her and kissed her directly.

Well, you can eat whatever you like. Sheng Xiping muttered as their lips and tongues tangled.

On the twenty-ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, New Year's Eve is celebrated.

As the saying goes, flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year.

New Year is celebrated every year, but the people and moods of each year are different.

Of course, the most obvious thing is the children. Sheng Xinhua and Sheng Xinyu have both grown a lot taller than last year and are much more sensible.

At eight o'clock in the morning, we had breakfast, and then everyone in the Sheng family got busy.

It snowed last night. The Sheng Xiping brothers had to clear the snow first.

Originally, Sheng Xiping said he wanted to clear the snow and get it out. But Sheng Xinhua was jumping up and down and shouting that he wanted to build a snowman. The four brothers thought about it and thought it would be okay. Anyway, it would make the children happy.

So, a few people gathered all the snow in the yard and built a fat, round snowman.

Sheng Xinhua found a straw hat and put it on the snowman. He also asked his grandma for chestnuts, dates, and carrots to serve as the snowman's eyes, nose, and mouth.

Then, these naughty ones found Sheng Xitai's red scarf from school, tied it around the snowman's neck, and cut some carrot slices to use as buttons for the snowman's clothes.

Finally, insert the newly tied broom at home into the side of the snowman to serve as a hand.

The snowman was piled up, and the two children jumped up and down with joy. They went over to give one a hug and the other one to give them a kiss, which was very rare.

After finishing all this work, Sheng Xiping led his brothers to quickly put up the lantern pole and hang up the lantern.

Just as the glutinous rice paste was laid in the house, the brothers quickly posted all the couplets.

This year's couplets were not written by Chen Weimin, but bought by Zhou Qinglan from Songjianghe.

There are not only couplets, but also New Year pictures, door gods, Kitchen Gods, blessing characters, going out to see happiness, looking up to see happiness, spring strips and so on.

It can be seen that many things are no longer so strict, and some traditional folk customs are gradually recovering.

The warehouse is full of grains, the pig pen is full of livestock, and the chicken coop is full of golden roosters.

New Year picture dolls are pasted on the wall between the east and west rooms.

The fat baby is wearing a bellyband, holding a big carp in his arms, or riding a big carp, and he is smiling beautifully.

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