Don't worry about being brave, just feed the dog first.

While Liu Yuhe was picking bear bile, Sheng Xiping was checking the dogs' injuries.

The dogs fought with the black bear for a long time, and many of them were injured.

Among them, Er Qing was the most seriously injured, Er Lang Shen was slightly less injured, and the others were more or less injured, but not seriously.

Hunting dogs are not afraid of injury. As long as they can hunt down prey, they will become more and more fierce.

Even if the dog is injured and unable to knock down prey, after a few times, the dog will lose confidence and become more and more slippery.

Therefore, this hunting not only depends on dogs, but also on people.

No matter how tough the dog is, if the people don't cooperate well and the marksmanship is not good, it will be in vain.

In the end, if things go wrong, people will be killed and others injured.

Fortunately, the injuries to the dogs were not too serious. After being simply bandaged, they continued to eat and drink as usual without any delay.

After feeding the dog, the three people directly separated the remaining bear meat, removed the bones where possible, and hung them on the tree without removing the internal organs.

In summer, this black bear is not fat and his weight has not reached its peak.

After deducting the internal organs, bones, and the meat fed to the dogs, there is less than 200 kilograms left.

The meat was packed in sacks, and the three of them each carried part of it, then led the dogs and walked back.

When we entered the mountain, we actually took a long detour in order to find Heixiazi.

On the way back, the three of them found a shortcut, which could save a lot of time.

Even so, it was almost six o'clock when they returned to the Great Alkali Field.

The dogs were not tied up. As soon as they entered the village, they spread out and went home first.

Sheng Xiping and the others walked back slowly, carrying meat, guns and other things.

Liu Changde's family were all eagerly awaiting the news at home.

As soon as I saw that the dogs were back and their bellies were bulging, I knew that this time I was going to go hunting for bears in the mountains.

Old lady, hurry up and pack the food. The children should be home soon.

Liu Changde let out a sigh of relief and called his wife and daughters-in-law to quickly pack up the food.

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Xiping and three others came in from outside, each carrying a sack on their shoulders.

Needless to say, it must be bear meat or something.

Dad, Master, we are back. The three of them entered the hospital and said in unison.

Okay, just come back. Hurry, put your things down first, go inside and wash your hands and eat.

Liu Changde greeted the children into the house for dinner with a smile on his face.

Originally, Sheng Xiping came to visit his master and his wife and only planned to stay for lunch.

As a result, I caught up with him and followed him into the mountains to hunt bears.

It was now six o'clock. He was tired and hungry after running all over the mountains all afternoon. Sheng Xiping didn't care about that and simply stayed at Liu's house to have dinner.

The meal in the evening was simpler, including leftover rabbit meat stewed with pine mushrooms from lunch, and some other vegetables, served with large golden pancakes.

The three Sheng Xipings were all hungry, so they devoured the meal, not to mention how delicious it was.

After dinner, Sheng Xiping got up to leave. Liu Changde quickly asked Sheng Xiping to take some meat back.

My child, take a bear's hind legs back and give them to your field secretary.

They have been of great help, and we cannot fail to express their gratitude.

Besides, if you bring more meat back, even though the bears are not that fat this summer, they can still produce a lot of oil.

Your forest farm is struggling to get some oil, and it all depends on the supply.

You are not free now. You don’t have much time to go into the mountains. I’m afraid you don’t have much meat and fat to eat at home, right?

Take more of it home, and you'll probably be able to eat it until autumn.

While waiting for autumn, you three brothers will find an opportunity to go back and do something else.

Regardless of whether it is a wild boar or a black blind man, just simmer it with some oil and it will be enough for winter.

At Liu Changde's age, he naturally thinks about things more thoughtfully than young people, and his arrangements are also very reasonable.

Yes, yes, brother, your family has a large population, please bring more meat back.

Don't be polite to us, the weather is hot now, so much meat will go bad easily if you keep it, so it's just right to share it and eat it quickly.

On the other end, Liu Yujiang also said.

Since master and brother have said it, Sheng Xiping doesn't need to be pretentious.

So I followed the master's instructions, took a bear hind leg, put a lot of bear meat in it, and left carrying the sack.

Master, Master, I'm going home first. I'll come see you another day.

Sheng Xiping carried the meat and walked back. In the eyes of young people, the two miles between the alkaline farm and the forest farm were nothing to worry about. After a while, Sheng Xiping returned to his home.

The family has finished eating and is clearing the table.

Zhang Shuzhen was stunned when she saw her son coming back carrying a sack.

What are you doing? Didn't you say you would have lunch at your master's place? Why are you back so late?

Have you had dinner? The food happens to be cold yet, so you eat it quickly. When a mother is born, she cares most about her son being fed and clothed.

Mom, I'm having dinner at Master's house. Sheng Xiping said hurriedly.

Quickly find a big basin and I'll take out all the meat.

There is so much meat, so you have to hurry up and process it, otherwise it would be a pity if it goes bad.

Zhang Shuzhen was stunned, Meat? What kind of meat? Did your master give it to you?

Look, you are really down-to-earth, eating two meals at your master's place, and then taking so much meat before leaving?

Mom, this is the black blind man that my eldest and second brothers and I are going to fight this afternoon. Please bring the basin quickly. I have something else to do.

Sheng Xiping didn't have time to talk to his mother in detail. He still had to give Wang Jiachuan a bear's thigh before it was completely dark.

Zhang Shuzhen wanted to ask what was going on, but seeing her son's anxious look, she didn't ask any more questions.

He just took out the big pot that contained the snake yesterday and watched Sheng Xiping take out the meat from the sack.

Oh, there are so many. It's quite a big black blind man.

Sheng Xiping put most of the meat into the basin and put only the thigh alone into the sack.

Mom, I'm going out for a while. I'll be back later.

After saying that, he put the sack on his shoulders and walked quickly out of Sheng's house, heading straight to Wangjiachuan.

Over at the Wang family, Wang Jiachuan had just returned from the field department, and Wang Jiachuan's wife was packing up and serving food on the table.

Seeing Sheng Xiping coming, Wang Jiachuan and his wife were very puzzled.

Uncle, this afternoon, someone and I went into the mountains and shot a black blind man.

This is a bear thigh. I sent it to my uncle and aunt to try it out.

Sheng Xiping and Wang Jiachuan didn't see anyone outside and took out the bear thighs from the sack without waiting for them to ask.

Oh, you went into the mountains to hunt?

Oh my God, it's really incredible. Even a blind man can be beaten to death.

Wang Jiachuan took a look and saw that it was said to be a bear's thigh, but it was actually connected to the back butt, and it looked like it weighed more than 20 pounds.

Look at how hard it is for you to kill a blind man. You can just keep the meat for yourself and eat it. What else can you give me?

Uncle, this was not only done by me, but also by my master's two brothers.

This is also what my master meant. He specially asked me to send it. Thank you for your help today. Sheng Xiping explained with a smile.

That's the way it is. It can't be said that he used bear legs as a favor and threw away the Liu family and his son.

When Wang Jiachuan heard this, he nodded, Look at your master, he is still such a heretic.

Not to mention the friendship between you and your father, even if there is not, this native of this hometown comes to look for him from the alkali field, how can I not help him?

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