Sheng Xiping and Zhou Qinglan were sitting together, laughing and chatting while eating.

The two of them didn't behave very intimately, but in this day and age, when a man and a woman were sitting together for a meal, it was obvious that they were talking.

This result is not surprising to anyone.

After all, after Sheng Xiping shouted that yesterday, Zhou Qinglan didn't get angry and curse, but even gave him the piece of soap, which explained everything.

At this time, people are still very reserved in expressing their feelings. No one will directly say so-and-so I love you.

But it is this implicit expression that is more touching and unforgettable.

However, in later generations, those three words have been pronounced obsolete, and I always feel that something is missing.

Among those young men who were secretly optimistic about Zhou Qinglan, some were regretful, some were frustrated, and some were unwilling.

Sheng Xiping didn't care what those people thought. In his previous life, he was plotted by Sun Yunpeng and he could fight back. What should he be afraid of in this life?

Everyone had lunch, and most of them had nothing to do in the afternoon.

So Sheng Xiping took Chen Weiguo, Wang Jianshe, Gao Haining, Tang Fengying, Zhou Qinglan and others, carrying hoes and other tools in their hands, and several girls also brought lunch boxes, and entered the forest and wandered around.

Sheng Xiping has been hunting in the mountains with his master since he was thirteen years old.

In the first year, he was only responsible for carrying things, food, household items, etc. for going into the mountains. He carried more than 30 kilograms of things on his back. In some places, he was also called the back slope.

In the second year, I learned to drive the hunting stick, which is to cooperate with others to drive the prey in the direction of the hunting rifle, so some places are also called pushing slopes.

In her previous life, Sheng Xiping had nothing to do after he came out. At first, he focused on hunting, and later he took on forest farm outsourcing projects.

It should be said that there is no place around the forest farm that he is not familiar with.

Among this group of people, except for Zhou Qinglan, who came from Songjianghe, the rest are educated youths who grew up in this place and are also familiar with the mountains and forests.

A group of young people were chatting and laughing, walking along the vague path in the forest.

While walking, cast your eyes over the grass or fallen trees.

There are a lot of good things in the woods. In this season, in addition to gastrodia elata, there are also Ganoderma lucidum, fungus, tree mushrooms and so on.

Not to mention pheasants, hares, squirrels, tree chickens and other animals, whatever you encounter is not in vain.

Zhou Qinglan had never been into the mountains and didn't quite understand what everyone was looking for, but she knew some of the rules, so she didn't ask and just followed Sheng Xiping quietly.

Sheng Xiping knew that it was Zhou Qinglan's first time in the mountains, so he looked back at her from time to time and told Zhou Qinglan to pay more attention to his steps.

There are all kinds of grass, small shrubs, fallen trees, etc. in the forest. It is indeed not easy for people who have never been in the mountains to walk in it.

Not to mention mosquitoes, gnats, gnats, blind midges and other flying insects that specialize in blood-sucking.

So going into the mountains is not an easy task.

The men were just rough-skinned and thick-bodied, but the girls couldn't stand it after walking for a while, so they could only keep waving their hands to drive away the mosquitoes.

Then, put this on and mosquito bites will stop hanging around you.

Sheng Xiping folded some branches to make a garland, then broke off a piece of fungus called old beef liver from the tree and lit it with a match.

After the surface is almost burned, extinguish the open flame and insert it into the wreath made of branches.

There are many loose and small holes inside the dried old beef liver. After the open flame is extinguished, the inside will still burn, and a large amount of thick smoke with a pungent smell will emit.

Zhou Qinglan puts a wreath on her head, and as people move around, the smoke will float around.

Those small flying insects flying around and stinging people's faces, especially around the eyes, will be smoked away by the smoke, but Zhou Qinglan will not be smoked by the smoke, which can be said to be very useful.

And because the inside of old beef liver is loose and burns slowly, charcoal ash will not fall and hurt people.

If you look at others and then look at you, it will make you mad to death.

Sheng Xiping's behavior aroused the envy of several other girls, including Tang Fengying, so they all complained to their partner.

When Gao Haining and others saw it, they hurriedly imitated Sheng Xiping's example, weaving garlands and looking for old beef liver. At least they managed to coax their aunt.

I didn't realize it. You are so good at coaxing girls. We almost let you trick us to death.

Gao Haining walked to Sheng Xiping and strangled Sheng Xiping's neck with one hand to relieve the depression in his heart.

You don't even feel sorry for your partner. I really doubt how you coaxed Fengying into your hand. Sheng Xiping shook his head.

The two of them were happy enemies. They had been fighting each other since childhood, and they continued to quarrel and quarrel after they got married.

But the more the two of them fought, the better they got. They gave birth to three children in succession, and later sent all the children to study, and their lives were considered complete.

Gao Haining was about to say something, but Sheng Xiping pulled away his hand and jumped out.

The tree chicken mushroom is so big.

It turned out that there was a pink mushroom growing on a fallen log not far ahead.

This mushroom is about the same size as the wicker basket used to hold dry food in Sheng Xiping's family. It is brightly colored and has many layers. From a distance, it looks like a flower, which is particularly beautiful.

The tree mushroom is one of the few brightly colored but non-toxic fungi that grows very fast.

Maybe it wasn't as big as a palm yesterday, but today it grows like a small pot, and tomorrow it becomes lighter in color and the fruiting body becomes hard like wood.

Therefore, it is not easy to encounter fresh and tender tree chicken mushrooms.

The younger the tree mushroom, the brighter the color. Just like the one in front of you, it is pink and tender at first glance.

Sheng Xiping specially picked it with his nails, and easily broke the surface of the tree mushroom. This meant that the mushroom was very tender.

So I carefully broke it off the tree and put it in the cross-body bag.

Have you never eaten this? Cut it into slices and fry it with some leeks. It will be very fresh.

Sheng Xiping turned around and saw Zhou Qinglan's curious look. He couldn't help but laugh and quickly introduced him to her.

How about you come to my house for dinner tonight? Sheng Xiping's heart moved and he deliberately teased Zhou Qinglan in a low voice.

No, no, how can it be done? Upon hearing this, Zhou Qinglan shook her head like a rattle.

How can that be done? What's the matter with her going to Sheng's house for dinner if her name is not justified?

Sheng Xiping was deliberately teasing other girls, so Zhou Qinglan refused. He didn't insist anymore and just sighed.

Well, let's go again when we have the chance.

Well, I'll go back and tell my mother that I'll cut and blanch the mushrooms tonight and fry them tomorrow morning.

It just so happened that he could bring food and let Zhou Qinglan have a taste.

Sheng Xiping discovered a large tree mushroom, which made everyone else's eyes widen and they looked around more carefully.

Sure enough, after a while, Chen Weiguo called out, Gastrodia elata.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, but saw nothing. Where is it? Why didn't I see it?

Chen Weiguo walked to a tree and squatted down, using his hands to pull away the dead grass and fallen leaves on the ground.

Only then did everyone see a slightly purplish-red plant with a tassel on top, less than five centimeters above the ground.

The eyes are quite poisonous. Gastrodia elata has just been unearthed, and you can see it even at such a short age.

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