Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 786: There is meat

   Chapter 786 Sure enough, there is meat to eat

   A large group of foodies below agreed with this point of view. Watching Xia Ruo cook, others will be happy, and they will also be happy.

   There was even a gourmet live broadcast that reposted the video of Xia Ruo’s classmates in the logistics department stewing meat, and she also learned to stew, and in the end, a few people really tasted good.

   Food live broadcasts have always been very popular in Interstellar. People who didn't pay attention to the assessment of the three major colleges could not help but watch the live broadcast.

   Looking at the fragrant stew, they couldn't help but look forward to whether the Second Academy would still eat this tomorrow.

   There were also people who saw the dinner at the First Academy and the Third Academy and couldn't help feeling sympathy.

  [What the **** is this eating? Not only was the meat unseasoned, it looked bloodshot. ]

  [It looks unpalatable, their expressions also confirm this, I can't help but order a wax for them! ]

  [Haha, the team without me is really sad! ]

   Schadenfreude even more.

   After eating, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan allocated dormitories to everyone, and now six people live in one room for the time being.

   Feng Yan is also smarter. While building the wooden house, he also made wooden beds for the wood-type and other abilities.

   Xia Ruo asked people to come out and dry the fur and bring it back, which can be used to make a bed.

   But that's not enough. Now the weather is getting cooler, and this semi-desolate star is very distinct. It's cool in the morning and evening and it's hot at noon.

   So Xia Ruo asked people to take the prey, and went back with a lot of thick quilts.

The amount of    is not very large. One bed is not enough for one person, so two people sleep together first, and everyone will not be cold at night.

   The division of labor between Xia Ruo and Feng Yan is very clear and fair. No one is idle, and no one is particularly tired. Although everyone is not used to it on the first day, it is okay.

Especially those who knew the students of the First Academy and the Third Academy exchanged with each other about how the next day was going to be through the terminal. After hearing the sad reminder from the other college, they were suddenly thankful that their own college had Feng Bawang and Xia Ruo. .

   After eating, the people who were not involved in the cooking were in charge of cleaning up, and then they went back to their rooms to rest.

  The wooden house has no power supply and no lighting devices, so everyone can only brush the terminal and then go to sleep.

  The students of the First Academy and the Third Academy, the team that sold the prey to earn star coins, went to live in a hotel or a community to spend money to borrow it.

  Kankan only has enough to fill their stomachs, and even the team that is not enough is sad. They can only find some corners where there is no wind blowing, sleep on hard floors or just sit and sleep all night.

   This is the first time I have such an experience, and many people actually don’t go to bed early.

   At this time, each student's terminal received two messages from the assessor one after another.

  Assessor: Xia Ruo and Feng Yan performed very well today, and they will each add one point!

  Assessor: The students of the Second Academy are relatively united today, and each one will add one point!

   Everyone was digesting the news, and soon the terminal flashed, and another message came.

   This time, the assessment method is based on the list of the top ten points today. Xia Ruo and Feng Yan each added a total of five points, tied for the first place, and opened a three-point distance from the second place.

   The students of the Second Academy were very excited when they saw the news sent by the assessment party. They didn't expect that they would all be given a point, and they really had meat to eat with Feng Yan and Xia Ruocun.

   It's not surprising that the two are tied for the first place, but it's justified and proud.

   I heard that a lot of people from the other two academies were injured today. Not only did they have no injuries, but they were still going on in an orderly manner. They deserved this score.

   (end of this chapter)

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