Chapter 783 Too capable

  Xia Ruo's knowledge is so broad, she seems to know everything, and her feelings are the result of learning so much behind the scenes.

   I used to think that Xia Ruo was mainly a person with good talent and strong learning ability, and she was a little ashamed and ashamed!

  People have strong talent and learning ability, but they usually don’t pay less than anyone else. They may even spend a lot of time and energy on learning, which they think they will never use in their entire lives.

   After listening to her words, many people also had different ideas about learning, and felt that their thinking in the past had stayed on a constant basis.

   Anyway, there are only advantages and no disadvantages to learning more things, like if Xia Ruo doesn't use them now?

   So they all expressed their approval, and said that they would also learn more useful knowledge and skills after class in the future, and learn from the gods!

  The hide, needle and thread are all there, and the water bag can be sewn.

  Xia Ruo made another one on the spot for everyone to watch, while others learned to sew.

  Although it is not as delicate as her sewing, it can fully meet the practicality.

There are also girls who sewed a long retractable **** both sides of the hydration bag, so that even if they go out without a backpack, they can carry the hydration bag alone. tape.

   Xia Ruo said with a smile: "So everyone has a pair of eyes for discovery and a hand for creation!"

  The girl was happy and shy when she heard her say that, "I also got inspiration from you."

   Originally, there were still many girls who were jealous of Xia Ruo, whom Feng Yan liked and valued so much, but also because of this trip, there was a big change in her.

   This time Yin Hanyu was assigned to Xia Ruo's group. She was very silent along the way. Seeing Xia Ruo being so good, she had a wry smile and relief in her heart.

   No wonder Feng Yan likes Xia Ruo so much, the other party is really good.

   She used to boast that she was very talented in mecha manufacturing, and her family background was better than Xia Ruo. She had a crush on Feng Yan for so many years, and she couldn't let go, thinking about fighting for it again.

   But in this mecha manufacturing test, she lost to Xia Ruo, plus the ability that Xia Ruo showed recently, and today's various things, she couldn't regenerate the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

  The water bag was made according to the human head, and then Xia Ruo took everyone to filter the water in a more primitive way, and then put it in cleanly.

   Having enough food and water, Xia Ruo took the group back to the city.

  The people in front of the screen couldn't help but praise Xia Ruolai, thinking that she was so capable.

   Especially followed the parents of Xia Ruo's students, and each and everyone praised them with a smile.

   Xia Ruo does not hide his secrets to teach people, and he is so good, it can be seen that he has a great influence on their children.

   They need such people around them, it would be better if they could make friends with Xia Ruo.

The executives of major federal departments and large companies who have been following the assessment and watching the live broadcast are very fond of talents like Xia Ruo. I plan to contact Xia Ruo after the assessment to see which way Xia Ruo will go after graduation. Do they have a chance to poach people.

   Here Xia Ruo and the others completed the task of the day, and over there Feng Yan also led the crowd to build a lot of wooden houses.

  Although it is not possible for everyone to have a room, as long as you squeeze in a couple of days and work harder the day after tomorrow, you will be able to achieve your goal.

  The second college and the two groups were relatively smooth, but the first college and the third college had a lot of problems.

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~

   (end of this chapter)

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