Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 780: This is a living textbook!

   Chapter 780 This is a living textbook!

   In addition, Xia Ruo is very familiar with plants. She has been collecting all kinds of plant illustrations, reading them all in private and writing them down.

   Every time a new plant appeared, she was able to name its name and purpose.

  The edible ones are collected by people, and the poisonous ones are collected by people, but they are all popularized and they are packaged separately.

   At first, many people didn't take it seriously, but with the popularity of Xia Ruo, everyone was more and more shocked, and gradually entered a state, which was interesting.

   Even in a new place, before Xia Ruo could say anything, someone pointed to various plants and began to ask her.

   Xia Ruo can answer all of them, not only that, but also tell everyone which plants can be used to prepare medicines, which can be eaten, and which can be used in industry.

   These are the results of what she has learned since she came here, and she has paid a lot of sweat to win a harvest. This is definitely not fake.

   Xia Ruo's performance not only amazed those who followed, but also those who were watching the live broadcast!

  [I don't know what to say anymore, is this a real-life humanoid textbook? ]

  [Study of God is to learn from God, she knows so much, her knowledge is so extensive, she knows everything about plants! ]

  [It can also be seen from this point that in addition to taking classes, Xia Ruo can recharge himself a lot after coming down, otherwise, no matter how talented he is, if he does not learn cognition, he will not know so many things. ]

  [Not only a genius, but also so diligent, who is qualified if Xia Ruo is not a scholar? ]

  [Awesome I Ruo, this is a living textbook! ]

  [The most important thing is that people don't hide their secrets, they lead people to hunt for food, and at the same time they also spread this knowledge to everyone. They are really broad-minded! ]

[yes! And he didn't show any arrogance at all, he was always humble and gentle, and no one bothered to answer any questions, he had such a good temperament! ]

   Xia Ruo's actions made many people watching the live broadcast have a good impression.

   But there are always some dissonant sounds.

  [She is so generous, not to buy people's hearts! ]

  [That's right, I don't believe she is so generous and tells others everything! ]

   They must be hiding, and then directly lead people to find them, highlighting each person's ability, why bother, so it can only be to buy people's hearts.

   So what kind of people generally see others.

   However, it soon attracted a rebuttal from everyone.

  [Even if it is to buy people's hearts, this is their ability! ]

  [If I am open-minded, otherwise I will directly take people to collect it, and finally I can convince people to recognize it. There is no buying people's hearts at all. She is generous. ]

  [Yes, anyway, this is good for others. If you go to the wild alone in the future and encounter these plants, you can also distinguish which ones are useful and which ones are poisonous. This is undeniable. ]

   There are even some more excited people, who started to spray those who complained about Xia Ruo, and the Internet was basically applauded.

  Xia Ruo's teaching materials have won the recognition of many people. Parents who watch the live broadcast also like her as a leader. Not only can she spread knowledge to their children, but also cultivate their interest.

   Maybe after that, their children will take the initiative to learn these extracurricular knowledge.

The top officials of the Federation who are watching the live broadcast have taken Xia Ruo's ability to a new level, and they are also very sure of her such a living teaching material. The Ministry of Education is also planning to use this assessment to publicize, so that everyone can recharge themselves in their spare time. .

   (end of this chapter)

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