Chapter 778 No one will let anyone

  The live broadcast of the three hospitals is not converted into one video, but divided into three videos to be broadcasted separately, so you can fully see the whole process.

   In the first academy, Zhai Junyan also suggested the same as Lin Yang, asking everyone to choose a captain. This is really what needs to be done at the beginning, otherwise it will be easy to mess up.

   It's just that the First Academy has a lot of sons and daughters of the wealthy, and there are many people with talents and abilities. No one can be like Feng Yan, who can shock everyone when they come out.

  The students from the first academy with outstanding grades and top-notch families all came forward one by one, thinking that they could do it, and wanted to be the captain.

   In the past, there was another Bai Siyu who could hold down these people, but now he is going to practice, Zhai Junyan can only guide and cannot interfere or force it, so the competition for this position is very fierce, and no one will let anyone else.

In the end, Zhai Junyan could only propose to group the students and let the person who came out to run for the captaincy lead. For three days, which group can solve the problems of accommodation and food for everyone first, the captain of which group will come to be the president. team leader.

   Such a decision is fair, and everyone expressed support.

   Then there was a problem with the grouping. One of them refused to accept the other, and they all wanted to bring the people with better academic performance and strength to their own team, and various robbing incidents occurred.

  Zhai Junyan suggested that the students in each department should have it, but as soon as he finished speaking, he was warned by the voice of the assessor on the loudspeaker in the small town.

   She is only the leader of the team. It is not against the law to put forward the first opinion, but it is not enough to guide step by step. After all, she does not participate in the assessment.

   So Zhai Junyan could only be angry, watching those people ignore his proposal, forming gangs into groups, and burying hidden dangers because of pulling people.

When    was divided into groups, when these captains took people out of the city to find food, they were already behind the Second Academy for a long time.

  The situation in the Third Academy was even worse. The team leader also proposed to choose a captain.

   But the people with top grades in their academies are almost all civilians dug by the academy with high welfare from all over the world. They have strong learning ability, some people are very talented and not weak, but they can't suppress those wealthy sons.

  Most of the rich and powerful sons go to the academy to hang around, how do they know any survival skills, and they are used to enjoying them. Now that the gap is so big, they just keep complaining.

   There are also some ambitious people who want to take over the power. They think that they just need to select a few top performers to help by their side.

   As long as he plays well, he might even make the old men in the family look at him differently.

  People with top grades are afraid that the wealthy and noble sons will harm the team, and the wealthy and noble sons look down on this group of people with top grades, and they will not let anyone.

  In the end, under the suggestion of the team leader, they reluctantly reached the opinion of the group competition and took a road similar to the First Academy.

The    team leader was also warned once by the assessment officer because of many proposals.

Their final grouping problem was even more problematic. The students with the best grades were unwilling to listen to those wealthy and noble sons. They also wanted to highlight their abilities, but they didn’t want to wipe their butts for these three generations, so they almost caused conflicts. In the end, almost People of equal status are grouped together.

   They left the city more than an hour later than the First Academy. Feng Yan started to bring his group of people to cut wood, and Xia Ruo also took another group into the forest to hunt.

   (end of this chapter)

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