Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 766: true identity

   Chapter 766 True Identity

   Xia Ruo knew that Xi Yu's thinking was relatively simple.

   "What you see is not necessarily true, what you think may be the opposite."

   Immediately, she looked at Feng Yan and asked, "I saw your appearance just now, did you know the Chief Assessor?"

The    assessment did not say that discussion of the assessor was not allowed. The other people were actually curious about Bo Ming's identity and looked at Feng Yan.

  My daughter-in-law asked, Feng Yan naturally would not hide it, and whispered: "His identity is relatively special, the head of the most mysterious Dragon Soul special team in the league, has very strong talent and strength."

   So many people don't know Bo Ming's identity, also because his former captain's identity needs to be kept secret.

   But now that he has been publicly announced as the chief assessment officer, it means that the Federation has arranged for him to come to the front desk, and his identity will soon be no longer a secret, and he is not a disclosure.

   Xi Yu's eyes widened, "What? He turned out to be the leader of that team? It doesn't look like it!"

   Shouldn't he be tall and burly or ruthless?

   Feng Yan looked at him angrily and said, "It doesn't look like it, the more it looks like this, the more difficult it is for him!"

  Xi Yu just doesn't like thinking and isn't stupid, so he reacted immediately, "So that's the case, I really missed the mark!"

   "It's not just you who are wrong, many people are wrong!" Ming Rui pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said.

   How many students now think Bo Ming is warm and amiable, and they will probably want to cry in the future.

   Several people agreed with his words, and they chatted about other things.

   After more than an hour, Xi Yu and the others could not sit still and went to the simulation game warehouse of the spacecraft to play, but Xia Ruo and Feng Yan stayed where they were.

Xia Ruo felt that this person must not be simple from the first sight of Bo Ming, and it was difficult to ask in front of a few people before, "This time Bo Ming came out to be the chief instructor, and the content of the assessment has almost changed. He has something to do with it!"

Feng Yan thought for a while and replied: "The minister of the construction and development department of the alliance has recently retired. There are many people competing for this position. Many families want to push people, but the above intends to let a person who does not involve all parties involved. Come sit."

   "And the content of this assessment is development and construction, so I guess he should be the one who will take over this position."

   "He was originally a comprehensive talent that the Federation had secretly cultivated since childhood. To be able to lead the most mysterious Dragon Soul special team, he needs to train all aspects of knowledge and skills. It is not difficult to be a construction minister."

   "According to the content of this assessment, nine times out of ten, it was proposed by this guy."

   He is the son of the leader and the heir of the First Chapter, and has a very keen intuition and judgment on many things.

   Xia Ruo nodded: "Listening to what you said, I also think he proposed it."

   "If he quits the Dragon Soul Special Forces to become the Minister of Federal Construction, he will definitely need to be selected and trained."

   "The three major colleges are originally places to provide talents. I guess that guy wants to use the assessment to select talents, and then start to cultivate them first, and they will be able to use them directly after graduation." Feng Yan analyzed.

   Xia Ruo had almost the same idea, "Did you know him before? Or have you ever had an intersection?"

   Feng Yan said with a smile: "There was one time when their Dragon Soul was on a mission, and I happened to be in the battle group at that time, and then I secretly cooperated with them, and that's why I knew his identity."

"Their identities are very secretive. In the past, people who came out wore special masks, but that time he revealed his true face for me to see. I felt strange at the time. The feelings are to pave the way for coming back." He said. I still appreciate Bo Ming very much.

   (end of this chapter)

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