Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 735: Want to see it?

   Chapter 735 Want to see it?

   Xia Ruo and Tang Si were walking behind.

   Xia Ruo took out the blueprint he designed and gave it to Tang Si, "I have planned the Junk Star, and then you can look at the blueprint and communicate with the person in charge of the transformation."

   Brother Feng has hired a transformation manager for her career planning planet, and will arrive here to start operations in two days.

  Tang Si took the blueprint and looked at it. There were many drawings on it, and she looked like she was thriving. She couldn't help but smile.

   "You're really good at painting, what kind of plants are there?" She pointed to a place and asked.

   Xia Ruo looked at it and replied, "I'm going to plant wolfberry in this piece to surround the entire junk star."

   Tang Si didn't know most of the herbs she wanted to plant, so she explained it in detail with the drawings.

  Tang Si was amazed. He didn't expect so many medicinal herbs to be grown.

  According to Xia Ruo's plan, this junk star will become a green-covered planting star in the future, and the air quality will also be greatly improved.

She thought about it for a while and expressed her concerns, "The air quality is very poor now. Although all the garbage has been transported away, it has not improved much. It is necessary to plant medicinal materials in a large area. I don't know if it will survive. After all, according to normal In this case, junk stars cannot be planted.”

   Originally, many mutant plants in that forest were dying, but she was able to save them after activating her supernatural powers.

   But such a big garbage star is still planted with native medicinal materials, and her ability can only focus on one piece.

   Xia Ruo knew what she was worried about, "It's okay, I have hired a special person, and I will come here to arrange an ancient formation that converts the air and spawns, and then installs some air purifiers, it should be no problem."

   She has already agreed with her eldest brother that he will take time to help arrange two formations in a few days, and she will also put a lot of ramets of the fairy vine on this star to ensure the survival rate of the medicinal materials.

   If it weren't for such a reliance, she wouldn't be able to buy a garbage star that was of little use.

   Although Tang Si was still a little worried, he believed Xia Ruo more, "Well, I will take good care of it, and I will contact you as soon as possible."

   "Okay!" Xia Ruo nodded.

   After walking around the Junk Star, Xia Ruo and Tang Si agreed on a plan.

   Several people returned to Jili and asked Tang Si to build a house to live in. Tang Si cooked and cooked a meal for everyone.

  Her craftsmanship is not as good as Xia Ruo's, but she is much better than ordinary people, and it's good to change the taste occasionally, and a few people have a good time eating together.

   Just finished eating, the terminal of Fengye rang.

   Seeing the caller's display, he was stunned for a moment, then picked it up.

   Soon a person wearing a battle uniform appeared in the virtual projection, "Captain, Ji Zi has been sent to the exiled planet, and is now serving labor, do you need to see it?"

   Feng Ye did not hesitate, "Look!"

   Then adjust the terminal, Tang Si and several others can also see the situation on the opposite side.

   Soon the man used the long-distance video function and aimed the camera at the pose.

   At this time, the arrogance and domineering of the previous posture was no longer there. He was wearing the clothes of an exile prisoner, his feet were shackled, and he was being driven to work with others.

   Her hair was disheveled, and there were a few scratches and redness on her face. She had obviously been beaten, and she was embarrassed and haggard.

   The prisoners here all need to open up wasteland, and high-intensity labor is a must.

   Ji Zi digged a few times with a **** and didn't want to move. Soon a supervisor with a whip walked over and said something to her at first.

   Ke Ji Zi quarreled with the other party, and then the supervisor picked up the whip and gave her two strokes.

   (end of this chapter)

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