Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 733: you don't have to thank me

   Chapter 733 You don't have to thank me

   Seeing Old Master Xia's face full of anger, but with the appearance of being helpless, Xia Ruo smiled deeper and continued to sprinkle salt.

   "I just got news from the Wisteria Empire a few days ago. After your precious son's family went there, they were defrauded of a sum of money first, and then extorted a lot of money because of the problem of black households."

"Your precious son and second grandson are even more addicted to gambling. They lost all the last property they brought, and they still owe huge debts. They can only live in the slums of the Wisteria Empire and work hard every day to pay off their debts. beaten up."

   "You are most optimistic that you won't be able to get along with your precious grandson, and finally you choose to run to become the door-to-door son-in-law of someone else. All day long, you will see the faces of your father-in-law, mother-in-law and wife, and you will be low-key to make a living.

   "Your granddaughter became a mistress. She was beaten by her first wife and was hospitalized with serious injuries. She was also abandoned by the person who took care of her. Recently, I heard that she went to the underground black market to pick up business to make a living."

Xia Ruo looked at the old man Xia's face, "So the big house can't protect itself, and I can't bear for you for the rest of my life. And since I once left you to sneak away, I think I won't care about you even if it's not so bad. of."

   "Old man, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. The big room has learned your personality very well, and it is retribution to end up like this."

   "Presumably you are hanging on to them these days, so I will kindly tell you about them. I suggest that your best place to belong is to find a cheaper nursing home and spend the rest of your life." She didn't give face at all.

   This is the news from her eldest brother a few days ago. It was a miserable life in the big room, but it was not enough. His eldest brother will continue to take good care of their family.

   Mr. Xia stood up and pointed at Xia Ruo's trembling hand, "You, you!"

   "You don't have to thank me!" Xia Ruo was not ordinary.

   "Pfft!" Mr. Xia couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

  Xia Ruo looked at the fainted man with disgust, "Old man Xia's psychological capacity is really not bad. Fortunately, he has already signed the documents, otherwise I would have to accompany him to the hospital to sign it."

   She just wanted to make old man Xia regret his life. Such a person cherishes his life the most, and he can't die if he vomits blood.

   Feng Yi smiled and said, "He deserves it!"

  This old man is not only mentally unable to bear, but also has very poor eyesight.

   Mistakenly treating pearls as fish eyes and holding fish eyes as treasures, this is also the result of the original choice, and it is not worthy of sympathy.

  The two people who were going through the notarization procedures for them completely pretended that they didn't see Xia Ruo taunting the old man Xia, and one of them made a phone call under Feng Yi's nod, and soon the medical staff came in.

   "It's just that I fainted because of the stimulation, it's not a big deal!" said the doctor after checking.

   "It's fine, just send him to the hospital for a few days." Feng Yi said.

   "Okay!" Several medical staff immediately carried away the fainted Mr. Xia.

   The notary here has also completed all the procedures, "Miss Xia, the transferred company contract and procedures have been completed, and it will take effect from now on."

   "Thank you!" Xia Ruo took the document and put it away.

   "You're welcome!" The two knew Feng Yi and were very friendly to Xia Ruo.

  Xia Ruo and Feng Yi walked out of the office.

   "Thank you second brother, if it weren't for your help, I don't even know how to do these procedures." Xia Ruo said with a smile.

   Feng Yi chuckled: "If the family doesn't speak two languages, who made you my younger brother and sister?"

   (end of this chapter)

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