Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 707: Lost on purpose?

   Chapter 707 Deliberately lost?

   Xia Ruo took over the document and looked at it, she was surprised that the treatment paid by the Ye family was so high.

   Ye Jing has said this for the sake of it, and she can't refuse any more, "Okay, then I'll accept it, and I'll come and see in a few days."

   She has to grow crops and herbs, and the things on the junk star really need to be cleaned up.

   "Well, keep in touch anytime!" Ye Jing nodded and smiled.

   After chatting for a while, Ye Jing left the herbs that Xia Ruo wanted and left.

   After another week, Feng Yan and Xia Ruo returned to the farm together on Friday.

   Feng Ye took a long vacation this time. On Friday, Xia Ruo invited them to come to the farm to have dinner together, and she cooked by herself.

  Not in the cafeteria, a few people came directly to the villa, Xia Ruo made nine dishes and one soup, two noodles, two desserts and two fruits.

  Fengye is the first time to taste Xia Ruo's craftsmanship. Although he is not usually hungry, he can't help but light up his eyes after eating Xia Ruo's dishes.

   "It's no wonder that Ruoruo's cooking is a must in the imperial capital. After tasting it today, I found out that the rumors are true."

   He continued with a smile: "Especially the braised lion head, it's amazing!"

   Xia Ruo said with a smile, "If my cousin likes it, I will come back from a break next time and come over as a guest again. I will cook many other dishes."

   "Okay, I will be transferred back to the imperial capital when I go back to the imperial capital for a while. Then I will be cheeky and often come over to eat." Feng Ye and Feng Yan have a good relationship, and Xia Ruo is also welcome.

   "No problem!" Xia Ruo smiled.

   After the meal, several people went to the living room again. Feng Yi preferred coffee, Xia Ruo went to brew coffee by himself, and also made styles for each cup.

   "If Ruo Ruo is really powerful, not only is he excellent in medicine, but also in cooking." Feng Ye said enjoying a sip of coffee.

   Feng Yi said with a smile, "That's right, Ruoruo's coffee is definitely a must in the Federation."

   "We happen to be lucky enough to be able to drink it regularly, other people don't get this treatment."

  Xia Ruo does not cook much now, and only occasionally goes to a private kitchen to cook it, but she has never made coffee for sale.

   "Then we are really lucky!" Feng Ye held the cup and looked at Feng Yan and laughed, "But the luckiest one is San'er, who found such a good girlfriend."

   A relatively simple love like Feng Yan and Xia Ruo is quite enviable.

   Those of them who are older brothers are also happy for Feng Yan.

   Feng Yan hugged Xia Ruo's shoulder, "Of course, my Xia Xia is the best!"

   "If you keep boasting like this, I'm going to float!" Xia Ruo leaned against Feng Yan and chuckled.

   After chatting for a while, Feng Yi looked at Feng Ye and asked, "How did you check?"

   The smile on Feng Ye's face subsided a bit, with a bit of indescribable disgust in his eyes, "I found out a lot of things."

   "My adjutant gave all the processed information, and what I found from the first floor is much more real."

   "As soon as Ji Zi went out with his twin sister when he was six years old, the younger sister got lost."

"Ji's family always thought it was her sister who got lost accidentally, but from the news sent from the first floor, it was Ji Zi who deliberately tricked her sister into a place with many people, took the other party's terminal, deliberately Cause the other party to get lost."

   He said annoyed, "I didn't expect her to be so vicious since she was six years old."

   "Why did she deliberately lose her twin sister?" Xia Ruo also felt a little weird.

   (end of this chapter)

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