Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 704: it won't succeed

   Chapter 704 It's not a success

   Feng Yan saw that they were in disbelief, so he scattered the recovered spiritual power and directly affected the three of them.

   This made the surprise in the eyes of the three of them even stronger. They found that Feng Yan not only recovered his mental power, but was also much stronger than before.

   To know that the poison in Feng Yan's body was once concluded by the most authoritative doctors and pharmacists in the Federation that could not be removed.

The chance of    mental power recovery is also almost zero.

   Even if the brothers from the Feng family knew that Xia Ruo went to the Wisteria Empire to participate in the medical exchange meeting to help his younger brother get the Mirage Sea Orchid, they did not expect to detoxify so quickly, and even recovered their mental power.

Although the three of them were surprised, they were even more happy that Feng Yan had recovered, and they all showed excited and relieved smiles.

   "This result really surprised us. If it were announced, I'm afraid many people would be shocked." Feng Yi hooked his lips.

  Those people have been chattering all the time. Taking the mental power of the third son of his family as an example, even some people in the battle group have been provoked. After they feel that their younger brother has no mental power, they are not qualified to be heirs at all.

  Humph, this will see if they are too embarrassed to screech again.

   Feng Ye felt a little better when he saw that his cousin's mental strength had really recovered, "It's good to recover!"

   Feng Yan grabbed Xia Ruo's hand with a proud look on his face, "It's all thanks to Xia Xia. If I don't meet her, I'm afraid I won't be able to recover my mental power for the rest of my life."

   The greatest luck in his life was to meet Xia Ruo.

   The other three also agreed with this, "Thanks to Ruoruo, she is really amazing!"

   "If you dare to apologize to Ruoruo in the future, we will break your leg." Feng Yan said with a smile.

   Feng Yan couldn't help laughing, "I've already picked it up now!"

   But he is also very happy, which means that his family, Xia Xia, has been recognized by his relatives.

   Xia Ruo chuckled: "Thank you, brothers!"

   In fact, if one day the rogue Feng dared to let her down, without someone from the Feng family taking action, she would break his leg first.

   As for Feng Yan's mental recovery, several people were happy and returned to the topic.

   Feng Ye looked at Feng Yan and said seriously: "If the speculation just now comes true, I will give you an explanation."

   Feng Yi, a veteran in love and the most experienced one in the audience, thought of some questions.

   "Little Er, you didn't even remember what you did that day when you were drunk, so there's very little chance you could do anything else!"

   His cousin has a sense of responsibility and is upright. He feels that even if he is drunk, he can't do that kind of bullying.

   "If there is someone behind Ye Zi, it is also a trap they set for you. I think the fact that you bullied her after being drunk that day was deliberately distorted."

   He said meaningfully: "Those scenes can be faked. After all, you were very drunk at the time, and you didn't know what they arranged."

   "Maybe the child that woman was carrying before was not yours.".

Xia Ruo actually guessed the same, she added: "If you didn't touch her, then the child she is carrying is not yours, so when you see you talking to your ex-fiancee, you will deliberately rush up to hit someone. "

   "Then this abortion not only solves the problem of the Feng family discovering the truth after the child is born, but also makes you feel more guilty, so you have been accommodating and enduring her."

   These methods have been heard a lot before, or played in TV dramas.

   Ji Zi applied this trick to Feng Ye, and he did succeed in making him feel guilty and give in.

   (end of this chapter)

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