Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 596: Is it inconvenient, or afraid?

   Chapter 596 Is it inconvenient, or afraid?

   Ye Jing didn't have time to tell his father about Jiang Minyun, when he heard this, he suddenly had a headache.

   "Sorry, please wait for a moment!"

   Ye Jing embarrassedly hugged several people, then pulled Ye Zhenfeng and walked to a corner not far away.

   Then he will find the Yin Sha dagger, and then send it to the Feng Shui master to see it, and talk about Jiang Minyun's collusion with Xu Ying to harm Xia Ruo's mother.

  Ye Zhenfeng was stunned for a while, he didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, his face sank.

"Feng Yi doesn't need to lie to you, Hong Lao is a well-known Feng Shui master in the Federation, and he can't get it wrong. It's too much for Jiang Minyun to take Xiao Ning's life." He squinted his eyes, filled with coldness and anger. .

   Ye Jing was also very annoyed, "Yeah! So I asked Xia Ruo to help Xiaoning take a look."

   "She is highly accomplished in ancient medicine and may be able to cure her younger brother," he added.

   Ye Zhenfeng nodded, "I see, you are right in doing this, we want Xiaoning to live a healthy life, not just enjoy three years."

   Immediately, he patted Ye Jing on the shoulder and walked towards Xia Ruo and the others.

   He looked at Feng Yi apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know about the Yin Sha dagger and Jiang Minyun before, so we wouldn't dare to let her treat again."

   "I have to trouble Miss Xia for help!" He said to Xia Ruo more sincerely this time.

  Xia Ruo Xiaoxiao was just about to speak when a doctor rushed out, "Director Ye is not well, the young master's condition has worsened, I have already invited Master Jiang Minyun to come over, I have to suppress it with a potion first."

   "I'll go in and have a look!" Xia Ruo said.

  The doctor looked at Xia Ruo and recognized her at once.

  's face darkened immediately, "I'm sorry, Miss Xia, Young Master Ye's condition is very critical. We have to invite the attending doctor who is in charge of his treatment. It's not convenient for others to see."

  Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Is it inconvenient, or dare you not?"

   This person's eyes flickered for a moment after seeing her, indicating that he was a little guilty.

   Ye Jing came over, "I invited Xia Ruo to see a doctor for Xiao Ning."

   The doctor's expression changed slightly, "Young Master Ye, you may not know that the young master's condition is very bad right now. If you let other people intervene in the treatment, it is very likely that something big will happen."

   Ye Jing said coldly: "You mean only Jiang Minyun can treat my brother?"

   "Yes, Master Jiang Minyun's potion can temporarily suppress the restlessness of the blood of the redbud beast in the young master's body, and random treatment can easily be life-threatening." The doctor emphasized in a solemn tone, that is, against Xia Ruo going in to see.

   Xia Ruo did not speak, but waited for the choice of the father and son of the Ye family.

   Both of them are decisive people, Ye Zhenfeng said, "Since Miss Xia was invited to see a doctor for Xiaoning, our family will be mentally prepared and won't blame you."

   This also means that he chose to let Xia Ruo go in to see a doctor.

   Ye Zhenfeng made a statement, and the doctor could no longer stop him, so he could only make way for a seat, "If that's the case, then please invite Miss Xia."

   "But since the young master has always been in charge of the treatment, we have to watch from the side. If something goes wrong, we can rescue him at any time." His meaning was obvious, as if Xia Ruo was destined to miss.

  The father and son of the Ye family felt uncomfortable when they heard it. They were in charge of the entire Federation's first mecha company. Naturally, they had a lot of brains, and they also found something wrong with this doctor.

   Just now is not the time to pursue this.

   (end of this chapter)

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