Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 592: That's more stable

   Chapter 592 This is more secure

  Feng Yi absolutely believed in Xia Ruo, and now he was even more disgusted with the Jiang brothers and sisters.

   "Brother Ye, why don't you contact a Feng Shui master and ask? That's more secure." He suggested this to help Xia Ruo set the stage and prove that what she said was true.

   If they want to clean up Jiang Minyun, they have to strike from the front.

   Ye Jing also thought it made sense. His grandfather happened to have an ancient family friend who was good at feng shui.

   He made a phone call, and the other party was more cheerful and agreed to help.

   It happened that the old man was drinking tea with his old friend nearby, and asked Ye Jing to bring the things directly there.

   "The old man is nearby, I'll take it over and ask him for help. You guys sit down first?" Ye Jing looked at a few people and said.

   Feng Yi smiled and nodded: "Brother Ye, hurry up, we are drinking here, you come to us again if you have something."

   "Okay, see you later!" Ye Jing couldn't wait to leave the bar with his things in a hurry.

   After he left, Ning Zhenxin looked at Xia Ruo and said, "Miss Xia, will the coldness of things coming out of the ancient tomb affect people's bodies?"

  Since he opened an antique company, he has been in touch with these things a lot. He originally felt that his body was not very comfortable recently, but when Xia Ruo said that just now, he felt that something was wrong.

  Xia Ruo looked at him carefully through the light, "Of course, you should have a deep understanding of Mr. Ning."

   "Have you been woken up a lot lately, you're afraid of the cold, and you have occasional headaches?"

   She paused and continued: "Yin Sha affects not only these, but also luck."

   "I don't think you have a strong yin, but it's been a while. Have you had an accident recently? For example, a small car accident, falling down the stairs, accidentally hitting a table or a corner, etc.?"

   She didn't pay much attention to Ning Zhenxin before, but now she noticed a lot of problems.

  Ning Zhenxin's eyes widened, she couldn't help but stretched her thumb to Xia Ruo, "Awesome, Miss Xia is really amazing, what you said was perfect."

   Looking at Ning Zhenxin's appearance, several people present could guess that Xia Ruo was right, and they were horrified.

   "Xiaoruo not only knows how to see a doctor, but also sees Feng Shui?" Jiang Ji asked in surprise.

   Xia Ruo replied with a smile, "I know how to get some fur, but I'm not good at it. I'm more sensitive to the yin suffocation, so I judge it based on the yin suffocation on Mr. Ning's body."

   "I see, but it's very mysterious!" Jiang Ji raised his finger and pointed at himself, "Xiaoruo, would you like to help me take a look?"

  Ning Zhenxin said speechlessly, "Young Master Jiang, can I ask Miss Xia to take a look for me first?"

  Xia Ruo also said to Jiang Ji with a wry smile: "I'm not good at looking at faces, I can only see if there is any disease, you are relatively healthy, there is no problem."

  Jiang Ji likes to hear this kind of words, "Haha, I'm relieved to hear your words!"

   "Miss Xia, do you think I'm going to treat this kind of disease?" He has been very cold recently, especially sitting at home alone, he always feels cold, and small accidents happen one after another.

  According to Xia Ruo's words, if the yin evil spirit is stronger, it will not be a minor illness or a minor accident.

  Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "The main source of your disease is Yin evil, so taking medicine is useless."

   "Well, I'll draw a talisman for you. You wear it on your body from time to time, and the evil spirit will be absorbed automatically, and it will also prevent the evil spirit from approaching your body."

She can still draw    talismans, and with the blessing of spiritual power, Yin Sha will not be able to erode her body.

   (end of this chapter)

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