Chapter 565

   Bai Siyu looked at the reply, rubbed the terminal with his fingertips, and sent another after a while.

   "Then will we still be friends in the future?"

  Xia Ruohui: "Of course, if you still consider me a friend, we will always be friends!"

   We had done a mission together, and with the grace Bo Siyu showed just now, she didn't mind being an ordinary friend.

   "Okay," Bai Siyu smiled.

   "By the way, I negotiated with the Ye family on the last mission, and the head of the Ye family has already started an investigation."

   "I'm not in the imperial capital. You and Ye Jing know each other. If you can't get in touch with me later, I may ask you and Senior Sister Zhai to learn about the situation. You can raise any doubts, and I'll take care of anything." He added.

   Xia Ruo replied: "Okay! I also want to get to know the Ye family."

  Jiang Yunqi is the son-in-law of the Ye family, so it is not bad for her to start with the Ye family.

   Bai Siyu said: "If you have anything, you can contact me at any time. I'll come back and make an appointment with me!"

  Xia Ruo: "Okay, take care!"

   Feng Yan saw that Xia Ruo had been fiddling with the terminal, and asked with a smile, "Are you chatting with your sister again?"

   Xia Ruo said truthfully: "No, Persian Yu sent me a message."

   Feng Yan raised his eyebrows: "Why is that guy looking for you again?"

   For rivals in love, he is more defensive.

  Xia Ruo laughed at his nervous and wary look, "Nothing, he said he would leave the imperial capital for a while, and talked about the communication between the last mission and the Ye family."

   "Congratulations!" She reached out and pinched Feng Yan's face, "So don't be careful!"

   Feng Yan felt relieved when he heard that Bo Siyu was leaving the imperial capital, "Count him as interesting!"

   "Who cares about him and grabs my daughter-in-law, he's far behind." He said proudly.

   Xia Ruo leaned on him, "Yes, you are the best!"

   She pulled him, "Let's go play games."

   Feng Yan raised his hand and wrapped her whole body in his arms, "Come on!"

  The two snuggled into the terminal to play games, surrounded by pink bubbles.

   We went to class together the next day, Xia Ruo's body recovered, and her mental power and spiritual consciousness became more sensitive.

   Before entering the school gate, she found someone hiding at the gate, "Someone is taking pictures."

   Feng Yan frowned, "Who wants to be a fool again?"

   "I'll go down and see!" he said and was about to stop.

   Xia Ruo grabbed him, "No, let's see what they are trying to do, otherwise we have to be on guard."

   "I guess they will act soon after they take a picture, and then we will take action."

   "Okay, listen to you!" Feng Yan nodded and smiled in a compliment: "It's still my dear, you are smart!"

   Xia Ruo turned his head and said amusingly, "You're so fake!"

   "Daughter-in-law will be happy!" Feng Yan said cheekily.

   Then he drove the car into the parking lot and sent Xia Ruo to class.

   As expected by Xia Ruo, someone posted a post on the Internet in the afternoon.

  I just eat melons: I always thought that Xia Ruo was very good, and that a scholar would be very disciplined.

  I didn't expect that she and Feng Yan violated the school rules. After privately leaving the school in the afternoon from Monday to Thursday, they only returned the next morning. It wasn't just once or twice, but it was different with the Feng family as a backer. Don't say anything, put two pictures for everyone to see.

   The following is accompanied by photos of Feng Yan and the two driving away after class yesterday afternoon, as well as driving back this morning.

  The photo is taken by the terminal, and the time can be displayed on it, which is indeed correct.

   The account that posted this Xingbo was originally just a new account, but it was quickly fired by the Navy, which attracted the attention of many people.

  Sorry for misestimating the time to clean up, it was half an hour late, and there was still a little left in the afternoon. I have to go to work hard tomorrow, continue at 22:30~~~

   (end of this chapter)

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