Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 563: How can you like it so much?

   Chapter 563 How can you like it so much?

   Xia Ruo kicked Feng Yan directly, this guy just likes to push his nose on his face.

  Feng Yan watched his younger brother interact with his younger siblings, inadvertently ate a mouthful of dog food, and suddenly reflected on whether he should also find a girlfriend?

   He asked Xia Ruoxiao, "Ruoruo, do you still have the pills that were used on Xu Ying before? Can you provide us with some?"

   His current job is specifically in charge of federal security. Sometimes, if a spy is caught, as long as the other party has been injected with anti-interrogation medicine, they will have nothing to do.

  But if Xia Ruo used the pills before, it might bring great surprises to their interrogation.

Xia Ruo replied: "Yes, I made it myself. However, what I used for Xu Ying before is only useful for those with abilities below the third level, and those with higher-level abilities have stronger willpower and need to target different people. and the situation to configure.”

   Feng Yan nodded with a smile: "Our interrogation often targets power users below the third level, so please provide some, the price is easy to negotiate."

  If there is a high-level ability user, he can also ask Xia Ruo for help in the future.

  Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Okay! The medicinal ingredients for this kind of pill are not expensive, just look at it, brother!"

   Feng Yan put his arms around Xia Ruo's shoulders and emphasized with a smile: "Brother, this is a medicine that the Starry Beast Alliance and the other two countries do not have. You can't offer a lower price."

   Feng Yan really doesn't know what to say, this younger brother has a daughter-in-law properly and forgot his elder brother.

   "Don't worry, I won't let my family suffer, I'll see you in a hurry." He said funny.

   "Hey, then thank you big brother!" Feng Yan's face has always been thick.

   Feng Yan raised his hand and looked at the time, "I still have something to do, do you want to wait for a meal together?"

   Xu Ying's interrogation record pulled out Jiang Yunqi, which was related to the Ye family and the Federation's mecha. The situation was serious, and he had to report it quickly.

   Feng Yan waved his hand and said, "Brother, go get busy, Xia Xia and I are going to the movies."

   They just became a couple, and of course they are going to have a private sweet life together.

  "..." Feng Yan, who accidentally ate another bite of dog food, was a little choked. It was the first time he found out that his younger brother could be so clingy.

   "Xingxing, let's go!" Feng Yan was now looking at his third son, and the proud and ostentatious face was filled with heartbreak.

  Xia Ruo said with a smile: "Big brother, you are busy first, and when you and the second brother have time to come to the farm to eat together."

   "Okay, we always remember the food that Ruoruo cooks!" Feng Yan treats his family very gently.

   After greeting, Feng Yan took Xia Ruo away.

   He got into the hover car, he thoughtfully stretched out his hand to fasten the seat belt for Xia Ruo, "Let's go to the movies, I saw a very good one just released."

  Xia Ruo looked at Feng Rogue, who was becoming more and more considerate. She didn't dislike his clinginess, but rather liked getting along with him like this, "Okay, you can arrange it!"

   Feng Yan moved his face close to Xia Ruo, and quickly kissed her face, "You are so kind!"

   "Go away!" Xia Ruo rolled his eyes at him with a smile.

  The two went to the cinema together, Feng Yan bought a lot of snacks, and walked in with Xia Ruo generously.

   Sitting on the seat, helping Xia Ruo to open the drink and snacks, one hand clasped her hand and ten fingers intertwined, he really likes Xia Ruo a little more every day, how can he like it so much?

   Xia Ruo indulges his scoundrel, she is very lucky to meet such a person in this world!

   (end of this chapter)

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