Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 546: This wave of rhythm is really good!

   Chapter 546 This wave of rhythm is really good!

   They only had the paternity test of Xu Ying and Jiang Yi, and the evidence of Xu Ying's poisoning.

  Jiang Yunqi is too shrewd. Except for his relationship with Xu Ying and Jiang Yi on the first floor, they did not find any evidence.

  Jiang Yunqi's identity is still relatively special, and without evidence, it is impossible to directly expose it like Xu Ying and Jiang Yi.

   But since he likes to be a rat in the gutter so much and buys a navy black man, now let the other party have a taste of this.

   Even if the powerful netizens did not find out that Jiang Yunqi was Jiang Yi's father, Feng Yan and Xia Ruo would try to expose him.

   However, the two believe that Xu Ying's recent date with the rich man will definitely be dug up, and let's put a green hat on Jiang Yunqi first.

  In the laboratory on the school side, as soon as the live broadcast network was cut off, Feng Yan let the people who were waiting outside come in.

   "Jiang Yi, we suspect that you are suspected of buying a murderer to kill others, cyber violence against others, etc. Please go back with us to investigate!" A man in military uniform took out his credentials and said.

  The first thought in Jiang Yi's mind was that he was finished. He didn't want to be punished by the law, and he didn't want to have a complete future, so he rushed towards the door of the laboratory and wanted to escape.

   But this time, all the elites of the First Chapter came here, so what would happen if he escaped.

   quickly subdued him and handcuffed him.

   "This mentor is disturbing, we will take the suspect away!" After that, the man politely said to Shi Ruyue.

   Shi Ruyue did not expect Jiang Yi and his mother to do so many disgusting things, and nodded: "Okay, trouble!"

   She was even more disgusted with Jiang Yi in her heart, and it was impossible to help.

   After Jiang Yi was taken away, Shi Ruyue looked at everyone and said, "Continue the assessment and extend it for 20 minutes. Those who have finished the assessment can leave, and the results will be announced on the school website!"

   "Yes, Tutor!" Only then did everyone remember that they had watched the play for so long, and they were still in the assessment, so the unfinished ones continued one after another, and the completed ones were taken to the instrument for testing.

   Feng Yan handed over the medicines that he had prepared without grades, and walked out of the laboratory with Xia Ruo.

   The two looked at each other, smiled while understanding, and sent Xia Ruo back to the dormitory before Feng Yan left.

   At this time, the Internet had already been quarreling, and the high-level officials of the entire federation were also alerted.

  Xia Ruo's leaks through the live broadcast are not small, and it is related to the real cause of death of the pharmacist who has contributed to the Federation. If this kind of thing is not handled properly, it may cause a backlash.

   So the senior management immediately held a meeting and set up an investigation team to investigate this matter.

   Among them, there is naturally the push of Feng Baixuan, the leader, who dares to harm his daughter-in-law in private, the Feng family must not let it go.

   Feng Yan and Feng Yi also joined forces to capture Xu Ying, who wanted to smuggle out of the Federation, and directly expose it to the media.

   This is also the reason why they didn't arrest Xu Ying at first, they kept spying on her, and they didn't take action until she was quickly sent out of the federation

   Xu Ying's absconding immediately made headlines and hot searches in the federal news, with a photo of her being kidnapped and escorted back to the imperial capital.

   Such behavior also proves that Xia Ruo's live broadcast is true, this daring servant is going to abscond in fear of crime.

   Feng Yan made another wave of rhythm on the Internet.

  Why Xu Ying was able to abscond in the first place in fear of crime? Can she do it so quickly as her servant? Who is behind her backing her run? Did she abscond in fear of crime to cover up some people?

   A series of thought-provoking questions were raised, and the majority of netizens also exerted their potential as detectives and began to dig deep into Xu Ying’s mother and son.

  Xia Ruo has been paying attention, and she couldn't help hooking her lips when she saw these, not to mention Feng Rogue's rhythm is really good!

   Today's update is over, thank you for tipping and voting dear~~

   (end of this chapter)

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