Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 542: You don't even recognize your biological mother?

   Chapter 542 You don't even recognize your biological mother?

   Shi Ruyue was also very unhappy, but they didn't have any favoritism at all.

   So he said coldly, "Student Jiang Yi, if you lose, you lose. If you can't afford to lose in a row, then your achievements in medicine will probably stop."

   Jiang Yi's face turned pale after being told by the two of them, and he knew that he was impulsive.

   Jiang Yi has mixed feelings in his heart, but he still can't believe that he is not as good as Xia Ruo, how is this possible?

   The whole person was also hit by Xia Ruo, and Shi Ruyue couldn't help but doubt himself.

   Xia Ruo knew that the counterattack was successful, but he was not ready to let this person go.

   This blow can't completely break him, she wants to break the last string in his heart.

   "Student Jiang, are you curious, why I was poisoned, but still able to restore my mental strength and physical fitness?" Xia Ruo held Jiang Yi sharply.

  Jiang Yi's eyes shrank, his whole body was sluggish, his body was even more rigid, and everyone present could see that there was something wrong with his performance.

   "You, what are you talking about, I don't know!" Jiang Yi quickly reacted, taking a step back and denying it.

  The people present and those who were watching the live broadcast were all stunned by the bomb thrown by Xia Ruo.

   Xia Ruo was poisoned? It sounds like it has something to do with Jiang Yi.

What exactly is going on?

  Xia Ruo hooked her lips and smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't know, as long as your mother Xu Ying knows!"

   Jiang Yi's pupils shrank again, staring at Xia Ruo, how could she know this?

  No, not possible!

   "Xu Ying is not my mother, don't slander me, or I will sue you for slander!" Jiang Yi was very emotional and yelled directly at Xia Ruo.

  Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows: "Jiang Yi, just because Xu Ying is my mother's servant and her status is a bit low, don't you even recognize your biological mother?"

   "My mother left notes about potions, countless precious potion formulas and medicinal materials. My father once brought them back, except for the rest of the energy stones that were stolen by the Xia family. Xu Yingke stole them all for you."

   She walked over, her tone was aggressive, with a bit of guidance, "Even if she has a low status, she is not mean to your son, but you are so mean that even your biological mother dare not recognize her."

   Sure enough, Jiang Yi's mood was completely broken, and he shouted loudly with red eyes, "No, I don't have such a mother, my mother is not that lowly servant, she is not!"

   Seeing how excited and about to collapse, anyone with a low IQ and not blind can see that there is something wrong.

   He was in pain when Xia Ruo stepped on him.

   Xia Ruo took out a document from the space, "I used to wonder why you would bribe people in the trial assessment and sprinkle the potion of beasts on me to harm me."

   "In the academy, I even provoked others to deal with me several times, and even bought a navy army to blackmail me. Out of curiosity, I can only ask you to check on the first floor."

   "But I didn't expect you to be the son of Xu Ying, my mother's servant."

   There was a look of pain in her eyes, "Mother always regarded Xu Ying as her family, and asked her to take good care of me after her death. Who would have thought that she raised a white-eyed wolf that devoured her master."

   "I used to trust her so much, she made all kinds of excuses to keep me from learning medicine, I admit it."

   "She has a private relationship with the Xia family's big house who has always been eyeing me, I will endure it!"

   "She stole everything from my mother and father to you, and you are actually a mother-son relationship. I was stunned when I found out!"

  Continue at 15 o'clock~~

   (end of this chapter)

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