Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 533: there will be no suspense

   Chapter 533 There will be no suspense

   Only then did a small number of high-level officials in the Federation realize that Xia Ruo could actually affect Mr. Xie, which is not necessarily a good thing.

   They don't want the current state of the federation to be broken. Those families who don't deal with the Feng family, or who have the right to compete with the Feng family, can't sit still.

   Opportunities like this were also seized by those who wanted to, and they kept provoking them, and finally someone couldn't bear to take the shot.

   When Xia Ruo and Feng Yan returned to the villa, they also saw the star blog posted by Mr. Xie.

   They have been relatively high-profile recently. Feng Yan only gave a like, and Xia Ruo only expressed thanks to @Master Xie, and did not take advantage of this speculation.

   disappoints many people who originally wanted to use this to do something.

   Xia Ruo didn't sleep at night, but put the futon on the balcony and sat cross-legged in the moonlight to practice.

After   's body's toxins were completely eliminated, she also used the medicinal effect and absorbed aura to enter the fifth level of qi refining.

  Without the suppression and erosion of toxins, the original physical fitness and mental strength are restored little by little.

   Xia Ruo expects to be back to peak state in a few days.

   A little bit of recovery of spiritual power has actually merged with spiritual consciousness, and it has become stronger.

   However, she did not immediately announce the news of the recovery of her physical fitness and mental strength. Only when it comes out at the best and suitable opportunity can she have a miraculous effect.

   Her body has recovered, and she can also make a medicinal pill to help Feng Yan expel the poison. Now everything is in place, only the last one is the Mirage Sea Secret Orchid.

   Xia Ruo has seen the patients with genetic diseases in the sanatorium, so he did not go to Zhou Tian again.

  She played games with Feng Yan at home and helped him with his homework in the pharmacy department.

   On Monday, the two finished their breakfast and drove to the college as usual.

   After entering the school, many people gave Xia Ruo a good show.

   Last week, the teacher of the pharmacy elective course, Shi Ruyue, announced that the pharmacy test will be conducted today, and students who fail the examination will be kicked out of the elective course.

   This is not the point, what they focus on is the bet Xia Ruo and Jiang Yi made before.

   Xia Ruo knew what these people thought without asking, and his expression was very indifferent, as if there was no bet.

  Elective course in pharmacy in the afternoon, the beautiful and cold Shi Ruyue walked in on high heels.

   She said straight to the point: "Today is the assessment of the elective course of pharmacy, which is divided into two volumes."

   "The first paper is to test theoretical knowledge, with a total score of 50. The test paper will be sent to your terminal, and you will have one hour to do the test."

   "After a half-hour break, I will conduct the practical assessment of the second volume. It is also an hour and the total score is fifty."

   "The total marks of the two volumes add up to 100, and 60 points are considered qualified. Students who have reached the level can stay and continue to study. Those who are lower than 60 points will not be used in the next class."

  Master Ruyue is more rigorous in teaching, and there is no such situation as releasing water at all.

   As for the bet between Xia Ruo and Jiang Yi, she had already heard about it, and she was also the only one of the pharmacy tutors who took it to heart and was curious.

  Jiang Yi is the No. 1 freshman in the Pharmacy Department. In addition to his talent, he has solid theoretical and practical knowledge.

   He is also a second-level pharmacist, and his grades are not as good as those of senior pharmacy students in the college.

  Jiang Yi is also the favorite of the tutors of the Pharmacy Department, and he is very optimistic about the object that he will focus on training.

   This bet, in the eyes of other pharmacy instructors, would not have any suspense at all, they thought that Jiang Yi would win.

  The mouse suddenly broke, and it took a long time to fix it, so it took more than ten minutes, but fortunately I finished it~~~

   (end of this chapter)

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