Chapter 528 Crash!

   Feng Yan walked upstairs, Xia Ruo's room door was not closed, he pushed it open.

   Seeing that she closed her eyes as if she had entered a state, he walked over gently and sat on the sofa.

   Fan Yue, who was lying on the sofa and squinting his eyes, looked up at him, and then his eyes showed annoyance, and he tilted his head to the side, why is this annoying ghost here?

   When Feng Yan saw the kitten look like this before, he would definitely clean it up, but he didn't want to disturb Xia Ruo today.

   So he whispered, "Stinky cat, young master, I'm in a good mood today, I'm too lazy to bother with you."

   "Hooho!" Fan Yue immediately roared at him, and just after roaring twice, his mouth was covered by Feng Yan.

   "Shit, don't disturb your master!" Feng Yan covered the kitten's mouth, opened the window and threw it out.

   Although Fan Yue became a cub, his survival instinct was still there. After being thrown out, he immediately jumped to the wall and scratched it with his claws. He slowly slipped down and landed safely on the ground, otherwise he would definitely be injured.

   He was so angry that if he hadn't turned into a cub, he would have slapped the nasty **** to death.

   He didn't even run away in the semi-desolate star, and now he has entered the federal imperial capital, so naturally he can't give up halfway.

   Besides, he couldn't escape, and being caught by others would be trouble, so he took a deep breath and decided to endure it.

   opened the door and entered the villa, he jumped onto the sofa in the living room and sat halfway, his eyes gloomy.

   Last night he found out that Xia Ruo was refining medicine, and today he saw her swallowing it, and he wanted to find out what the pill was and what effect it had, who knew that it was destroyed by the nasty ghost.

   In the words of the ancient times of the Federation, he and that nasty ghost really don’t match up, so bad!

   Feng Yan dismissed the unpleasant cat, leaning on the sofa and looking at Xia Ruo in a better mood.

During the    period, several calls came in and he hung up, instead sending messages.

   After more than an hour, Xia Ruo absorbed all the effects of the pills, and her whole body suddenly felt severe pain, as if she was about to cramp.

   She had a painful expression on her face, her face was pale, and layers of fine sweat came out from her forehead, and her clothes were also wet with sweat.

   Feng Yan's pupils shrank upon seeing this, and immediately got up and went over to put her in his arms, "Xia Xia, what's wrong with you?"

  Xia Ruo opened his eyes weakly, "My whole body hurts so badly, this is a necessary process to get rid of poison, it's okay!"

   In addition to the antidote, she also added some herbs with auxiliary effects.

   The effect of the medicine will follow the meridians to remove the toxins from the body little by little. During this process, it will also help her to expand the meridians, so that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy will be faster when she cultivates. She has to endure it.

   Feng Yan put his arms around her and touched her head gently, "I'll accompany you, or I'll tell you a story to distract your attention."

   His tone was distressed and gentle, but there was a layer of coldness in his eyes.

   Those who have harmed his family Xia Xia, he will never let go.

  If possible, he would rather suffer such a crime in her place.

   Leaning on Feng Yan's arms, Xia Ruo felt a rare sense of security, "Okay! Tell me."

   So Feng Yan told her about a lot of interesting things that happened when he went to the battle group. Xia Ruo was still throbbing badly, but he didn't feel that time passed so slowly.

   Feng Yan was very patient, and while talking, he wiped her sweat with the towel he just went to get.

   I'm sorry to have come back, thank you for your reward and votes~~~

   (end of this chapter)

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