Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 525: That must really like you

   Chapter 525 That must be really like you

  Beauty Dan is a kind of elixir that can rejuvenate the skin, and it works very well.

   But the premise is that it needs to be refined with internal fire. The reason why Xia Ruo mentions it is to imply that her sister will be able to refine medicine pills soon.

  Xia Xuan's eyes lit up, "That feeling is good! I'll wait for you to invite me to dinner, and wait for your beauty pill!"

   It seems that the toxins in my sister's body are about to be released, which is great!

   After chatting for a while, Xia Xuan smiled and said, "The emperor of the Wisteria Empire will come to visit the Silver Dragon Empire in a while. I heard that he looks handsome, I want to see it!"

   This will be made public soon, so it doesn't count as a leak of Silver Dragon secrets.

   This is also a hint to Xia Ruo that his brother will go to the Silver Dragon Empire in a while, and if the younger sister can also find a chance to come, the three of them will be able to reunite.

   Xia Ruo understood as soon as he heard it, "I want to see it too!"

   After her body recovers, she can refine the medicinal pills to help her sister and Yan Lingfeng treat illnesses. While delivering the medicinal pills, she can reunite her siblings at the same time, which is wonderful.

   The two of them can't say too much, and the hints that should be hinted will hang up.

   "Yunjing is handsome?" Xia Xuan was on the phone when Yan Lingfeng walked into the room, and he heard the last.

   I walked over with some taste in my heart, circled Xia Xuan and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is he as handsome as me?"

  Xia Xuan looked at him sideways and said seriously: "Nonsense, he must be more handsome than you!"

  Her brother is the most handsome, handsome, and the best, so she doesn't accept refutation!

   Yan Lingfeng's face darkened, and he made a note for Yunjing in his heart. That wanqin let her family Xuanxuan remember it before she arrived, and it was so well received.

   No, he has to be on guard.

   There is a prelude to offending before the eldest brother arrives, plus Yunjing's previous impression of Yan Lingfeng, a proper sad rhythm!

   On the other side, Xia Ruo took out the purple leaves that had been made into medicinal powder after hanging up the phone, and added the medicinal herbs she had found in Feng's house to prepare pills.

  It took a whole night for the pills to be configured successfully.

   She stretched out to wash up, ready to eat breakfast and come back to refine, and said hello to Feng Yan by the way.

   When she went down to the first floor, she heard a noise from the kitchen, and she walked over curiously.

   Seeing that Feng Yan was actually frying eggs with a spatula, the fragrance of porridge came from the rice cooker.

   "Are you making breakfast?" Xia Ruo leaned against the door and wrapped her arms in surprise.

   Feng Yan flipped over the eggs clumsily and said with a smile, "Yeah! You used to make it for me to eat, I think I should try it for you too."

  It is said that the relationship between men and women needs to be treated equally and respect each other. In other respects, he respects Xia Ruo very much, but he often tires her out in cooking.

   So he practiced secretly in private recently. He couldn't make lunch and dinner, and he was barely able to take out breakfast, so he couldn't help but want to show it this morning.

   When Xia Ruo heard him say that, it was impossible not to be touched. She really did not expect that such a tyrant like Feng Roulai would cook for her.

   She has heard people say that if a man is willing to cook for you, wash his hands and make soup for you, he must really like you, and company is the longest confession!

   "Have you learned it before?" Xia Ruo walked over and saw that although he was clumsy, he still looked like it was the first time.

   Feng Yan smiled and said: "I practiced a few times when I went to Black Star."

   Originally, he wanted to make a hearty meal when he confessed to Xia Ruo on his birthday.

   Just before I could go back to the Imperial Capital to study, the plan was disrupted.

   "You go out and wait, it will be ready soon!" He shook the spatula.

   Xia Ruo's heart moved, and he used the terminal to take a picture of him holding a spatula while wearing a waistband, "Okay, I'll go out and wait for you!"

   (end of this chapter)

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