Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 513: Shall we try?

   Chapter 513 Shall we try?

   Feng Yan and the two discussed a lot of plans, and finally wanted to be fully prepared. After all, pursuit is a romantic and formal thing.

   The two gave him an idea, and when he confessed on his birthday in half a month, they directly asked Xia Ruo for a birthday wish.

   Xia Ruo didn't know this, so she went back to her room and went to sleep.

   The next morning, she asked Feng Yan's room to be opened, and picked up the kitten lying on the sofa listlessly.

   Fan Yue originally wanted to run away, but he was so weak that he couldn't even get out of the door of this room, and he had no love again.

   When Xia Ruo picked it up, he completely accepted his fate!

  The state of the cub is too restrictive to move, so it is better to follow this woman first, collect some human information after recovery, and then go back.

   Otherwise, his recent hardships will be in vain!

   Bai Siyu transferred a battleship from the Second Chapter, and they took them back.

   I didn’t take the employer’s spaceship this time, and it was also to ensure safety.

   boarded the battleship, Xia Ruo took out coffee and let the people above make it.

  Zhai Junyan sat down against Xia Ruo and asked Bo Siyu, "How did the star thief group handle it?"

   Bai Siyu replied slowly: "All have been arrested and are still under trial."

   "You can be sure that they have colluded with the alien beasts in the starry sky. Are they colluding with the employer?" Xia Ruo put the kitten on the sofa next to him and rubbed his head with his hands.

   Bai Siyu said: "No, using lie detector equipment, the reason why they came to intercept us is entirely because of the benefit of the alien beasts in the starry sky. They don't know our mission."

   From the perspective of the Chapter and the Federation, Bai Siyu didn't want the Ye family to be involved, and the crime of collusion with the starry beasts was not a big one.

   is not worried about the Ye family, but if the Ye family betrays, the Federation will definitely suffer from turmoil.

  The mech warriors in the chapter may also face a lot of trouble, and they are relieved at the result of the interrogation.

  Xia Ruo nodded and reminded: "The Ye family may not have participated, but it does not mean that there are no traitors, it is best to check."

  Jiang Yunqi is the mecha master of the Ye Family Mecha Company, and he also owns a certain amount of shares. If he really colludes with the starry beasts, it will be a hidden danger to the Federation.

   It's just that there is no evidence, and she can't tell Bo Siyu and others just by guessing.

  Percy nodded, "I think so too, the reconnaissance elite of our second chapter has been dispatched, and I'm going to hire the first floor to follow the investigation."

   "Of course, the employer also needs to check themselves." The Ye family's phone call was unclear, and he would come to the imperial capital in person.

   Hearing what he said, Zhai Junyan and the others felt a little more comfortable, and Bai Siyu was still reliable in his work.

  There is also a lounge on the battleship. After chatting for a while, several people went to their respective lounges.

   Xia Ruo practiced until he watched the battleship pass through the atmosphere of the planet where the Federation was located, and then opened the door and walked out to breathe.

   There was no one in the hall. She made a cup of coffee by herself and stood by the floor-to-ceiling window to look outside.

   After a while, Bo Siyu walked into the hall and saw Xia Ruo standing not far away, he raised his foot and walked over.

   "What are you looking at?"

   Xia Ruo glanced at him sideways, "It's beautiful to see the night sky."

   The starry sky here is very beautiful, as if countless sparks are scattered on a dark blue canvas.

   Bai Siyu looked up at the starry sky, "It's really beautiful."

  's mind moved, he opened his mouth and asked, "Xia Ruo, do you have any plans for your relationship?"

  Xia Ruo was stunned for a moment, then asked inexplicably, "Emotionally?"

   Bai Siyu is this trying to express what? You don't want to pursue her, do you?

   "I mean love!"

   Before she could continue to guess, Bai Siyu looked at her with a warm smile on his cold brows, "Xia Ruo, why don't we try?"

   (end of this chapter)

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