Chapter 509

   Feng Yan looked at Yun Jing rubbing Xia Ruo's hair dotingly in front of him, a trace of grievance in Peach Blossom's eyes, and his heart was even more delicious!

   He has never rubbed Xia Xia's head like this, this little white face is too much!

If    was changed to normal, he would have gotten up and scolded the little white face long ago, but it was obvious that Xia Ruozhen treated the other party as a brother. He was afraid that she would be angry, so he could only bear it.

  Can't take Xiaobai's face to vent his anger, Fan Yue on his leg is more unlucky, either being pinched or slapped on the head.

   Fan Yue could not wait to bite Feng Yan's hand in one bite, but unfortunately the little **** bit on it, just to tickle the other party, and his heart was not ordinary annoyance.

   hated that **** brother even more, and waited for him to recover to see if he didn't kill him.

   Bai Siyu sat in the co-pilot and saw the interaction between Yunjing and Xia Ruo through the rearview mirror.

   He also had an inexplicable panic in his heart.

   However, Bai Siyu usually mainly relies on his brain to eat, and his emotional intelligence is much higher than that of a certain person.

   Having this feeling in his heart, he realized that he might like Xia Ruo.

   As long as he thinks of last night and opens his eyes to see the warm Xia Ruo sitting by the bonfire, his heart also warms up. This is something he has never experienced since he was a child.

   Their Bai family's requirements for the wife he is going to marry in the future do not necessarily have to be the right match. He thinks Xia Ruo is very good.

   He is an activist, knowing that he likes Xia Ruo, then he is ready to pursue it.

   Feng Yan didn't know that a real rival in love was coming out, and he was still pinching the hair on Fan Yue's neck, while staring at Yun Jing vaguely.

   Fortunately, Xiaobai rubbed Xia Ruo's head once, otherwise he might not be able to stand up and stop her.

   After more than an hour, the off-road vehicle entered the supply city.

   This time, Bai Siyu did not open a hotel, and took them directly to the second chapter's station.

   I was only here to do quests, so I don’t need to bother the Chapter.

   But now it involves not only the star thieves on this semi-desolate star, but also the Starry Beast Alliance, which is not a trivial matter.

The building of the    Chapter Station is the best in the city, and the person in charge soon arranged accommodation for several people.

   Before going to the room, Yunjing's people drove over.

   At this time, only a few of them were walking. A man in battle uniform got out of the car with two bags and respectfully saluted Yunjing.

   "Your Majesty, the energy stone and flint refining stone you prepared are ready!"

   Energy stone is easy to find, but it takes them a lot of energy and connections to make flint.

   However, they are all Anbu elites directly under the emperor of the empire. If they can't do this well, they will be cultivated in vain.

   Cloud Spots nodded, "Good job!"

   took the two bags, he smiled and handed it to Xia Ruo, "Ruoruo, you can use it first, and then tell me when you're done. If you want anything else, just contact me directly!"

   "Okay! Thank you brother!" Xia Ruo rudely took the bag and threw it into the space, "When I refine the pills, I will send some to my brother too."

  The elder brother spoiled them infinitely, and they will naturally give back to the elder brother.

   Yunjing directly ignored Feng Yan's darkened face, raised his hand with a smile and rubbed Xia Ruo's head.

   His tone was very gentle, but with a kind of domineering arrogance, "I'm leaving, remember to contact me as soon as I have something, if anyone dares to bully you, I will kill them!"

   He was also very serious about what he said. My sister was slow to cultivate due to a physical problem, but his physical talent is very good. If he hadn't deliberately suppressed it, he would have already entered the eighth level of Qi refining.

   That is, he can break his arm with a ninth-level ability user, so he deliberately suppressed it, otherwise, if it spreads out, it will scare the whole galaxy!

   (end of this chapter)

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