"I really can't believe it, I even went to see the sales people on Taotao.com last year's Double [-] Carnival. Last year it was [-] billion, this year it is [-] billion an hour, and the final sales are absolutely More than [-] billion, the people of Longguo really scared me."

  "I think this data is normal. I didn't see that the items on Taotao.com were drastically reduced in price today. If I were the people of the Dragon Kingdom, I would also buy and buy like crazy."

  "Yes, I saw that many people on YY are talking about buying daily necessities for next year and one year's daily necessities. It is not surprising that there are such sales. Don't forget that there are [-] billion people in Longguo."

  "TaoTao.com is completely exclusive, and 2 billion per hour is normal. I really envy the people of Longguo. There is such a crazy price reduction event once a year, which can really save a lot of money, just like the people of Longguo said. , you can save money for a Huaxin [-]."

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  "Why doesn't Taotao.com have an overseas version? If there is an overseas version, we can also enjoy the benefits of Taotao.com's Double Twelve."

  "TaoTao.com is online shopping, and express delivery does not support overseas delivery. Haoyu Group's Dongfeng Express has not yet developed overseas, and Haoyu Group has not cooperated with foreign express delivery companies."

  "TaoTao.com is purely online shopping. It is not very difficult to develop overseas. However, I hope that Taotao.com will develop overseas as soon as possible. I believe that many people are willing to join Taotao.com."

  "Yes, Haoyu Group is so powerful. As long as Haoyu Group is willing, Taotao.com can definitely develop well overseas."

  "Wait, Taotao.com will expand overseas like YY."

  On this day, the whole world is paying attention to the sales of Taotao.com.

  [-] billion, [-] billion, every major breakthrough touches the hearts of people all over the world.

  At 12:11:59 pm on the 59th, the salespersons of Taotao.com's Double Twelve Shopping Carnival came to an end.

  The final sales were fixed at [-] billion, a full [-] billion more than last year.

  The figure of [-] billion once again shocked people all over the world.

  In the past, the sales volume of Huaxin mobile phone was more than [-] trillion yuan. Today, the sales volume of Taotao.com is [-] billion yuan. Haoyu Group is completely popular all over the world.

  "It's awesome, this Haoyu Group is really awesome. The boss of Haoyu Group, Su Shen, is not the richest man in the world. Who would dare to be the richest man in the world?"

...... 0

  "Haha, the consumption power of the people of Longguo is really strong, and our country's shopping festivals do not have such sales."

  "There's no way, there are so many people in the Dragon Kingdom."

  "The number of people is one reason, but the sales are also very strong, which shows that the life of the people of Longguo is getting better and better."

  "It seems that the Dragon Country is not as backward as the previous news said, and there is a chance to go to the Dragon Country to play."

  "Nonsense, the Dragon Kingdom is one of the four ancient kingdoms, and the background is there. The Dragon Kingdom has beautiful scenery. I want to go to the Great Wall to see it."

  "Next year, I must strive to travel to Longguo. I want to go to Donghai City to see Haoyu Group."

  "I heard that the headquarters of Haoyu Group is under construction. After completion, it will be a landmark of Longguo. When Haoyu Group is completed, I must go to Donghai City to see how magnificent the headquarters of Haoyu Group is."

  "That's right, I have to touch the divine light of Haoyu Group, haha."

  "Fortune magazine wants to leave Haoyu Group aside, it's really lard."

  People all over the world ridiculed Fortune Magazine because of the super sales of Taotao.com's Double [-] Shopping Festival.

  "Fortune magazine is completely dying. Isn't Su Shen of Haoyu Group the richest man in the world who is the richest man in the world?"

  "I heard that the shares of Haoyu Group are basically in the hands of Su Shen. Su Shen is not the richest man in the world, who is the richest man in the world?"

  "Fortune magazine is definitely going to get cold, who cares, just read the World Fortune Magazine of Haoyu Group. Haoyu Group is so powerful, it will definitely give the most fair ranking of the world's richest people."

  "That's right, I don't read this year's Fortune Magazine's World's Richest List. I only read the Haoyu Group's World Fortune Magazine's Richest List."

  "That's a must. Fortune magazine is destined to have fun in America."

  The high-level people of the Dragon Kingdom were also frightened when they saw the figure of [-] billion.

  "We actually bought so many, [-] billion more than last year, which is crazy."

  "I bought [-], and I will eat instant noodles for the next two months."

  "I couldn't help but buy five or six thousand, and I bought all the savings. Next, I want to eat instant noodles."

  "I bought tens of thousands, did I speak?"

  "I bought a hundred thousand, did I speak?"

  "I bought hundreds of thousands, did I speak?"

  "I bought millions, did I speak?"

  "Local tyrant, please don't talk, as soon as you come out and talk, I want to hammer you."

  "Haha, it turns out that local tyrants also shop on Taotao.com. I thought local tyrants would only go to real luxury stores to buy things."

  "There is no brand on Taotao. This time, the price is reduced. The local tyrants are not fools. Will they not buy it if there is a cheaper one?"

  Longguo executives were also very happy to see Taotao.com's [-] billion sales.

  Whether it is Huaxin mobile phone or Taotao.com, they are promoting consumption.

  Su Hao really helped the country solve a big problem.Ten thousand.

Chapter 342

  The industry of Haoyu Group has spread all over the country, and the people of Longguo have been inseparable from Haoyu Group.

  The senior officials of Longguo knew this.

  It is the luck of Longguo that Longguo has such a super-potential enterprise as Haoyu Group.

  The high-level officials of Longguo wish there were more potential companies like Haoyu Group in Longguo, so that the development of Longguo would definitely be faster.

  It's a pity that a monster genius like Su Hao is rarely seen in a thousand years. Without a monster genius at the helm, it is impossible for a legendary company like Haoyu Group to appear again.

  The emergence of a Haoyu Group is already a blessing of the Dragon Kingdom, and the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom do not expect anything else.

  After obtaining the engine technology authorized by Haoyu Group last time, Longguo applied the super advanced engine technology of Feilong Motors to the army, making the infrastructure in the army more powerful.

  Off-road military vehicles were invincible during the exercise, even climbing mountains and wading.

  The most important thing is that the aviation industry was also inspired by the engine of the Flying Dragon. The aircraft engine has made a little breakthrough, and the technology has improved a lot. This is a great thing for Longguo.

  Longguo Airlines is not very strong, and every bit of progress now is a good thing.

  The senior officials of Longguo wish Haoyu Group to develop and innovate in more industries, which is definitely more beneficial to Longguo.

  This time, the second elder did not bring a phone to Su Hao.

  The second elder knew that Su Hao was developing a 4G network and did not want to disturb Su Hao.

  The two elders are looking forward to Su Hao to develop a perfect commercial 4G network as soon as possible, and it is best to become the first company in the world to develop a 4G network.

  As for the Dragon Country Research Institute, the second elder did not expect much at all.

six eight zero

  The technology of the Longguo Research Institute in the field of network communication can be said to be backward, which can be seen from the fact that even a 3G network could not be developed before.

  The King Longguo Research Institute developed a 4G network, which is basically a waste of time.

  The Haoyu Research Institute can develop a 3G network, and I believe that a 4G network can also be developed. The second elder firmly believes in this.

  Now what Su Hao needs is time, and the second elder also believes that Su Hao will not make him wait for a long time. The 4G network will be interviewed soon. As for whether he can catch up with other countries, it is up to fate.

  The Dragon Country is completely behind the world in the field of network communication.

  Whether it is 1G, 2G, or 3G, they are all behind the world level. If Su Hao hadn't developed 3G, it would take at least several years for Long Guo to use the 3G network.

  The reason why Long Guo was able to use the 3G network so quickly was all thanks to Su Hao.

  The two elders are well aware of the importance of 4G networks.

  Which country has the right to speak in the 4G network will surely develop rapidly into a world power, which is beyond doubt.

  If the Dragon Kingdom can occupy the right to speak in the 4G network, the two elders are confident that the Dragon Kingdom will have the absolute right to speak in the world in five to ten years.

  So the second elder didn't want to disturb Su Hao and let Su Hao concentrate on developing the 4G network.

  Su Hao returned to Villa 20, which was empty.

  Only then did Su Hao remember that all the girls were busy with the Double [-] shopping carnival in the group, and they would definitely come back later.

  Su Hao called Yuan Xuefei.

  "Sister Concubine, are you all working overtime?"

  Yuan Xuefei: "Yes, everyone is busy, how can you not work overtime."

  Su Hao: "Just leave it to the employees to do it, don't care too much."

  Yuan Xuefei: "I'm too lazy to tell you, you should go to bed early if you're tired. Ruo Meng and I will go back after midnight."

  Su Hao: "Okay, you are busy."

  Su Hao originally wanted to go to the headquarters of the group, but after thinking about it, he didn't go there in the end.

  Now it can't help much in the past, and maybe it will cause chaos, Su Hao simply can't go.

  In the end, Su Hao boiled a pot of porridge and waited for the girls to go home.

  After cooking the porridge, Su Hao sent a message to the girls, asking them to go home to drink porridge after get off work.

  When the girls saw Su Hao's message, their hearts flew back to Villa 20.

  The girls are thinking about Su Hao's cooking skills. Now Su Hao is waiting for them to cook porridge. If it is not twelve o'clock soon, they can't help but go home.

  After midnight, the sales came out, and all the girls went home with happy faces.

  Soon, the girls completely emptied the pot of porridge.

  "It seems that I have to work more overtime in the future. It's worth it to be able to eat such delicious porridge during overtime." Du Ruomeng was the most greedy one.

  "Really? It's easy to get old if you don't take beauty sleep, aren't you afraid of being abandoned by someone?" Zhou Xue teased.

  Du Ruomeng said confidently: "I'm not afraid. If he dares to abandon me, I will slap him."

  Su Hao pretended not to hear it, he didn't want to participate in this kind of topic between the girls at all.

  There was another person who didn't hear it, and that was Li Rongrong.

  Every time Du Ruomeng, Yuan Xuefei, Zhou Xue, and Zhang Mengqi talked about the topic related to Su Hao, Li Rongrong chose to pretend to be deaf.

  She couldn't join this kind of topic at all. Whenever this time, Li Rongrong would feel very embarrassed.

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