Longguo netizens responded one after another, calling on everyone to delete comments about the unification of the world mobile phone market and not to let mobile phone companies know about it.

  Longguo netizens are worried that their voices on the Internet will destroy Su Hao's plan. If Huaxin mobile phone cannot dominate the world mobile phone market because of them, then they are really sinners.

  "It's useless, this topic has been on the hot search, it's too late."

  At this time, someone discovered that the topic of Huaxin Mobile's desire to unify the world's mobile phone market has been on the hot search.

  Immediately, netizens clicked into the hot search list, and saw that the topic was on the 28th hot search list, and they were all at a loss.

  "Nima, why did you rush to the hot search so quickly?"

  "Isn't this normal? The whole Internet is discussing this topic, can you not be on the hot search?"

  "Woo, it's too late, now we are really going to become sinners through the ages."

  "If Su Shen's plan is destroyed, will Su Shen turn into a profiteer, and will Su Shen give us any more benefits because of this?"

  "God Su treats us so well. If we go to sabotage his plan, will God Su hate us so much? Woohoo..."

  For a while, Su Hao's fans were worried that Su Hao would blame them, and blame them for sabotaging Huaxin's mobile phone plan.

  The voices on the Internet are like a dance of demons, and people say everything.

  The voice of Huaxin mobile phone dominating the world mobile phone market quickly rushed to the top of the hot search.

  After seeing this hot search, people all over the country agreed with the speculation of netizens.

  After all, only such a great purpose is worthy of Su Shen making a thankless decision.

  "Don't worry everyone, what if those mobile phone companies know about it? This is the general trend. If they want to make money, they can only use Huaxin mobile phone system. If they don't use Huaxin mobile phone system, they can't compete with those giant mobile phone companies like Nuojiya. They If you want to make money, you can only cooperate with Huaxin Mobile.”

  "That's right, don't worry, our guesses won't affect Huaxin mobile phones at all, let's not say whether everyone's guesses are right or not, what if the guesses are true? Those mobile phone companies want to make money and cooperate with Huaxin mobile phones. The right choice."

  "That's right, do you think those second-tier mobile phone companies don't want to surpass Nuojiya, Morola? I tell you, they dream that they didn't have a chance before, but now they have a chance, they must be desperate to catch up, they know What if CEFC wants to dominate the world's mobile phone market, businessmen only look at interests, as long as they have money to make, they don't care about other things 々ˇ."

  "Relax, Su Shen won't blame us. On the contrary, now that this is said, Huaxin's mobile phone shines even more, isn't it good?"

  "Haha, stop guessing here, is it true? These are just our guesses. As long as Su Shen and Huaxin Mobile don't admit it, no one dares to say that Huaxin Mobile wants to. Dominate the world mobile phone market.”

  The whole network is discussing this topic, and many mobile phone companies have naturally noticed this topic.

  As netizens said, all mobile phone companies don't care whether Huaxin mobile phone wants to dominate the world mobile phone market.

  The mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin Mobile have never thought of competing with Huaxin smartphones, they just want to make money.

  Before they cooperate with Huaxin Mobile, their future is dark, and they cannot launch a smartphone at all, because they cannot develop a mobile phone system.

  Now we cooperate with Huaxin Mobile. With Huaxin mobile system, the mobile phone companies can not only launch smart phones, but also better smartphones than those from Samsung, Nuojiya, Pingguo, and Morola. .

  The better the product, the better the sales will be. It is not unreasonable to bring down the mobile phone giants such as Samsung and Nuojiya.

  This is what they are most concerned about. As long as the mobile phone giants of Nuojiya can be brought down, what if the mobile phones all over the world use the Huaxin mobile phone system, who cares.

  The second-tier mobile phone companies are completely ignoring this, and now they just want to be the first to launch smartphones.

  Now which company will launch the smartphone with the Huaxin mobile phone system the soonest, it will definitely be able to occupy more markets. This is the most important thing for many mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin Mobile.

  Many mobile phones don't care about this matter, but Nuojiya, Xingsan, Pingguo, and Morola have a headache.

  The four mobile phone giants all agree with the speculation of netizens.

  If Huaxin Mobile does not want to dominate the world mobile phone market, Huaxin Mobile does not need to authorize many mobile phone companies to use Huaxin mobile phone system.

  Since Huaxin chooses to cooperate with many mobile phone companies, it must have a purpose, and unifying the world mobile phone market is the most appropriate purpose.

  Dominate the world mobile phone market? Huaxin mobile phone, you dream, with Pingguo mobile phone, you can not dominate the world mobile phone market.

  Pingguo has the support of Microsoft and Microsoft, and all the senior management of Pingguo are confident to catch up with Huaxin Smartphone. What Pingguo needs is time, as long as Pingguo is given time, Pingguo will definitely catch up with Huaxin Smartphone. mobile phones, even surpassing Huaxin smartphones.

  Nuojiya company executives are super upset.

  Huaxin mobile phone, do you think my promise machine does not exist?

  Nuojiya is the hegemon of the mobile phone world. Now that you are ahead a little bit, you will drift away. Just wait, Nuojiya will regain the dominance again soon.

  Huaxin mobile phone, if you want to dominate the world mobile phone market, dream it.

  The executives of Morola and Nuojiya have the same idea.As a former mobile phone hegemon, Morola is intent on surpassing Huaxin mobile phone and returning to the mobile phone dominance. Huaxin mobile phone wants to dominate the world mobile phone market, three words, impossible.

  Unless Morola goes bankrupt, it is impossible for CEFC to dominate the world mobile phone market.

  The top executives of Star Three, Pingguo, Nuojiya, and Morola, have different ideas.

  Samsung mobile phone executives agreed that when those mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin mobile phone launch smartphones, their market will be severely squeezed, and even those mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin mobile phone will take all the market away.

  After all, the competitiveness of the Huaxin mobile phone system is there. Compared with the Huaxin mobile phone system, the Samsung mobile phone system is indeed rubbish.

  At present, only Pingguo, Nuojiya, and Morola have launched smart phones. The smart phone systems of the three companies are as rubbish as the Samsung mobile phone system. There is a market for Samsung smart phones.

  When the mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin Mobile introduce smartphones using the Huaxin mobile phone system, Samsung's smartphones completely lose their competitiveness, and the consequences can be imagined.

  Samsung mobile phone executives asked the R&D department if they could develop a mobile phone system as good as the Huaxin mobile phone system in a short period of time.

  The answer given by Samsung's mobile phone R&D department is that it is impossible.

  Without the internal data of the Huaxin mobile phone system, it is impossible to catch up with the level of the Huaxin mobile phone system in a short time, and it is impossible within three to five years.

  Get this answer, Samsung mobile phone executives suddenly made a decision.

  Samsung mobile phone executives unanimously decided to cooperate with Huaxin mobile phone.

  When you are a little brother, you can be a little brother. If you can survive and make money when you are a little brother, what about being a little brother?

  As long as they cooperate with Huaxin Mobile, their Samsung smartphones all use Huaxin Mobile System, and Samsung Mobile will definitely become the second-ranked mobile phone in the world.

  Pingguo, Nuojiya, and Morola are not the opponents of Samsung Mobile, nor are the mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin Mobile.

  11 month 15 number.

  Samsung mobile phone executives called Huaxin mobile phone company.

  Jiang Liuyu was also slightly taken aback when he learned that Samsung Mobile was going to cooperate with Huaxin Mobile.

  As one of the four major mobile phone giants, Samsung is willing to use the Huaxin mobile phone system?

  Samsung is one of the first giants to choose to cooperate with Huaxin Mobile.

  Jiang Liuyu replied that he needed to ask the senior management for the answer to Xingsan.

  Jiang Liuyu told Su Hao what Samsung Mobile wanted to cooperate with.

  Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he learned that Star Three wanted to cooperate.

  Can't stand it?Shouldn't we wait until the first cooperative mobile phone using the Huaxin mobile phone system is launched?

  It seems that the decision-maker of Samsung mobile phone is a very decisive person.

  Su Hao didn't know for a while whether it would be better to cooperate with Samsung mobile phone.

  Samsung mobile phone is one of the four major mobile phone giants. Different from those small and medium-sized brand mobile phones, the authorization of Samsung mobile phone to use Huaxin mobile phone system has a great impact on Huaxin smart phones.

  Su Hao decided to wait a moment. If many mobile phone companies can take away the market of the four mobile phone giants, namely, Star-San, Pingguo, Nuojiya, and Morola, and can kill the four mobile phone giants, then there is no need to cooperate with Star-San at all.

  Su Hao asked Jiang Liuyu to reply to the Samsung mobile phone party.

  Since Samsung mobile phone is one of the giants, Huaxin mobile phone needs to be reconsidered and notified when it is decided.

  Jiang Liuyu replied to the Samsung mobile phone with the original words.

  Samsung Mobile was very upset to see that Huaxin Mobile did not agree to cooperate immediately.

  But so what?

  Samsung mobile phone executives can only hold back in their hearts.

  Huaxin Mobile did not agree to cooperate in the first place. What Samsung Mobile’s executives should consider is not unpleasant, but what is the purpose of Huaxin Mobile.

  Huaxin Mobile actually agreed to cooperate with many mobile phone companies, and it would not be worse than Samsung.

  Why is Huaxin mobile not willing to cooperate with their Samsung mobile phone?

  Mobile giant?This reason is perfunctory.

  Samsung is a mobile phone giant, but it can't affect Huaxin's smartphones.

  Even if the Samsung mobile phone uses the Huaxin mobile phone system, other functions cannot catch up with the Huaxin smartphone, and it does not pose a threat to the Huaxin smartphone at all.

  Soon, Samsung Mobile knew the reason.

  11 month 20 number.

  The first mobile phone company to cooperate with Huaxin Mobile launched the rice smartphone.

  After the rice smartphone was launched, it was unanimously recognized by netizens.

  "¨'Haha, the rice smartphone uses the Huaxin mobile phone system, and it is much smoother than the smartphones of Samsung, Nuojiya, Pingguo, and Morola, and it is not stuck at all."

  "That's right, the Morolla smartphone went on sale a few days ago. I was looking forward to it. I didn't expect it to be as rubbish as Nuojiya and Xingsan. It's too bad to play a small game."

  "The Huaxin mobile phone system is still good, and the rice mobile phone is still good. People who can't wait for the Huaxin mobile phone can choose to buy the rice mobile phone."

  "It's really lucky that the rice mobile phone can cooperate with Huaxin mobile phone. If it is not for the Huaxin mobile phone system, it will definitely be the same as the Morola mobile phone, and it will be on the market."

  On November 11st, the second mobile phone company that cooperated with Huaxin Mobile launched a smart phone, which is still recognized by netizens. In the eyes of netizens, the smart phones with Huaxin mobile phone system are more than Samsung, Nuojiya, Pingguo, Smartphones from the four Morola companies are much better.

  In the next few days, all mobile phone companies launched smartphones, almost all of them mainly focused on the low-end market. They all chose to avoid the Longguo market and entered the competition among the four mobile phone companies, namely, Samsung, Nuojiya, Pingguo, and Morola. market.

 (Wang Zhaozhao) After these mobile phones entered the market, the sales of Xingsan, Nuojiya, Pingguo, and Morola all plummeted.

  The price is similar, and the smart phones launched by the mobile phone companies that cooperate with Huaxin Mobile are better to use, and fools will make choices.

  Xingsan, Nuojiya, Pingguo, and Morola have nothing to do with the four companies. They have done all kinds of activities, but there is still no way.

  The four companies are engaged in activities, and other mobile phone companies are engaged in activities. In a word, they are fighting you to the death and completely robbing the market of your four companies.

  By December 12, more than a dozen companies that cooperated with Huaxi Mobile had launched smartphones.

  These more than a dozen mobile phone companies are all over the world, completely occupying the market of countries where Huaxin's smartphones are not sold, making Dexingsan, Pingguo, Morola, and Nuojiya completely desperate.

  Samsung Mobile's executives finally know why Huaxin Mobile is considering cooperation. This is not giving them a way out.

  Samsung called Huaxin Mobile again, but Jiang Liuyu directly refused this time.

  According to Su Hao, since many small and medium-sized mobile phone companies can kill the four giants, there is no need for the four giants to exist.

  Star San was completely desperate.

  The mobile phone can't be sold, the smart phone is discontinued, and the research is concentrated. Before developing a better smart phone, Samsung has no chance at all.

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