"Don't talk too much, I'll go to Su Shen (Wang Zhaohao) Weibo for a walk."

  "Haha, I'm going too, I can't stand it if I don't believe it."

  "Come along, haha."

  Netizens all ran to Su Hao's Weibo for a walk.

  Su Hao officially responded.

  "I didn't expect everyone to look forward to Huaxin 2 so much, so let's hold a press conference tomorrow, and it's time for Huaxin 2 to go public."

  Su Hao's Weibo directly created a whirlwind all over the world and spread quickly.

  "Haha, I knew it would be like this. God Su would never let Morola mobile phone seize the market. Morola mobile phone hurriedly announced that it was destined to be cannon fodder."

  "Finally waiting for Huaxin 2, it's really not easy, Su Shen, how much did you prepare this time?"

  "Without [-] million units, the domestic market cannot be satisfied? Su Shen, are you ready?"

  "Haha, if the function of Huaxin 2 is much more than that of Huaxin 1, [-] million will not be enough, let alone the foreign market, [-] million, and one billion will not be enough to sell."

  "The function of Huaxin 2 will definitely not be bad. I still believe in Su Shen. As for how good it is, we will know at the press conference tomorrow."

  "Haha, looking forward to Huaxin 2, as long as the price is not too expensive, I will buy it tomorrow."

  "Don't worry about this. How can Su Shen's products be very expensive? The price is estimated to be similar to that of Huaxin 1."

  "I think so too. For this, I still believe in Su Shen, Huaxin 2, come on, I can't wait any longer."

  The four companies, Xingsan, Pingguo, Nuojiya, and Morola, were very depressed when they saw that Huaxin Mobile was going to launch Huaxin 2.

  In particular, the three companies, Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya, attributed the reasons to Morola.

  If Morola hadn't launched a better smartphone than Huaxin 1, Huaxin Mobile might not have launched Huaxin 2 so soon, all of which were harmed by Morola. .

Chapter 335

  "Come on, Morolla really has more success than failure. Can't you wait a month or two before launching a smartphone?"

  "This Morola company is a sinner through the ages. Originally, the sales of the second-generation smartphones were not bad. Now Huaxin Mobile has announced the launch of Huaxin 2, and the sales have dropped rapidly. I am convinced."

  Xing San, Pingguo, and Nuojiya executives couldn't help but complain.

  In fact, the executives of the three companies also know that even without Morola, Huaxin mobile phone will soon launch Huaxin 2.Morola only slightly accelerated the launch of Huaxin 2 on Huaxin Mobile a few days earlier.

  Morola's executives were even more depressed.

  Seeing that Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya wanted to seize the market in other countries, Morola couldn't help but announce a new smartphone.

  The impatient Morola company completely forgot about the overlord of the Huaxin smartphone.

  Now seeing that Huaxin Mobile is going to launch Huaxin 2, the executives of Morola Company remembered that there is still such an overlord in the three companies of Xingsan, Pingguo, and Nuojiya.

  Morola Mobile still needs ten days and a half to prepare for the launch of the new smartphone, but Huaxin Mobile cannot give them that much time.

  With Huaxin 2, who would buy a Morola smartphone?

  Are their Morola smartphones a social death?

  When Morola had a headache, the three companies, Xingsan, Pingguo and Nuojiya, had vague ideas about Morola.

  But all of this has to be said after watching the Huaxin mobile phone conference.

  If Huaxin 2 is not super good, then everything has a story. If Huaxin 2 is excellent and makes them despair, they can only continue to choose to stand in the second echelon as before.

  11 month 4 number.

  At ten o'clock in the morning, the press conference of Huaxin Mobile was held as scheduled.

  The media reporters who were able to come to the press conference came non-stop, and many foreign media rushed to Donghai City by plane overnight, wanting to get first-hand information about the press conference.

  Huaxin 2 is too popular, whichever media can launch the news of Huaxin 2 first will occupy the traffic.

  To the disappointment of netizens, Su Hao did not appear in this press conference, and it was Jiang Liuyu, general manager of Huaxin Mobile, who introduced Huaxin 2.

  Jiang Liuyu has long been accustomed to this kind of big scene. In the face of many media, Jiang Liuyu is not panic at all.

  Jiang Liuyu also learned the essence of Su Hao without delay. After a simple opening, he directly introduced Huaxin 2.

  When 673 Huaxin 2 was exposed by Jiang Liuyu in front of everyone, everyone on the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast were stunned.

  "This, this is Huaxin 2?"

  "I'm not dazzled, this phone is obviously bigger than Huaxin 1."

  "My God, this Huaxin 2 really breaks through the screen technology. I love this phone at first sight."

  "I like this big screen, haha."

  Hearing the discussions on the scene, Jiang Liuyu laughed: "Yes, as everyone thought, the screen of Huaxin 2 is a little bigger on the basis of Huaxin 1."

  "The screen of the Huaxin 1 is 2, the screen of the normal version of the Huaxin 2 is 2, and the screen of the high-end version of the Huaxin [-] is [-]. The one in my hand is the high-end version of the Huaxin [-]."

  Jiang Liuyu continued to take out the normal version of Huaxin 2, "This is the normal version, the screen is 1, and it is a little bit more on the basis of Huaxin [-]."

  "Su Shen said that a smartphone with a [-] screen is not a real smartphone, and only a smartphone with a [-] screen is a real smartphone."

  Jiang Liuyu smiled and said: "Su Shen also said that the [-] screen and the [-] screen are the most suitable sizes for smartphones, neither big nor small, just right, if you like to master it, you can choose the normal [-] screen. For those with a large screen, you can choose a high-end version with a five-point zero screen."

  "Everyone knows the phone in my hand, the [-] screen can still be grasped with one hand, and the [-]:[-] screen is slightly larger, but it is still very convenient to hold, so Su Shen's words are absolutely right, there is no doubt about that. ."

  The people at the scene were very agreeable.

  "Of course what Su Shen said is right, whether it is a [-] screen or a [-] screen is the best."

  "Haha, a smartphone with a [-]-screen screen is not a real smartphone. I wonder if Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya, and Morola will vomit blood when they hear Su Shen's words."

  "I don't know if they will be so angry that they vomit blood. All I know is that their mobile phone sales will definitely be poor."

  "That's for sure, there is Huaxin 2. It's no wonder that the sales of smartphones from the four Pingguo companies are not bad, unless the Huaxin 2 is very rare."

  "Do you think it's possible? Huaxin 2 is a smartphone launched by Huaxin Mobile after more than a year. Do you think that Huaxin mobile phone may not be ready in advance?"

  "I dare say that the inventory of CEFC 2 is definitely beyond our imagination, and this time CEFC 2 will definitely take the world by storm."

  "Is it that exaggerated? Could it be that Huaxin 2 can still stock several hundred million?"

  "Everything is possible, don't forget that Su Shen is the spokesman of miracles."

  "Huaxin 2 is invincible by the screen alone. Even if other functions are the same as Huaxin 1, Huaxin 2 is also invincible."

  "Haha, the screen is just an appetizer, the excellence of Huaxin 2 will exceed our imagination."

  Jiang Liuyu continued to introduce: "The screen is just an appetizer. Next, I will introduce the second function of Huaxin 2."

  "Many people are now discussing the issue of mobile phone camera pixels. The second function of Huaxin 2 I introduced is camera pixels."

  "Huaxin 2 camera with 500 million pixels."

  When the voice fell, everyone was stunned.

  "500 million pixels, am I right?"

  "My God, Huaxin 1 is only 2 million, and Morola is also more than 500 million. Huaxin [-] directly rises to [-] million. How can Morola's four mobile phone companies survive?"

  "Huaxin 2 is so terrifying and terrifying, just the phone screen and these 500 pixels have completely smashed other smartphones."

  "500 pixels, girls will absolutely go crazy, Huaxin 2 is so scary."

  "Huaxin 2 is completely giving up the four mobile phone companies in Pingguo. With such an excellent smartphone as Huaxin 2, who would buy other smartphones?"

  "The screen is so big and the pixels are so high, how expensive is this phone?"

  Everyone is starting to worry about the price. If the price is too high, they have no money to buy it.

  "Oh, I hope it's not too expensive. As long as it's less than [-], I'll bite my teeth and buy it."

  "As long as the regular version does not exceed [-], I will buy it. If it exceeds [-], I have to continue saving money."

  Jiang Liuyu continued to introduce other functions of Huaxin 2. Each function introduced surprised the audience on the spot and watching the live broadcast.

  It has to be said that the functions of Huaxin 2 are much better than those of Huaxin 1, and all aspects have been upgraded.

  Running memory, phone memory, resolution. . .Wait for the upgrade.

  After Jiang Liuyu introduced the functions of Huaxin 2, people were even more worried about the high price of Huaxin 2.

  "Is the price of such an excellent mobile phone affordable for me?"

  "I wish Huaxin 2's functions are not so good now, as long as the screen and pixels are excellent. The price of such an excellent smartphone is definitely not cheap, I can't afford it."

  "All functions of the normal version of Huaxin 2 have been upgraded on the basis of Huaxin 1, let alone the high-end version. Is the price of [-] really acceptable?"

  "The price of Huaxin 2 is probably seven or eight thousand, right?"

  "This function is completely several times better than Huaxin 1, and the price is not much more than twice the price?"

  "Many farts, believe it or not, a lot of people will buy it if you sell it for [-]?"

  "Yes, I dare say that Huaxin 2 sells for [-] yuan, and foreigners will rush to buy it."

  "What do you mean by that, can we the people of Longguo afford it?"

  "I really can't afford 2. If Huaxin 1 is priced at [-], I can only buy Huaxin [-]."

  "Woo, I guess I will continue to use the life of Huaxin 1. I don't think I can afford Huaxin 1."

  Everyone at the scene is also guessing the price of Huaxin 2.

  Jiang Liuyu listened to people's discussions, and the smile on his face became even better.

  "Do you want to know the price of Huaxin 2 now?"

  "I think, I think too much." Everyone at the scene responded loudly.

  Jiang Liuyu said: "Then I won't be long-winded, I will directly announce the price now."

  "Before announcing the price, I have to say that the price of Huaxin 2 is decided by Su Shen. If you have any opinions, please ask Su Shen."

  The audience froze when they heard Jiang Liuyu's words.

  Nima, this rhythm, is the price of Huaxin 2 really expensive?

  "I am now announcing the selling price of Huaxin 2 in Dragon Country."

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