"The economic difference is [-], and the outer towers are gone. It's too difficult for the mobile team to come back against the wind in this game."

  As the audience guessed, the mobile team had no chance to make a comeback, and the Haoyu team won the first game steadily.

  The score was 16-9.

  This score is Haoyu's worst performance.

  Haoyu team members didn't think too much about it, it didn't matter whether the score was good or not, as long as they won the game.

  The members of the mobile team were not discouraged, but instead became more and more courageous.

  In the hearts of mobile team members, the strength of Haoyu team is not as terrifying as rumored.

  The second game officially started.

  After the two sides have chosen the heroes, the heroes are evenly divided.

  At the beginning, the mobile team did not take measures to stabilize, but all members directly pressed the wild area on the Haoyu team's side.

  Team Haoyu didn't expect that Team Mobile would be so crazy. Unprepared, the middle lane, top lane, and jungler were passively eliminated by Team Mobile. Team Mobile successfully won three heads, and took away Team Haoyu's blue by the way.

  The result surprised the audience.

  "My God, the mobile team actually broke out. They won three heads at the beginning. The advantage of the mobile team is too great."

  "It's more than big, it's super big, this is a dream start."

  "Haoyu team's mages and top laners have to be pressed by the mobile team."

  The boss of the mobile company saw that the mobile team had a big advantage at the start, and his face was full of happy smiles.

  The members of the Haoyu team failed to start, but they were only stunned for a while, but they did not lose confidence.

  "Brothers, we can't underestimate our opponents. Like us, they are doing everything they can to win the championship. We can't give them any chance. We have to turn against the wind."

  Next, the Haoyu team is all wretched development.

  Lost the vanguard and the first soil dragon in a row. Fortunately, this game is not a soil dragon game, so it has little impact.

  When the first big dragon (Wang Wang's) appeared, the two sides started the second team battle.

  The mobile team took advantage of the advantage and directly opened the dragon.

  The Haoyu team did not give up directly, but went straight up.

  When the mobile team saw the Haoyu team coming over, they gave up fighting Dalong and wanted to destroy the Haoyu team instead.

  The Haoyu team slowly retreated to the middle tower.

  The mobile team was crazy, seeing the remaining blood of the two members of the Haoyu team, they jumped the tower to kill.

  Unfortunately, the result made the mobile team extremely crazy, the jungler and the mage jumped the tower just replaced the Haoyu team as an assistant.

  Haoyu team seized the opportunity to counterattack, killing even the mobile team to assist, hit the road, the mobile team only escaped one player.

  With three members remaining in the Haoyu team, they went straight to fight Dalong. After finishing Dalong, the economic difference instantly made up for it.

  Haoyu's team battle this time made the audience addicted.

  It's a comeback against the wind. In the case of a loss at the start, Haoyu team can still play such a beautiful team battle, almost destroying the mobile team team, Haoyu team is too strong.

  The audience all supported Haoyu team, because everyone knew that Haoyu team would win.

  Even if the mobile team has a big advantage at the beginning, where is the difference in strength, the mobile team can't win at all.

  The result is obvious, the Haoyu team won the second game with a vengeance, and the mobile team was moved to zero.

  The mobile team won the runner-up.

  Team Haoyu became the champion of the first global competition of "League of Legends".

  Su Hao personally presented the award to the champion.

  In this regard, the first "League of Legends" global competition came to an end.

  That night, "League of Legends" took advantage of the popularity to launch a props store, and various hero skins appeared.

  Many game companies saw thousands of hero skins in the League of Legends game mall and called the League of Legends game crazy.

  "It's crazy, there are thousands of skins, and League of Legends dares to launch so many skins. It's crazy.".

Chapter 325

  On the afternoon of the 27th, the "League of Legends" global competition came to an end.

  At [-]:[-] pm, "League of Legends" launched the props store, featuring hero skins.

  Each skin costs [-] yuan, and there are thousands of skins in total.

  Whether it is the price or the number of thousands of skins, the industry calls "League of Legends" crazy.

  A skin sells for [-] yuan, a hero has at least two skins, and popular heroes even have four or five skins. Does this mean that players are fools?

  Is this about cutting leeks like crazy?

  Is it possible to be so arrogant and chaotic when the game is popular all over the world?

  The props store was launched, the game skin was launched, and foreign players cheered.

  "This skin is so beautiful, it's less than ten meters away, it's really cheap."

  "My God, there is such a beautiful hero skin, why didn't you release it earlier, this skin special effect is so beautiful on the body, I love it."

  "How come there are only so many skins, and a few more are released. I will buy a few more skins that are so cheap."

  Foreign players praised the beauty and cheapness of hero skins, and they bought all the skins with heroes in one fell swoop.

  In a word, not less than a few meters.

  Even for heroes with five skins, many players buy all five skins, and some players directly buy all the skins of the heroes they have on their accounts.

  When foreign players see that heroes can still be bought with money, they are even more ecstatic.

  "Haha, the hero can be bought with money, it's really a surprise, now I don't need to save gold coins, I just buy it with money, my favorite hero, here I come."

  "A hero doesn't need much money. It's too cheap. Before, netizens in Longguo said that Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise. I still don't believe it. Now I finally believe it. Such a cheap price is really super conscientious."

  "That's not it, this hero is permanent when you buy it, and so is this skin. If you buy it for permanent possession, the price is really cheap."

  "I love it, I love it. With the skin, I have more advantages at the beginning. Haha, after I put the skin on, I always rushed to cut people at the beginning. It was so cool."

  "Who do you look down on? It's less than ten meters. I also bought this skin. If you want to have an advantage, dream."

  "I can't buy all the skins, but it's okay to buy one, haha. 660"

  "What's the skin? Buying heroes is the most powerful. Did you see that there are several new heroes in the mall that can only be bought with coupons? This is a krypton gold hero, and its skills are absolutely amazing. Taking advantage of the discounts now, Hurry up and buy it, you will definitely regret it if you don’t.”

  "This kryptonite hero is really powerful. I recharged and bought the kryptonite hero and went in to play a game. The other side was confused, and the teammates were also confused. The kryptonite hero is really powerful."

  Players recommend that many foreign players have recharged to buy krypton gold heroes.

  In a word, hero skins and heroes in the props store are very popular among foreign players.

  But in the Dragon Kingdom, it's a completely different matter.

  Many players see that a skin costs fifty yuan, and they subconsciously feel that it is expensive, not to mention those krypton gold heroes.

  "Is it too expensive to sell this skin for fifty dollars?"

  "For fifty dollars a skin, I really can't afford it."

  "It's not that I can't afford it, I just think it's not worth it."

  "Why did God Su set such a price? What happened to God Su?"

  Many netizens questioned the price of [-] yuan a skin.

  Game companies in the industry saw the doubts of netizens and spoke out against "League of Legends" one after another.

  "League of Legends is going to cut leeks. Everyone plays League of Legends, and the popularity is the highest right now. At this time, League of Legends launches the props store, and the purpose is self-evident."

  "Fifty dollars for a skin, a hero has up to five skins, and you need to buy them all. This price is really expensive. The League of Legends is going to steal money."

  Li Hong saw the doubts of the netizens and immediately reported it to Su Hao.

  Su Hao didn't take it seriously at all, and said, "Manager Li, don't worry, none of this matters. Fifty yuan for a skin is really not expensive."

  "Wait, these questions will be announced soon."

  Su Hao didn't let the navy go out to bring the rhythm. If you doubt it, just question it. It's better to have more questions.

  When Li Hong saw the increase in sales, he was completely stunned.

  It is estimated that Su Shen has long foreseen that the sales will be very good, so he is not worried about the doubts on the Internet at all. Su Shen is indeed Su Shen.

  Li Hong learned that the sales were all contributed by players from other countries, and the sales of Longguo were not much, and the smile on his face stopped.

  Li Hong flipped through the comments of foreign netizens and was instantly confused.

  This, this is completely different from foreign doubts.

  Foreign players are all talking about cheapness and the conscience of Haoyu Group.

  No wonder these sales are all contributed by foreign players. They are all talking about cheap, so they must have bought it.

  But why do foreign players say the skin is cheap, but domestic players say it is expensive?

  Soon, Li Hong thought of a possibility, that is, foreign players are richer than domestic players.

  The more Li Hong thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case.

  Compared with players from 21 countries, the conditions of domestic players are a bit worse.

  The [-] yuan skin is very cheap for foreign players, but a little expensive for domestic players.

  Li Hong felt that he should do something.

  When the sales exceeded [-] million, Li Hong directly announced the sales and explained that it was contributed by foreign players.

  It has only been half an hour since the launch of the props store for "League of Legends".

  Domestic players saw that the sales of League of Legends props exceeded [-] million, especially the statement of League of Legends was contributed by foreign players, and they were super unconvinced.

  "Why do foreign players support League of Legends so much? Don't they think it's expensive?"

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