"Huaxin Bank and Alipay are completely deceiving the people of the whole country. The money you stored in Yu'ebao has been lent to small real estate companies by Huaxin Bank, and you have been deceived by Haoyu Group."

  "Huaxin Bank took our deposits to lend to many small real estate companies, and made a fortune with our hard-earned money. We must unite to boycott Huaxin Bank and Alipay, and we can't be fooled by Haoyu Group."

  "Once Huaxin Bank fails to recover the loan, your deposits and the money in Yu'ebao will not be withdrawn. We must unite to prevent Haoyu Group from being deceived."

  For a time, many people on the Internet criticized Haoyu Group, Huaxin Bank and Alipay.

  Netizens were a little confused when they saw these voices.

  Who the hell is doing this?

  Which industry wants to engage in Haoyu Group?

  Is this another battle to watch?

  Netizens are very excited.

  Experienced supermarket wars, experienced electrical wars. . .Netizens are looking forward to the industry war.

  "These people who criticize Haoyu Group are afraid of being fools? I'm completely convinced. If Haoyu Group doesn't invest our money, where will the money pay us the interest?"

  "That's right, all major banks make money by lending money. Isn't this normal? Haoyu Group earns more than [-] billion a year, but they say they are afraid that there is no money. Are these people talking without thinking?"

  "My few thousand dollars, I'm still afraid that Su Shen will lose mine, and the profit from the smartphone for one month is enough to pay for the withdrawal of all the money in Alipay's Yu'ebao."

  "That is, is it possible that Alipay's Yu'ebao can still absorb [-] billion deposits. I have convinced those who criticized Haoyu Group. Please think about it next time."

  "Needless to say, it must be a certain industry boss who is unhappy about Haoyu Group's establishment of a private bank."

  "What happened to Huaxin Bank's loan to small real estate companies? I support Huaxin Bank's loans to small real estate companies. I super support small real estate companies to become stronger and bigger."

  "Yes, the small real estate companies and Longteng Real Estate are allies, and they will firmly stand on the side of Longteng Real Estate. As long as the small real estate companies become stronger and bigger, the house prices will never rise, and even if they rise, they will not rise rapidly. "

  "Yes, why am I willing to support them? After Huaxin Bank opens a branch here, I will go to the bank to withdraw the deposit and transfer it to Huaxin Bank, so that Huaxin Bank can lend to those small real estate companies, let Huaxin Bank Those small real estate companies have the money to become stronger and bigger.”

  "I guess the voices criticizing Haoyu Group were made by those big real estate companies, and now they don't want the small real estate companies to become bigger and stronger."

  "It's very likely that those big real estate companies, special ones, don't cut prices, they're still making waves here. Brothers and sisters, don't let up and continue to unite. As long as they don't cut prices, they must resolutely not buy their houses. "

  "Don't be afraid that they will go bankrupt and there will be unfinished buildings. As long as they go bankrupt, the state has a solution. The state can't. Su Shen and Haoyu Group also have a solution. Don't worry."

  The bosses of major real estate companies almost fainted when they saw that all the netizens were standing on the side of Su Hao and Haoyu Group. .

Chapter 311

  Deceiving people too much, really deceiving people too much.

  It's actually said that we want to support those small real estate companies to become stronger and bigger. Is it not good to buy houses from our big real estate companies?

  Isn't the house of the big real estate company more secure?

  The CEOs of major real estate companies are completely desperate.

  The people of the whole country are on the side of Haoyu Group Longteng Real Estate and other small real estate companies. They are completely desperate.

  As the saying goes, those who win people's hearts win the world.People all over the country support Haoyu Group Longteng Real Estate. What are they fighting with Longteng Real Estate?

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate was completely desperate and chose to give in.

  The boss of Hengda Real Estate did not inform other real estate bosses. Since he decided to give in, he had to seize the opportunity to sell more houses and collect more funds.

  Now that the state restricts corporate loans, more funds must be withdrawn in order to have the opportunity to gain more voice in the future.

  The combination of Longteng Real Estate and many small real estate companies is an incomparably powerful force.

  The alliance of Longteng Real Estate and many small real estate companies is not like the top [-] real estate alliance.

  The Top [-] Real Estate Alliance has no backbone, but the Longteng Real Estate Alliance has.

  The strength of Longteng Real Estate is far beyond that of many other small real estate companies, and because of Su Hao, all the small real estate companies will definitely follow Longteng Real Estate's lead.

  Many small companies will definitely move closer to Longteng Real Estate.

  In terms of housing prices, many small real estate companies are definitely the same as Longteng Real Estate, and they will not raise too much housing prices at once.

  Even many small real estate companies will learn Longteng Real Estate's regulations on housing and non-speculation.With the support of Longteng Real Estate, the support of Haoyu Group, and the support of Su Hao, many small real estate companies will dare to do this.

  If that's the case, even if there are real estate speculators, it will be difficult for house prices to go up.

  Maybe many small real estate companies will also learn from Longteng Real Estate, sell their houses after the ceiling is capped, and resolutely put an end to unfinished buildings.

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate knows that this is fatal to the real estate industry.

  If half of the real estate companies in the country sell their houses after the ceiling is over, and resolutely put an end to unfinished buildings, the people of the whole country will definitely support these real estate companies and only buy the houses of these real estate companies.

  Other real estate companies that sell houses after the foundation is laid will definitely have poor sales, there is no doubt about this.

  Therefore, we must take this opportunity to withdraw some more funds, so as not to lose more markets in the future.

  4 month 21 number.

  Hengda Real Estate Company held a press conference to announce the price cut, and the house price dropped to the previous highest price in the market.

  When people all over the country learned about this situation, many people went to the sales department of Hengda Real Estate.

  Hengda Real Estate Co., Ltd. is a big real estate company, and it has a good image in people's hearts. Now that the price has dropped, people are naturally willing to buy houses of Hengda Real Estate.

  The real estate speculators are the first to enter the market.

  However, this time, the real estate speculators have learned a lot. Instead of wrapping up the entire real estate, they have specially selected good floors and apartment types.

  Hengda Real Estate's price cut caught the bosses of several other major real estate companies off guard.

  The CEOs of several major real estate companies have called the CEOs of Hengda Real Estate.

  The CEOs of Hengda Real Estate responded uniformly.

  "Evergrande Real Estate's funds have bottomed out, and it will go bankrupt if it doesn't sell the house."

  For the sake of Hengda Real Estate, several real estate executives don't know what to say.

  But they still doubted what the CEO of Hengda Real Estate said.

  As a big real estate company, how could the funds bottom out so quickly?It is reasonable to say that it can last for a month, but the fund bottoms out in only half a month, which is very strange.

  Did it give in?

  The CEOs of several major real estate companies suddenly realized this when they thought of this.

  Nima, the real chicken thief, actually wanted to take the opportunity to return the funds, but fortunately I was not deceived by you, I want to get rid of our return funds, just dream.

  Several real estate executives clearly know that it is impossible to sell the house without lowering the price now.Hengda Real Estate has surrendered, and they can only surrender.

  After a few more days of delay, let Hengda Real Estate sell the house first, and their house will be difficult to sell even if the price is reduced.

  Several major real estate companies have held press conferences.

  On the 21st, several major real estate companies across the country held a press conference to announce price cuts.

  Several major real estate companies have cut prices, and real estate companies that are still insisting have also announced price cuts.

  Real estate companies across the country are cutting prices. If they don’t cut prices, they will die.

  Housing prices fell back to their previous market highs, and the biggest losses were from several major real estate companies.

  Several major real estate companies can endure such losses, what can they not bear?

  On this day, people all over the country cheered and celebrated their great victory.

  "We won, we won completely, all real estate companies are selling houses at a reduced price, we won completely, haha."

  "Celebrate the whole world. This is the first time that a real estate company has sold a house at a lower price. We finally won."

  "The house price is still the same as before, but the public share area has been cancelled. The housing price of [-] yuan is less than the square public share area, which saves [-] yuan. Haha, I am so happy."

  "My house price here is [-] square meters. I saved [-] yuan. I can buy a car with this [-] yuan, haha."

  "I also saved hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm so happy."

  "We finally won. This is a great victory. This is a victory for the people of the whole country. From now on, we don't have to suffer from the entrapment of the public pool area. From now on, it is impossible for housing prices to rise wildly. We can finally buy a house with peace of mind. already."

  "The real estate companies have lowered their prices. If the housing prices want to skyrocket, go for a dream. If there is any real estate that wants to increase the housing prices, we should not buy their houses. Keep going crazy."

  "That's right, the house price is already very high now, our salary is only how much, and the house price is two or three times ours, which is completely inconsistent with market rules, this is already high enough, we won this victory with great difficulty, absolutely not Allow those real estate speculators to do their best."

  "Today is a day of victory for the people of the whole country, and the whole world celebrates it, but we can't forget who we achieved today's victory because of who gave us such good benefits now, and we can't forget our heroes."

  "Then it goes without saying that it is God Su, I must thank God God Su, if it weren't for God Su, I would never have seen the cancellation of the public pool area in my life. It's all because of the cancellation of the public pool area by Sushen Longteng Real Estate. It is because of Sushen that we have such good benefits now, and it is because of Sushen that we can save [-] to [-] yuan."

  "Shen Su is the best, thank you God Su, God Su, I will definitely support your Haoyu Group's products in the future."

  "Thank you God Su, God Su is the best. It's absolutely right to support God Su and Haoyu Group."

  "As a native of Longguo, I must thank God Su, thank God for canceling the public pool area, and thank God for benefiting the people of the whole country."

  "Shen Su, hurry up and open Huaxin Bank all over the country. As long as you open it to me, I will immediately go to the bank to withdraw the deposit and transfer it to Huaxin Bank, so that you can have more funds for development and expansion."

  "Yes, there is another cancer in the real estate industry, that is, the real estate speculators, Su Shen, hurry up and open Huaxin Bank all over the country. I want all the real estate companies in the Longteng Real Estate Alliance to grow and develop, and only the real estate companies will turn to you. The Longteng Real Estate study, resolutely put an end to the real estate speculators, and only live in the house and not speculate, so as to truly eliminate the real estate speculators, so that the housing price will not soar rapidly."

  People all over the country are thanking Su Hao for bringing benefits to the people of the country.

  Su Hao was also moved when he saw the screen of thanks on Weibo.

  If you can get the support of the people of the whole country, what is the loss of a little profit? With the support of the people of the whole country, are you afraid that you will not be able to make money?

  The CEO of Hengda Real Estate was extremely depressed when he saw that all the real estate companies announced that they would sell houses at a reduced price.

  In this way, his purpose of taking the lead in withdrawing funds is completely hopeless.

  Alas, the real estate market in the future may really change.

  Their major real estate companies are no longer the leaders of real estate, and the position of the leaders will gradually move closer to Longteng Real Estate. In the end, the real estate industry will definitely be led by Longteng Real Estate.

  So far, the real estate industry war has come to an end.The real estate industry has entered an era of steady development.

  With the support of Longteng Real Estate and Haoyu Group, many small real estate companies have grown and developed slowly.

  Longteng Real Estate has continued to acquire land and has grown rapidly.

  People all over the country are the first choice for the house of Longteng Real Estate.As long as the houses of Longteng Real Estate are sold, they are all sold out on the same day.

  This is the charm of Su Hao.

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