Su Hao also knew that Bigai couldn't agree to excessive demands, which was already very good.

  If Su Hao does not agree to let Huaxin smartphones enter the American market, then Bige will announce the call, and he can also explain to the American people.

  At that time, it would only put the Huaxin smartphone at a disadvantage, which was not the result Su Hao wanted.

  The front of the house can be pitted in time, or the front of the city center. In this way, Huaxin smartphones will be unimpeded in the United States, and even Huaxin computers can open up the market in the United States.

  The so-called fair competition, Su Hao just wanted to laugh.

  Haoyu Group and Softsoft are old enemies, and it is difficult for them to coexist. Su Hao can imagine that Softsoft will frantically target Haoyu Group soon.

  It's good to be able to get these benefits, and it's no good to continue to make progress.

  After the call, Su Hao arranged for someone to go to Microsoft to sign the contract.

  After signing the contract, Huaxin Smartphone immediately announced that it would re-enter the US market. After the completion of the Huaxin mobile phone facade, the Huaxin smartphone will be sold immediately.

  At the same time, Microsoft also issued an announcement to warmly welcome CEFC smartphones to enter the U.S. market. In order to apologize, Microsoft Corporation will help CEFC phones complete the facade construction in major cities in the United States.

  Microsoft's move made a wave of favorability, which gave Bi Gai a little comfort.

  The goodwill that Microsoft has earned is limited to the American people.

  People in other countries understand that the so-called apology is actually Microsoft bowing its head to the Huaxin smartphone, and the facades of major cities are compensation.

  People all over the world are laughing at Microsoft Corporation.

  If I had known this, why bother.

  The people of Longguo were even more delighted.

  "Brilliant, Su Shen, you are too good to ask Microsoft to cede land to compensate you. You are too good."

  "Haha, Microsoft must now regret joining relevant organizations to block Huaxin's smartphones. It's really laughable. Huaxin's smartphones are the greatest smart products in the 21st century. Are you fans of it?"

  "I really want to know that the negotiation and dialogue between Su Shen and the world's richest man can make the world's richest man submit. Su Shen must be very domineering."

  "That's a must, haha."

  Su Hao paid no attention to the voices of netizens.

  Su Hao keeps people watching the trends of Microsoft and Microsoft.

  As Su Hao guessed, Microsoft launched a stormy attack on Haoyu Group. .

Chapter 296

  3 month 15 number.

  All CEFC mobile phone stores in major cities in the United States have been handed over.

  Su Hao also admires the super efficiency of Microsoft Corporation.

  If Haoyu Group were to do it themselves, it would be impossible to complete the completion of stores in major cities in the United States in just ten days.

  If it weren't for Microsoft Corporation, Haoyu Group would not be able to understand the stores in major cities in the United States for not a month.

  3 month 16 number.

  CEFC smartphones and CEFC computers were officially launched in major cities in the United States.

  On this day, both Huaxin 1 and Huaxin L1 were sold out.

  Su Hao decided to use the Huaxin computer system and buy Huaxin computer to obtain the right to buy smart phones.

  Right now is definitely the best time for the American people to switch to CEFC computer systems. If you miss the opportunity now, if you want to use this coercive method in the future, it will definitely cause protests from the American people.

  Taking advantage of the strong demand of the American people for CEFC smartphones, Su Hao dared to do this.

  Next time, it will resume the same way as other countries, switching to Huaxin computer system to get the right of first refusal, rather than forcing people to switch to Huaxin computer system.

  The American people completely ignore the CEFC smartphone rule. For them, as long as they can buy CEFC smartphones, such a request is nothing at all.

  Don't you just change the computer system? It's simple, just change it directly.

  On the 16th, both the Huaxin 1 and the Huaxin L1 were sold out, and a total of [-] million smartphones were sold out.

  In this way, there are five million more users in the United States using CEFC's computer system. It can be said that CEFC's computer system has completely opened up the situation in the US.

  Huaxin computer system completely tore a crack in the site of the software and microcomputer system, and won a small part of the market.

  These five million users feel that the Huaxin computer system is very good after using the Huaxin computer system.

  Many users directly sprayed Microsoft.

  "It's so funny. Soft and Microsoft actually said that Huaxin's computer system is not good. Is this bad? Huaxin's computer system is obviously better than Soft and Micro's computer system. Soft and Microsoft are really pitiful."

  "I just said why so many people in the world say that Huaxin's computer system is good, but Microsoft and Microsoft have been emphasizing that it is false propaganda and grandstanding. Soft and Microsoft's computer system is better than Huaxin's computer system. It turns out that Microsoft and Microsoft are afraid that we know Huawei. The Xin computer system is easier to use than their soft and micro computer system, and I am afraid that the Huaxin computer system will steal their market, and the soft and micro company is really insidious."

  "As a U.S. citizen, I am really disgusted by the practice of Soft and Micro. Soft and Micro is the largest company in the world. Can we have a little pattern, so we can compete with Haoyu Group in an upright manner? The products are not as good as others. Ah, with the strength of your world's largest company, are you afraid that you won't be able to develop more powerful products?"

  "Instead of thinking about tricks and tricks all day, it's better to make products well. As long as your products are good, you don't need to use tricks. People all over the world will choose your products. In this regard, Haoyu Group has done much better than Microsoft. ."

  "That's not it. Soft and Micro is now more and more disgusting. It is no longer the wolf-like company that was brave and enterprising, and the top management of Soft and Micro was corrupted by Brilliant."

  Many of the five million users promote the quality of the Huaxin computer system on the Internet, and recommend the Huaxin computer system to their relatives and friends.

  In this way, the number of users of CEFC's computer system in the United States has gradually increased.

  When Bige learned that Huaxin smartphones sold out [-] million smartphones and that there were [-] million more users using Huaxin computer systems in the United States, he couldn't bear it any longer and directly ordered the Haoyu Group to be targeted in all directions.

  16th at [-]pm.

  Soft and Microsoft directly announced that the use of Soft and Micro systems can send one-year MS membership.

  This is the most basic benefit.

  Users who use Microsoft's computer system and MS can also get a 88-meter discount on the purchase of several major brands of computers.

  Users who use Microsoft's computer system and MS can get a discount of 88 meters when purchasing a Pingguo smartphone.

  It must be used together. If you do not have an MS account, you must register an MS account.

  This is a benefit to the user.

  After Microsoft announced the benefits, people all over the United States were ecstatic, and even people all over the world were very happy.

  "88m yuan, it doesn't seem like much, but it's not bad. There is still one year of MS membership, which adds up to nearly [-]m yuan in benefits. This is a bloodletting for Microsoft."

  "Haha, I admit that I'm tempted. It's 88 meters cheaper. Pingguo mobile phones are cheaper than Huaxin smartphones. For only 1 meters, Huaxin L[-] is out of stock. I'll buy Pinguo smartphones."

  "Really, it's 88 meters cheaper, and a Pinguo smartphone is only 88 meters. Anyway, you can't buy a Huaxin L1. First, buy a Pinguo smartphone for use."

  "It's 88 meters cheaper. The benefits are good. I always wanted to buy a computer, but it was too expensive. Now it's 88 meters cheaper. I bought it."

  Stimulated by the blessing of Microsoft, the sales of Pingguo smartphones and several major brands of computers were growing rapidly for a while.

  Especially Pingguo smart phones, after meeting 88 meters, only Mi Yuan is required for a smartphone. Under the premise that Huaxin L1 is out of stock, people all over the world choose to buy Pinguo smartphones.

  In the United States, this behavior is especially insane.

  Pingguo Smart's sales in the United States have grown wildly, and the inventory has bottomed out rapidly.

  When Samsung and Nuojiya saw the big sale of Pingguo smartphones, they acted decisively and immediately launched a discount promotion.

  After the deduction, Xingsan and Nuojiya are the same as Mi Yuan.

  As a result, in other countries, the sales of Pingguo smartphones were blocked by Samsung and Nuojiya smartphones and dropped.

  However, this is a good thing for Pingguo smartphones, because the stock of Pingguo smartphones has bottomed out in the one-day panic buying time. Even if Samsung and Nuojiya do not stop, Pingguo smartphones will not be available for sale.

  The blocking of Samsung and Nuojiya has instead allowed Pingguo smartphones to solve the crisis of out of stock, so that Pingguo smartphones have always been in stock.

  The people of the 20 countries saw that Pingguo, Xingsan, and Nuojiya all lowered the price of smartphones, and began to look forward to the price reduction of Huaxin smartphones.

  "Pingguo, Xingsan, and Nuojiya have all cut their prices. Will Huaxin cut prices?"

  "What are you thinking, can those rubbish phones in Pingguo be compared with smartphones from Huaxin? If it wasn't for the lack of Huaxin L1, those people would buy smartphones from the three companies in Pingguo?"

  "That is, if Huaxin L1 is in stock, who will buy Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya, it will be 38 meters cheaper, who should I answer, am I the one who lacks the 38 meters?"

  "Now Huaxin mobile phone is good. It is sold once a week. I believe it will be sold normally soon. There are goods sold every day."

  "That is, Huaxin smartphones are genuine smartphones, Pingguo, Xingsan, Nuojiya are all fake versions, any promotions are false, hurry up to research and development, and catch up with the quality of Huaxin's smartphones is the truth ."

  Su Hao frowned secretly when he saw the benefits announced by Microsoft.

  Su Hao can imagine that such a good benefit will definitely trigger a wave of purchases.

  If the Huaxin L1 is in stock, it can still be blocked, but now it is out of stock, so I can only watch Pingguo smartphones sell out.

  Su Hao also knew that Microsoft could not have such a simple trick.

  Sure enough, on the 18th, Microsoft made another move.

  On this day, in addition to Longguo, the facades opposite the Huaxin mobile phone and Huaxin computer stores all over the world were re-listed.

  Undoubtedly, it is the face of Pingguo smartphones and several major brands of computers.

  Microsoft and Microsoft have not let go of a Huaxin mobile phone and Huaxin computer store, all of which have opened similar stores on the opposite side.

  These stores are advertised with great fanfare, and the event benefits are super superior.

  The purpose of Microsoft's doing this is only one point, completely sniping at Huaxin computer and Huaxin mobile phone, and trying to snatch all the customers of Huaxin brand.

  In terms of channels all over the world, Haoyu Group and Soft Micro are completely incomparable, not to mention Soft Micro and several big brand computer merchants and Pingguo's help.

  In the face of this move by Microsoft, Su Hao is also helpless.

  But Su Hao didn't take it to heart.

  Haoyu Group relies on Huaxin's smartphones. As long as Huaxin's smartphones keep leading, Microsoft and Microsoft will not be able to completely steal customers.

  As long as CEFC's smartphones remain attractive to people around the world, CEFC's computer system users will continue to grow slowly.

  As for the stolen FITs, let Microsoft and Microsoft take them away.

  Instead of spending a lot of manpower and material resources to compete with Microsoft and Microsoft, it is better to develop steadily.

  In this way, Su Hao let the Soft and Micro Company go wild and let the Soft and Micro Company flourish.

  Huaxin mobile phones are still sold once a week.

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