"Now the Longguo market is almost dominated by Huaxin Computer. Even if we don't give up, what can we do? The price and quality of Huaxin Computer are there. Can we compete with Huaxin Computer?"

  "Yes, in fact, there is no need to choose. It is not that we gave up the Longguo market, but the Longguo market abandoned us and me. In Longguo, we can't compete with Huaxin Computer at all."

  "Instead of struggling in the Longguo market, it's better to just give up and concentrate on cultivating the markets of other countries. As long as we keep the markets of other countries, we don't have much loss."

  "We can't keep the Longguo market. At this time, we can't have a bad relationship with Microsoft. If the company restricts us in turn, we can only use the Huaxin computer system. At that time, we will keep the Longguo market, but we give up. markets in other countries around the world.”

  "Longguo market and the world market, I choose the world market."

  "I choose the world market and give up the Longguo market."

  Several major foreign computer vendors have made the final decision to abandon the Longguo market.

  Before withdrawing from the Longguo market, several major foreign computer vendors also disgusted Huaxin Computer, and specially held a press conference to say that Huaxin Computer was overbearing and prevented them from using the Huaxin computer system, which led them to withdraw from the Longguo market.

  This is the case for several major computer vendors. This news directly rushed to the hot search and became the center of the storm for people to discuss.

  It's a pity that what makes the major computers extremely depressed is that the voices they want to see attack and abuse Huaxin Computer don't exist at all. The Internet is full of voices supporting Huaxin Computer and praising Huaxin Computer.

  "Huaxin Computer is awesome, Su Shen is domineering, that's what you should do with those foreign computer merchants who stand in line with Microsoft and Microsoft, and drive them all back to their hometowns, haha."

  "Did Huaxin Computer do something wrong? My God, how could these computer vendors make such shocking remarks, they abandoned Huaxin Computer first, but turned around and said that Huaxin Computer would not let them use Huaxin Computer System, why are they so thick-skinned and shameless."

  "It's right to boycott them. Junk brands, brands that are in sympathy with Microsoft and Microsoft, must be boycotted."

  "Huaxin Computer, if it stands up in the future, it will refuse to cooperate with this computer business and let them go out of business."

  "That's right, I'm still thinking about pleasing both sides, how can there be such a good thing, Huaxin computer system does not force you not to use the software computer system, but only allows you to use the Huaxin computer system, you don't agree, you are embarrassed to say Huaxin computer system The letter computer won't let you use the system, my God, are foreigners so shameless?"

  "I have thoroughly seen the cheekyness of foreigners, especially meow, these profiteers must resist, strongly resist."

  People all over the country applauded.

  Huaxin Computer did not take any action, and foreign computer brands directly withdrew from the Longguo market, which added another glory to the myth of Su Hao.

  Microsoft and Microsoft were very happy to see that Huaxin Computer did not allow several big brand computer manufacturers to use Huaxin computer system only in Longguo.

  Bigai was even more disdainful of Su Hao.

  Su Hao, I thought you were such a powerful character, it seems that you are still too young.

  This battle, you lose.

  After several big brand computer merchants withdrew from the Longguo market, they vented their anger in the global market and joined forces to kill Huaxin Computer.

  In any city where there are Huaxin computer stores, several big brand computer merchants are engaged in activities and special offers. In a word, if Huaxin Computer is killed, the Huaxin computer system must not stand up.

  Of course, there are also provocations from Microsoft and Microsoft, which promised to give certain subsidies to several big brand computer vendors.

  With the subsidies from Microsoft, several big brand computers naturally strangled Huaxin Computer without hesitation.

  Under the targeting of several big brand computers, the sales of Huaxin Computer have dropped rapidly.

  Before the same price, the Huaxin computer brand was still less well-known and could not compete with several big brand computers.

  Just when several big brand computer merchants thought that Huaxin Computer had nothing to do, Su Hao shot.

  Huaxin Smartphone announced that it was bundled with Huaxin Computer.

  Anyone who buys a Huaxin computer or switches to a Huaxin computer system can get the right of first refusal for a Huaxin smartphone.

  As soon as the news was announced, the people of the 20 countries were extremely shocked.

  "It seems that Huaxin Computer is really in a hurry, and bundled sales have come out."

  "Now that Microsoft and major computer businesses are targeting Huaxin Computer, there is no way for Huaxin Computer to be tied to a smartphone. At least Haoyu Group did not force people to switch to Huaxin Computer System."

  "Actually, it can be forced. With the current predicament of Huaxin Computer, it is compelled to force people to switch to Huaxin computer system. I can also understand that they can buy smart phones."

  "This is the pattern of Haoyu Group. Compared with Haoyu Group, Microsoft Corporation is nothing."

  Netizens who support Microsoft are completely disdainful.

  "Haoyu Group, do you think this will make Huaxin Computer break the game? Tell you, don't dream, we will not switch to Huaxin Computer System. You will not be selling smartphones by then?"

  "That is, as long as we don't switch to Huaxin computer system, don't you sell smartphones?"

  "Haoyu Group, fighting with Soft and Micro, you are still tender, obediently apologize to Soft and Micro, maybe Soft and Micro will let you go."

  It's a pity that these voices do not mean that everyone thinks this way. Some people even shouted to support Microsoft and Microsoft on the Internet, but in fact they took their computers to the Huaxin computer store to switch to the Huaxin computer system.

  On this day, the flow of people in the Huaxin smartphone store in 20 countries was completely overwhelming, and they all carried computers to modify the Huaxin computer system.

  If you switch to Huaxin computer system, you can get the right to buy smart phones first. This is a proper way to buy smart phones. Such a good opportunity must be cherished.

  If the Huaxin computer system is not easy to use, just buy a smartphone and then switch back to the Microsoft computer system.

  There are even some people who buy a smartphone with the Huaxin computer system first and then switch back to the Microsoft computer system.

  If Su Hao knew what they were thinking, he would only laugh.

  All I want is for you to enter the pit. As long as you enter the pit and experience the excellence of the Huaxin computer system, if you don't believe it, you will switch to the Microsoft computer system.

  In the next two days, the flow of people in the Huaxin store was good.People who want to buy a smart phone will go to the Huaxin store with a computer to modify the computer system of Huaxin, so as to get the priority to buy a smart phone.

  This is not the end of the matter until all the places are sent out.

  When Microsoft learned that the bundling of Huaxin computers and smartphones caused many people to switch to Huaxin computer systems, their faces were extremely depressed.

  "How can this happen? It's just a smartphone. Why do so many people switch to Huaxin computer system? Don't they say no to change it on the Internet?"

  "If you believe the Internet, are you an idiot? The attractiveness of smartphones is there, and who doesn't want to buy them."

  "This time it is conservatively estimated that 20 million users in [-] countries will switch to Huaxin computer system. What should we do?"

  Bige was completely silent.

  For the global market, [-] million users may seem like a small number, but if the reputation of Huaxin computer system is fermented, it will not be a matter of [-] million users.

  Also, there will be [-] million next month and [-] million next month. The users of Huaxin computer system will gradually increase.

  If the Microsoft system can not solve this problem, CEFC is likely to slowly rise.

  If the computer system of Huaxin is similar to the computer system of Soft and Micro, Bi Gai is not worried about this point, but the computer system of Huaxin is so much better than the computer system of Soft and Micro, and Bi Gai is worried that the word of mouth of Huaxin Computer will explode. It's a catastrophe.

  As Bige guessed.

  Thirty million users who switched to the Huaxin computer system felt that the Huaxin computer system was inferior to the Microsoft and Microsoft systems when they returned home to use the Huaxin computer system.

  After being familiar with the operation of the Huaxin computer system, these people completely forgot about the Microsoft system.

  "Nima, I didn't expect the Huaxin computer system to be so easy to use. If I knew it was so easy to use, I would have switched to the Huaxin computer system."

  After experiencing the excellence of Huaxin's computer system, people automatically promote it online.

  "The Huaxin computer system is really easy to use. It's smoother to play large games. It's much easier to use than the Microsoft system. Old irons, come and use the Huaxin computer system."

  "It's really cool to play gunfight games with the Huaxin computer system. It's not stuck at all, and it's super smooth. I haven't won the first place before. After switching to the Huaxin computer, I won the first place twice in a row. It's really cool. already."

  "It turns out that Huaxin Computer is not an exaggeration. The Huaxin computer system is really ten times better than the Microsoft system. Fortunately, it is not too late for me to know. Haha, Huaxin computer system, I will use you in the future.".

Chapter 291

  This time, Su Hao did not arrange for the navy to help fuel the flames.

  Su Hao didn't want to backfire.

  It is a good thing for foreign netizens to actively promote the Huaxin computer system, and the reputation of the Huaxin computer system will gradually ferment.

  If the water army enters the factory, the whole network will say that the Huaxin computer system is good, it will appear too fake, but it will make those who have never used the Huaxin computer system ~ netizens not believe it.

  This matter can't be rushed, Huaxin computer system finally took a crucial step, Su Hao didn't want to be destroyed because of impatient.

  Foreign netizens took the initiative to promote the Huaxin computer system.More than 20 million netizens are shared among [-] countries, and there are not many people in each country.

  The support of these people did not form a huge momentum online, but only planted the seeds of hope.

  Despite this, there are still many people who see these voices of support, especially when people see good friends complimenting CEFC's computer system, they can't help but ask a few more questions.

  After listening to the sincere compliments from the other party, there are still many people who are excited to switch to the Huaxin computer system.

  After these people switched to the Huaxin computer line system, they knew that the Huaxin computer system was excellent, and it was another wave of publicity. In this cycle, the Huaxin computer system was accepted by more and more people.

  It can be said that everything in the Huaxin computer system is developing in a good direction. As long as the Huaxin computer time is given, the Huaxin computer system will definitely explode one day.

  In this way, Huaxin Computer cracked the strangulation of several major brand computer merchants and successfully broke through.

  Huaxin Computer's overseas sales are slowly picking up, on par with the sales of big-brand computers.

  Seeing that several major brands of computers could not hold down CEFC at all, and seeing more and more people praising CEFC's system, they became anxious.

  Microsoft is also in a hurry.But there was nothing they could do for a while.

  At the end of January, the Dragon Kingdom is during the Spring Festival.

  Haoyu Group's year-end summary report was released.

  Haoyu Group completed a qualitative leap in 2003, realizing the carp leaping over the Dragon Gate and becoming the largest group in the Dragon Country.

  Among them, Huaxin Mobile, Huaxin Electric Haoyu Network Technology Co., Ltd., Haoyu Online Game Company, Alipay, Taotao.com, and Jiajiafu Supermarket are profitable.

  Huaxin Mobile is the most outstanding and has become the most profitable subsidiary of Haoyu Group.

  Feilong Automobile, Dongfeng Express, Communication Network Research Institute, Lithography Machine Research Institute, Huaxin Communications, and Huaxin Computer are in a state of loss.

  Huaxin Computer lost money because of stockpiling, and in 2004 it will become one of the group's most profitable subsidiaries.

  CEFC is also in a state of turning losses into profits, but the 3G network construction has spent so much money that it cannot be earned back in a short time.

  Haoyu Group's net profit in 2003 was as high as more than [-] billion yuan, and its net assets were as high as more than [-] billion yuan.

  The annual meeting of Haoyu Group was held on January 1th.

  This annual meeting is the first annual meeting of the Haoyu Group. In addition to the war with Microsoft, Su Hao did not want to make it too grand, but all the high-level executives felt that it must be grand, so that the Haoyu Group would be more cohesion.

  Su Hao had to agree to hold a grand annual meeting.

  Haoyu Group directly contracted Donghai City Stadium to hold the annual meeting, which will be attended by [-] employees.

  The [-] employees are the elites carefully selected by Haoyu Group.

  Haoyu Group now has more than one million employees. Only [-] elites can be selected to participate in the annual meeting. Other employees can only have their respective subsidiaries make up the annual meeting.

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