"Haoyu Group is very strong, and Haoyu Group's Su Hao is very good." This is the unanimous voice of all the senior management.

  Bigai said: "I am very satisfied that you can realize this. I can ignore your stupid behavior before, but from this moment on, you must give me [-] points to deal with Haoyu Group."

  "Haoyu Group is not only powerful, but also has huge potential. We must give Haoyu Group a fatal blow before it really becomes a giant, understand?"

  "Understood." The high-level officials echoed loudly.

  Bigai: "Then everyone can speak freely, and if there is any good way to say it."

  For the next hour, the high-level executives spoke freely and said everything they could think of.

  In the end, Bige concluded and made a decision.

  All the high-level executives unanimously agreed with Bigai's final decision. In this way, Microsoft officially began to deal with Haoyu Group, no, it should be said to deal with Huaxin Computer.

  The afternoon of the 21st.

  The five facades of CEFC's smartphones in the United States were ordered to close by local organizations, and the reasons were naturally unnecessary reasons.

  After Su Hao received the call, he learned that it was Microsoft who made the move.

  "Close the facade of the United States, one day I will let them beg me to come back."

  Su Hao didn't hesitate. In the United States, Haoyu Group couldn't compete with the behemoth of Microsoft.

  Huaxin Smartphone will make an announcement immediately.

  "In view of the toughness of relevant organizations in the United States, CEFC's smartphone stores in the US have to be closed, and CEFC smartphones will no longer be sold in the US in the future."

  Below the announcement, there are all the voices of the navy.

  "The so-called free country, this is what you call a free country. If you can't compete, you will be oppressed and forced to close down. Soft and Microsoft, I really despise you."

  "Trash Microsoft, you asked the relevant organization in the United States to close the Huaxin smartphone store, it will only show that you are really scared, the world's largest, I bah, you are not worthy."

  "Software, I just want to say something to you, you are really rubbish, you are nothing."

  With the rhythm of the navy, the American people, especially those thinking about buying a smartphone, are extremely angry.

  "My God, this trick is coming again. It was the same way at Walmart at the beginning, and now it's the same with Soft and Microsoft. I can't stand it anymore, trash Soft and Microsoft, you solve this problem for me right away, or I'll kill you tomorrow. Go smash your store."

  "He was aiming at it. Seeing that it's about time for a new round of smartphone sales, Soft and Micro actually found a relationship to close the smartphone store. Soft and Micro, are you looking for death?"

  "Before, I just despised Microsoft, but now I really feel ashamed. As the world's largest company, Haoyu Group can't compete with it. It's not the freedom we need. We don't need such a power in the United States. The company, Microsoft, advise you to stop immediately."

  "Software, I have a word for you, you will kill yourself if you do too much injustice. You are destroying yourself."

  "Brothers and sisters who want to buy smartphones, we must unite. We must not let Microsoft and Microsoft cover the sky. We must unite, otherwise we will not want to buy smartphones in the future."

  "Yes, we must unite and let Microsoft give us an explanation."

  The US online is completely stormy, and the American people who want to buy smartphones are completely united to be hard steel with Microsoft and Microsoft.

  The people of the other 20 countries scolded it more harshly, all despising the domineering and shameless of Microsoft.

  The people of the Dragon Kingdom were even more violent.

  "It's terrifying, the United States has closed the store of Huaxin Mobile again. This is the oppression of Chi Guoguo. We also closed the store of Microsoft. I don't believe it anymore."

  "Yes, I call on the relevant organizations of Longguo to close the stores of Microsoft and Microsoft."

  "Boycott Microsoft's products, starting from me, from this moment on, I will never be friends with anyone who uses Microsoft's products."

  "Software is so domineering. This is Chiguoguo's oppression of Haoyu Group. If Haoyu Group can't compete, it will be suppressed by force. We can't bear this tone. We must unite and boycott Microsoft's products."

  "Yes, people of Longguo, unite, what Su Shen said is right, we have to have the backbone, don't we just don't use Microsoft's products, isn't it good for us to use Huaxin computers?"

  Netizens rushed to the official website of the relevant organization to call for the closure of Microsoft's stores in Longguo.

  Su Hao saw these voices, thought about it, and posted a Weibo.

  "Thank you for your support. Others can be powerful, but we can't learn from them. We can resist, but we can't engage in hegemony. Everyone should be rational and stop appealing to the official website of the relevant organization. This is a wrong act. No. I support us coming together to boycott Microsoft products."

  When netizens saw Su Hao's Weibo, they all agreed with Su Hao's statement. They stopped appealing to relevant organizations' websites and continued to call on people to unite and boycott Microsoft's products.

  In this way, some people who didn't want to switch to Huaxin computer system because they were too troublesome to change to Huaxin computer system immediately went to modify Huaxin computer system.

  It is clear that people who worship foreign countries and foreigners know that at this important moment for the whole people, if they dare to speak up, they will definitely have no friends.

  In this way, all the computer shops in Longguo are completely empty of customers, of course, except for Huaxin Computer.

  Whether it is a big-brand computer or a small-brand computer, it is a computer system of Microsoft and Micro, so the people of Longguo naturally would not buy a computer with a computer system installed on it.

  In addition, the price of Huaxin computers is already cheap, and the sales of major computers are worse.

  The top executives of major computer brands are all depressed.

  I, I am provoking someone. Originally, Huaxin Computer never thought of dealing with them. Now that Microsoft Corporation is making such a fuss, people are actively boycotting Microsoft and Microsoft computer products. This is an unwarranted disaster.

  All major computer brands held high-level meetings, and finally chose to switch to Huaxin computer system.All the computers sold by Longguo are converted to Huaxin computer systems.

  If you don't switch to Huaxin computer system, there is only one way to close the door and go bankrupt.

  Su Hao also didn't take the opportunity to target computers of major brands. At this time, targeting computers of major brands will only create extraneous problems and make people dislike Huaxin Computer.

  The competitiveness of Huaxin computer products is there, and sooner or later, it will become the leader of the computer industry.Besides, it is useless for computers of major brands now, and Huaxin computers simply do not have so many goods.

  Now Huaxin Computer is the most important to conquer overseas markets. .

Chapter 289

  The major brand computer merchants were relieved to see that Huaxin Computer did not take the opportunity to target them.

  Several major domestic computer brands have expressed their goodwill to Haoyu Group and are willing to coexist peacefully with Huaxin Computer.

  The lessons of the major electrical appliance brands in Longguo are vividly remembered, and the major brands of computers do not dare to compete with Huaxin Computer.

  As for whether to use the software or not, it has no effect on them. The people of Longguo all support the Huaxin computer system. They have no choice but to follow the customer.

  As for the overseas market, the major computer brand merchants in Longguo have not thought about expanding overseas for the time being. If the Huaxin computer system can really open up the overseas market, they would not mind drinking soup with Huaxin Computer.

  For the boycott of the people of Longguo, Microsoft did not take it to heart.Bi Gai expected this result earlier, as long as Haoyu Group did not collapse and Huaxin Computer did not collapse, Longguo Market would definitely not have their share of Soft and Micro Computers.

  As long as the world's market is kept, what about giving up the Longguo market.As long as the world's market is maintained, Microsoft is still the world's No. [-] company, and he is still the world's richest man.

  Microsoft Corp. began a second-step plan to let major computers make a choice.

  This is the best time. Don't let the major computer brand merchants make a choice now. When Huaxin Computer really opens up the market, Soft and Micro Computer will completely lose the opportunity. At that time, the major brand computer merchants will not be soft at all. micro company.

  Taking advantage of the strength of Microsoft and Microsoft, it is the best time for major brand computer vendors to make choices.

  On the 22nd, both computer brands in the United States and other computer brands in the world received calls from Microsoft.

  The content of the call is to choose between the computer system of Microsoft and the computer system of Huaxin.

  In a word, the Huaxin computer system cannot be used if the software and micro computer system is used.If you use Huaxin computer system, you can't use Microsoft system.

  Three words, choose one of two.

  The major brand computer businesses in the United States naturally choose Microsoft and support Microsoft without hesitation.

  In the eyes of major computer brands in the United States, Huaxin computer system is nothing.

  Not to mention that CEFC's computer system has no sales in the United States at all. Even if there is a market, it is still dominated by Microsoft and Microsoft in the United States. They naturally support Microsoft and Microsoft without hesitation.

  As for the appeals of some people in the United States, calling for not to oppress smartphones and CEFC computers, they don't even care.

  Any country of freedom, it is all fiction, capital is everything, and capital is supreme.

  Major brand computer merchants in the United States believe that Microsoft and Microsoft will easily solve the troubles of netizens.

  Brand computer merchants in other countries have some first-time promises.

  These businesses have always had good cooperation with Soft and Micro, and naturally chose to support Soft and Micro.Besides, Microsoft is the largest company in the world, so why not support the obscure Huaxin Computer?

  It is also based on this point that all major brand computers support Microsoft and Microsoft without hesitation.

  Huaxin computer system can't open the market now. Isn't choosing Huaxin computer tantamount to self-destruction?

  People are all using soft and micro computer systems, but you insist on fighting against people and choose to use Huaxin computer system, who will buy your computer?

  Some small and medium-sized brands did not immediately agree to the choices given by Microsoft.

  For these small and medium-sized brand computers, Microsoft Corporation gives a one-day deadline.One day later, you must give the answer to Microsoft, otherwise you will choose Huaxin Computer for processing.

  In the face of small and medium-sized brand computers, Microsoft and Microsoft are so domineering, giving you a day is already a good face.

  Only big-brand computer businesses will let Microsoft Corp. pay attention, but big-brand businesses choose Soft-Week, so Soft-Week is naturally more overbearing.

  For Microsoft's one-day deadline, these small and medium-sized brand computer merchants are extremely angry.

  The news of Microsoft letting major brand computer vendors make choices has also been exposed online.

  Netizens were a little stunned when they heard the news, and quickly understood that Microsoft was going to deal with Huaxin Computer.

  "Software is continuing to be arrogant and domineering, and actually let major brands of computers make choices. Soft and Microsoft are not afraid of angering major brands of computers, but instead they let major brands of computers into the arms of Huaxin Computer?"

  "It's only a one-day deadline for computer vendors who don't agree immediately, isn't this Microsoft too domineering?"

  "The world's largest company, what do you think, the strength of Soft and Micro is there, what is overbearing? I heard that big brand computer businesses choose Soft and Micro, and all big brands choose Soft and Micro, and Soft and Micro don't care about small and medium-sized brand computers. Merchant."

  "That's right, the major brands of computers have been chosen, and the market is owned by Microsoft. How many markets can small and medium-sized brand computers have."

  "Big brand computer vendors all choose Microsoft and Microsoft, and it's even more difficult for Huaxin Computer."

  "The computers you buy in the future can only use the software and micro computer system, not the Huaxin computer system."

  "Who said no, Huaxin Computer can use Huaxin computer system, and some small and medium-sized brand computer merchants did not agree. These small and medium-sized brands may also choose Huaxin Computer."

  "No, big brands all choose Microsoft. Small and medium brands can only follow the team. They just can't make a decision for a while. Soon they will also choose Microsoft."

  "Shit, if it were me, I would choose Huaxin computer system. Huaxin computer system is better than Microsoft's computer system. Choosing Huaxin computer system is definitely an opportunity. Maybe a small and medium-sized brand can develop into a big brand."

  "Yes, this is definitely a great opportunity for small and medium-sized brand computer merchants. Microsoft is afraid that it is Huaxin Computer. If not, why should computer merchants choose one or the other?"

  "If it's not that the computer system of Huaxin is better than the computer system of Soft and Micro? Why is Soft and Micro so anxious to let computer merchants choose one of the two? The move of Soft and Micro has already shown that the computer system of Huaxin is better than the computer system of Soft and Micro. I didn't believe in Huaxin before. The Xin computer system is better than the Microsoft computer system, and now I really believe it."

  "If the computer system of Huaxin is really better than the computer system of Soft and Micro, why do those big brand computer merchants choose the computer system of Soft and Micro? It doesn't make sense to you?"

  "There is no way, Huaxin Computer can't open the market, and Soft and Micro is playing this trick again. Big brand computer merchants dare not gamble. They can only choose to continue to use Soft and Micro computer systems."

  "That's right, whenever the Huaxin computer system breaks out, the major brand computer merchants will definitely switch to the Huaxin computer system."

  "Do you think those big brand computers are willing to choose one or the other? Do you think they don't feel aggrieved? They just have no choice but to choose, as long as the Huaxin computer can get up, they will definitely return the shame to the soft and micro computer system."

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