All are YY. . .

  The boss of Langxin Company did not give up PP, but asked the R&D department to intensify its efforts to continue R&D and try his best to make PP the same as YY.

  I don't believe that PP and YY have the same functions, and you won't need them at that time.

  Just wait, I'll be back.

  PP was silent, and the Penguin team began to promote BB.

  "The latest chat software BB is online at [-]:[-] pm. It will definitely surprise you. It surpasses PP by a thousand times. Please look forward to it."

  BB's propaganda is to step on the PP top.

  All the senior management of Langxin Company were furious when they saw BB's promotion.

  The boss of Langxin Company: "Which company does this BB belong to?"

  "I don't know, a very unfamiliar company, a company that suddenly appeared."

  "Investigate it immediately, want to step on us and dream." The boss of Langxin Company thought that the behind-the-scenes team of BB might be the Penguin team, and asked people to investigate immediately.

  Penguin team, if it is you, you dare to step on me, and I will let you perish.

  Netizens were completely excited when they saw another BB appeared.

  "Come on, are you going to get me completely excited today, BB, I want to see if you're as amazing as you said, if you're like PP, I'll make you doubt your life."

  "Another one, BB, Nima, the name is really awesome, and it surpasses PP by a thousand times. I want to see how amazing you are."

  "BB, wait for the spray, what a shit BB, how amazing it can be after a few days."

  The whole network is waiting to spray BB.

  When people in the industry see BB's publicity, they are curious about which company made BB. Unfortunately, the company where BB works is just established, and they can't find out who is the boss behind the scenes.

  Who is the big guy coming in?The chat software was created in three days, which is fast enough.

  Langxin company has basically three days to talk about the past, how can your new company come up with a chat software so quickly?

  Some people suspect that BB is the work of the Penguin team, but there is no evidence.

  Su Hao doesn't pay attention to BB at all, his attention is all on overseas Internet platforms.

  At eight o'clock in the evening, BB went online on time.

  Netizens naturally go to download, register and log in to experience it.

  For a time, the registered users of BB also soared as fast as when PP was first launched.

  After the user experience, a little confused.

  This, this is really better than PP.

  Video function, voice function. . .Other basic functions are available, except for YY games, games in YY space, and other basic functions BB have.

  "This BB is really good. Although it is not as perfect as YY, it is really much better than PP."

  "It's not bad, at least I can play, and I'm satisfied with video chat and voice calls."

  "This BB can be considered acceptable. Compared to PP, it is definitely a work of conscience. I believe it will soon catch up with YY."

  "Really, the basic functions are all there, but the game is missing. It's not bad that BB can do so well in such a short time."

  "BB should be able to fill the gap in the computer-side chat market. I'll use BB for the time being."

  Netizens feel that BB is okay, at least a hundred times stronger than PP, and its functions are better than PP.

  Compared to PP, BB is really good.

  In such a comparison, netizens naturally accept BB.

  Malaysia and Xiaoma have been staring at the data, seeing the rapid increase in registered users and the number of online users, all with smiles on their faces.

  After they read the comments of netizens, Da Ma and Xiao Ma laughed even more happily.

  "It's settled, it's settled, BB has initially succeeded." Malaysia smiled happily.

  Xiaoma: "Malaysia, you're right. The timing is really good. Netizens compare BB to PP. With PP at the bottom, netizens naturally accept BB."

  "If there is no PP at the bottom, netizens will compare BB with YY. In that case, BB is estimated to be criticized by the whole network."

  Malaysia: "That's why I said this is the best time. I'm really grateful to PP. BB is a preliminary success. The computer market must belong to BB."

  "When BB is perfected, it will slowly grab the mobile phone market, and then YY will slowly become lonely and eventually eliminated."

  Xiaoma: "Yes, as long as YY is restricted, YY will definitely be eliminated by BB."

  Malaysia: "As long as YY is eliminated, I will definitely take advantage of BB's popularity and kill as well."

  Da Ma and Xiao Ma were in high spirits, as if they saw the glorious moment when both YY and were killed and their revenge was repaid.

  Zhou Xue reported the comments and reactions of netizens to BB to Su Hao.

  Su Hao was slightly taken aback when he learned that BB was good.

  It's not bad, this BB can do so well in just a few days?

  Su Hao personally experienced BB.On BB, Su Hao felt a sense of familiarity.

  "Nima, shouldn't this BB be the work of the Penguin team?"

  "Zhou Xue, do you know which company BB belongs to?" Su Hao asked.

  Zhou Xue said truthfully: "I don't know, many people are curious about BB's team, and netizens are also curious."

  "Have someone check it out. I suspect that BB is the work of the Penguin team." Su Hao directly stated his guess.

  "Penguin?" Zhou Xue suddenly realized and said, "Okay, I'll let someone check."

  Netizens are also curious about the behind-the-scenes team of BB.

  "To be able to make such a good product as BB in just a few days, maybe it will take away YY's market very much. Su Shen is in danger."

  "This BB team behind the scenes is obviously prepared, YY is going to be in danger this time, Su Shen, come on."

  "Who is the boss of BB's company? Does anyone know?"

  "I heard that it is a new company, I don't know who the boss is, but it is really amazing to be able to produce such a good product in just a few days."

  The first team that Langxin found behind the BB was the Penguin team.

  When the boss of Langxin Company learned that BB is a product of the Penguin team, his worries completely dissipated.

  Penguin, you dare to make a comeback, wait, let you be proud for a few days, wait for me to improve PP, then I will clean up you severely.

  No, I can't make BB so proud. It's better to spread the news first and give him a headache.

  On the 18th, Langxin Company spread the news that the behind-the-scenes team of BB was the Penguin team.

  Netizens were furious when they learned that BB was the work of the Penguin team.

  "Penguin, pay back, BB, pay back."

  "It turns out that BB is the work of the Penguin team. That's right. If it was the Penguin team, it wouldn't be surprising to have such an excellent product in just a few days. They have rich experience and have this ability."

  "Pay back the money, Penguin, how dare you come out and pay back the money."

  "Come on, Penguin, you still dare to engage in chat software, do you think we don't exist, pay back the money, or I'll tear down your company."

  The whole network is calling the penguins to pay back the money, and there is a lot of trouble.

  At the same time, the foreign Internet is also very powerful. With the help of the navy, the whole network is slandering and slandering Soft and Micro.

  There has been such a big uproar on the Internet, and major news media are also reporting it, and TV news from various countries is also reporting this.

  This matter has completely attracted the attention of the top executives of Microsoft and Microsoft.

  It even alarmed the CEO of Microsoft, the richest man in the world.

  At this point, the world's richest man personally went out to solve the storm quickly. .

Chapter 284

  The CEO of Microsoft, Bige, the richest man in the world, the idol and role model of many people.

  In general things, Bie Gai is too lazy to care, unless it is important.

  This time, the restriction turmoil became more and more noisy on the Internet, which seriously affected the reputation of Microsoft and Microsoft. Bige had to personally suppress this restriction turmoil.

  Microsoft's all high-level meeting.

  Bigai was furious: "I don't object to your restrictions, but you are too stupid to despise the enemy. If you want to fight, you will kill the enemy at one time. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

  "Boss, we didn't expect that smartphones would dare to restrict us in reverse. We really didn't expect Haoyu Group to dare to go to war with us."

  Bigai said angrily: "What's unexpected, Haoyu Group is the largest group in Dragon Country, is it much worse than me?"

  "Even if the Haoyu Group is much worse than us, you can't despise the enemy. Since you want to fight, you must quickly solve the enemy."

  "Now the whole world is slandering our company, and the company's reputation has been seriously affected. Do you think this is a good thing?"

  "I have known Haoyu Group. The boss of Haoyu Group, Su Hao, is definitely a difficult person to deal with. You actually despise each other. You have enjoyed it so much all these years, and you have lost your aggressiveness."

  "I'll give you three days, within three days this disturbance must be quelled, otherwise I don't mind a rectification internally."

  When everyone heard the words, their faces were extremely solemn.

  This is an ultimatum. If this restriction storm is not resolved within three days, I am afraid that several people present will be fired.

  "Boss, you can rest assured that this storm will be resolved within three days. We will not only resolve this restriction storm, but we will also bring Haoyu Group back to its hometown, so that Haoyu Group will never dare to enter the overseas market."

  "Boss, don't worry, we will resolve this storm within three days, Haoyu Group, nothing."

  All the high-level people are ruthlessly guaranteed.

  Bigai said: "To remind you, do not despise any enemy at any time. I will see the result in three days."

  Bige felt that it would be enough to intimidate the higher-ups.As long as the high-level officials really take this matter to heart, they will be able to quickly resolve this restriction storm.

  As for how to solve it, Bi Gai is too lazy to care, what Bi Gai wants is the result.

  After Bige left, the high-level officials immediately discussed how to resolve the restrictions.

  After half an hour of deliberation, the final result came out.

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