Restricting MS, Su Hao is simply courting death.

  Many people see this through.

  Pony and Malaysia couldn't help laughing when they learned that Huaxin's smartphone restricted MS.

  "This Su Hao is really stupid, let's limit it, haha, it's better for Microsoft to limit all Internet products of Haoyu Group."

  "It shouldn't. If Microsoft does too much, it will become the public enemy of the world."

  "That can't be said. The restrictions have restricted YY. If you continue to target the Haoyu Group family, it should not arouse public outrage."

  "Wait, this is a good thing for us."

  "That is, if is also restricted, we will make more money."

  Su Hao's seemingly extremely irrational and even stupid approach has not been bluntly spoken by many netizens.

  "Su Hao, let's stop making trouble, let's take it back, don't restrict MS, otherwise Microsoft will continue to restrict your Internet products, and you will really lose a lot."

  "That's right, Su Hao, Haoyu Group is looking for a solution now, rather than fighting against Soft and Micro. It's definitely not a good thing to anger Soft and Micro."

  Su Hao's fans were dumbfounded when they saw these voices.

  "This, this, there is such a saying, Microsoft dares to restrict Haoyu Group's other Internet products?"


  "If you don't dare, limit your YY, what is the multi-line system?"

  "That's right, anyway, YY is restricted, and the others are not bad."

  "If Microsoft dares to do that, isn't it afraid of causing public outrage? He dares to restrict all Internet products of Haoyu Group. Wouldn't other Internet companies be afraid?"

  "That is, Microsoft is a monopoly, and if it dares to do this, it will definitely be the public enemy of the world."

  "It's absolutely fine to only target Haoyu Group. As long as Microsoft makes a statement and promises not to target other Internet companies, other companies will not care about Haoyu Group's life or death."

  "Soft Micro is so despicable and shameless, will other companies believe the statement of Soft Micro? Didn't Soft Micro and Haoyu Group have a fair competition agreement? Now that the agreement is not torn up, Soft Micro can't believe it at all, okay?"

  "No way, who made our country's weight in the world not strong enough, and we will be suppressed if we fall behind. This is the reality of Chi Guoguo."

  "Fuck, I'm so angry, but unfortunately I can't do anything."

  "If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is the reality of Chi Guoguo. This sentence is really realistic. It is the truth. If you want to not be bullied, you must be strong."

  "Chinese people should be self-improvement, Su Shen, don't give up, no matter what, we will always support you."

  "Yes, God Su, we will support you no matter what."

  "Shen Su, hurry up and develop a computer system. As long as you develop a new computer system, you won't be afraid of Microsoft's restrictions."

  "Yes, Su Shen, you are the most powerful. I believe you can develop a new computer system. Su Shen, come on."

  "Since Su Shen can develop a smartphone system, why can't he develop a computer system?"

  "Hey, it's true. Since we can develop a smartphone system, why can't we develop a computer system? There should be a lot in common."

  "My God, I seem to have discovered something big. You said, will Huaxin Computer have developed a new computer system?"

  "Everyone thinks that Su Shen restricting MS is a stupid act. We can all think, how could Su Shen not think of it, since he is not worried that Microsoft will continue to restrict Haoyu Group's other Internet products, does it mean that Su Shen is not afraid of Microsoft Company restrictions?"

  "If you're not afraid, it can only explain one thing, that is, Huaxin Computer has developed a new computer system. If not, I really can't think of any other reason why Su Shen is not afraid of the restrictions and bans from Microsoft and Microsoft?"

  "Nima, this analysis makes a lot of sense. I believe it, but, is this possible?"

  "What's impossible, Huaxin Electric and Huaxin Mobile have both stood up and become domestic giants, and even Huaxin Mobile has been at the forefront of the world. As a Huaxin brand, how can Huaxin Computer do nothing?"

  "That's right, Huaxin Computer has not done anything at all recently. It can be said that it has done nothing at all. Don't you think this is very strange?" Wan.

Chapter 282

  "It's really weird. As a brand of Huaxin, Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Mobile, and Huaxin Communications have all developed and even become overlords. Huaxin Computer has no action at all, which is really strange."

  "Is Huaxin Computer really preparing for a big move?"

  "If all of this is what Su Shen had foreseen, then Su Shen's seemingly stupid restrictions on MS behavior can be explained."

  "Yes, if Su Shen has been planning, Huaxin Computer has already developed a new computer system. It can be said that this incident was planned by Su Shen. If that is the case, Su Shen is really awesome. already."

  "It's more than awesome, it's a miracle, starting with smartphones, YY developed, a fair competition agreement, and then YY entered overseas, forcing Microsoft and Microsoft to unilaterally tear up the agreement. If Haoyu Group was really prepared, then this Once will be a miracle."

  "It's not enough to describe a miracle. It's a miracle. If Haoyu Group can really solve the current predicament and bite a piece of meat from the soft and micro computer in the computer market, it will be a miracle."

  "Let's witness the birth of a miracle, haha."

  Su Hao's loyal fans all believe that Su Hao is well prepared.

  Loyal fans don't believe that Su Hao will do what appears to be stupid behavior. There must be other plans behind this seemingly stupid behavior.

  Ordinary netizens think it is impossible.

  "It's unlikely, right? If all this is in Su Hao's plan, how could Su Hao not fight back?"

  "That's right, if Huaxin Computer really develops a new computer system, how could Haoyu Group not fight back. If one delays more than one day, it will lose more than [-] days. It's impossible for Haoyu Group to not see this."

  "I still don't believe that all this is Su Hao's plan. I admire Su Hao, but I still feel that Su Hao can't get down in such a game of chess."

  "Yes, starting from the smartphone, this game is too big, no one can do it, except the gods."

  "If all this is Su Hao's plan, then all this is amazing."

  "As a native of Longguo, I hope that things will develop in a direction that is beneficial to Haoyu Group. Our country has finally produced a business genius. It would be a pity to fall like this."

  "Yes, Su Hao has become the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom at a young age. As long as Su Hao is given time, Su Hao will definitely become the richest man in the world. Long Kingdom has never been the richest man in the world. Su Hao is the hope of the Dragon Kingdom. Development in a direction that is beneficial to Su Hao."

  "I hope everything is fine, Haoyu Group is such a super conscientious company, I hope you are fine."

  "As a native of Longguo, I sincerely hope that Haoyu Group can withstand this restriction. As a YY user, I hope that YY can resist."

  "Even if it is restricted now, YY must not give up. Smartphones will definitely become popular in the future. Even if no new computer system has been developed, I believe that Haoyu Group will definitely be able to develop a new computer system. This difficulty will surely be resolved in the future.”

  "That's right, Su Shen, you must rise up. As long as you develop a new computer system, my computer at home will definitely use your computer system. I also believe that most Chinese people will choose to use your computer system. Going down, the temporary difficulties are not difficult at all, and one day, you will get out of the predicament, and then the bullshit Microsoft will not threaten you at all."

  "God Su, come on, there are 13 billion people from the Dragon country standing behind you, you must be strong."

  Most netizens support Su Hao and hope that Su Hao can develop a new computer system as soon as possible.Everyone knows that as long as Haoyu Group develops a new computer system, Microsoft's restrictions will be useless.

  The topic of the new computer system rushed directly to the hot search.The top ten searches are all related to this restricted incident, Haoyu Group, and Su Hao.

  The top ten of the hot search list are firmly occupied by topics related to Su Hao, and other events have to stand aside.

  People in the industry are a little confused when they see the topic of the new computer system.

  Xiao Ma and Da Ma were even more saddened when they saw this topic.

  Malaysia asked Xiaoma, "Xiaoma, do you think Huaxin Computer will really develop a new computer system?"

  Xiaoma shook his head lightly and said, "I can't guess. According to the analysis on the Internet, it is really like that. Since Haoyu Group can develop a smartphone system, it can definitely develop a computer system, but I don't know how Haoyu Group can develop a smartphone system. Has Yu Group developed a computer system now?"

  "According to the response of Huaxin Computer, it should not have been developed. If a new computer system was really developed, Huaxin Computer would have been hyping it up and let Huaxin Computer occupy the domestic market."

  Da Ma said: "My thoughts are the same as yours. I think that CEFC should still be developing a computer system. With the basis of a smartphone system, CEFC will definitely succeed. It's only a matter of time."

  "As long as Huaxin Computer develops a computer system, Microsoft's restrictions on YY will be completely useless. We don't have much time left. We must get BB online as soon as possible and seize the market."

  Xiaoma said: "Don't worry, BB will be online in two days. This time should be our fastest."

  The CEO of Langxin Company saw the topic of computer system and urged the R&D department to work overtime to launch PP.

  "Boss, PP will be online tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon."

  The boss of Langxin Company: "Hurry up, can you do it tomorrow morning?"

  "Yes, yes, but there may be some bugs."

  The boss of Langxin Company: "A little bug is harmless. After going online, it is full of patches. We must be the first to go online. If we let other companies go online first, it will be difficult to grab the market."

  "Especially the Penguin team, I received news that the Penguin team is working hard on PR chat software, we have to get online before them."

  "Okay, boss, it will be online tomorrow morning."

  The boss of Langxin Company said: "Okay, the publicity will start at eight o'clock in the evening. I want to let the people of the whole country know the strength of our Langxin Company."

  When Su Hao saw the topic of the new computer system, he also secretly admired the brains of netizens.

  The great god is in the human world, all this has been thought of by you, it is really amazing.

  Su Hao directly asked the navy to cooperate, played the card of bitterness, incited the emotions of netizens, and made netizens stand on the side of Haoyu Group completely.

  Su Hao made Shuijun pay more attention to foreign platforms, inciting foreign people to hate and slander the company.

  Domestic netizens have naturally chosen to stand on the side of Haoyu Group, just need a little bit of rhythm, and netizens will be a complete team.

  Now the need for PR is abroad.Foreign netizens are completely wild discussions, and the water army must be dispatched to bring a wave of rhythm, so that foreign netizens will completely stand on the side of YY.

  When the navy goes to war, nothing grows.

  Major foreign platforms are all navy crossing the border, and the topic is that Microsoft and Microsoft are bullying others, completely disregarding the monopoly law.

  Su Hao asked the navy to publicize a little bit, today can restrict YY, and tomorrow can restrict others.This other Su Hao deliberately asked Shui Jun to bring all the super popular foreign products on the Internet.

  "Software is super shameless. It can restrict YY today, and it will restrict XX games tomorrow."

  "Software is super domineering, restricting YY today, and in the future, the Internet will only be made of Microsoft's products. Whoever's products are better than Microsoft's products will definitely not be able to escape the restrictions."

  The navy takes the rhythm, and foreign people automatically substitute.

  "We must not let Soft and Micro monopolize the market. If we really let Soft and Micro monopolize the market, the Internet will be useless in the future."

  "Software is so shameless and shameless. Relying on the fact that the whole world uses his system to restrict this system, it is too shameless, so no one can stand up and sanction Microsoft?"

  "What about the world-related organizations? Won't you come out and say something at this time?"

  "That's right, today Microsoft can restrict YY, and tomorrow it will definitely restrict others. We must not let Microsoft disrupt the Internet market."

  The emotions of foreign netizens were stirred up.

  At this time, the navy took the next step.

  "It's very meow, which powerful company can launch other computer systems, such a shameless company as Soft and Micro, if there are other computer systems, I will definitely not use the computer system of Soft and Micro."

  "That's right, the Microsoft Corporation is really disgusting. As an American, I maintain it as the Microsoft Corporation. Which computer company can develop a new system, I will use your system immediately, as long as there is a new system, I will not use it in the future. This rubbish Microsoft system."

  "Software is really shameless. We call on other computer companies to develop new computer systems as soon as possible. We must not let Microsoft monopolize the market."

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