"That's not it, can you be awesome, don't forget when you got up in the middle of the night to steal vegetables."

  "I still have a deep memory. I deeply remember that I was woken up by the alarm clock at four o'clock in the morning. At that time, I almost wanted to drop the alarm clock. When I thought of stealing vegetables, I instantly forgot about the alarm clock, and immediately turned on the computer and entered the YY farm to collect vegetables. "

  "Haha, who is not, there are many people stealing vegetables now, it has been more than a year, and many people are still playing YY Farm."

  "Nonsense, YY Farm is so fun, there will definitely be a lot of people playing it, and stealing vegetables is endless."

  "I just said why so many foreigners have added me recently, it should be because they want to add my friends to steal food."

  "The brain hole upstairs is really awesome. You think of it all. Maybe it's really for stealing food. Otherwise, why would they add me? I can't understand the language and can't communicate."

  "Haha, foreigners add friends just to steal food, I can boast about this for a year."

  "YY has exceeded [-] million overseas users. This is the real cow. Soon YY will become a world-class chat software giant. After smartphones, YY has really swept the world."

  "It seems so. With more than [-] million registered users, it can be said that YY is already the second most user-friendly chat software in the world. Only MS users have more users than YY users."

  "YY is really good. I hope to see YY surpass MS and become the world's number one soon."

  "Come on, YY and MS have a fair competition agreement, MS has no choice but to watch YY users increase."

  "Fair competition agreement, I now finally understand why Su Shen is willing to cooperate with Hesoft Group after suffering a loss. This is prescient."

  "If there is no fair competition agreement, MS will definitely block YY now, and it may be difficult for YY to continue to grow rapidly."

  "That's not it. Before, I didn't understand why Su Shen was willing to cooperate with Microsoft and Microsoft. Now I finally understand, where is the loss, this is Haizhuan. With a fair competition agreement, YY will find MS sooner or later. , to be number one in the world."

  "Do you think MS will unilaterally tear up the fair competition agreement and stop YY?"

  "Software is the world's largest company, wouldn't it be so shameless?"

  "That's not certain, didn't you see that MS is imitating YY?"

  "That is, MS is now completely following the old penguin's path. Penguin has been imitating YY before, and was finally defeated by YY. According to this set of methods, wouldn't YY also defeat MS?"

  "Is it really possible? MS is backed by Soft and Micro, and Haoyu Group has no strength to wrestle with Soft and Micro."

  "Fair competition agreement, as long as MS abides by the fair competition agreement, YY will definitely be able to win against MS and become the boss of chat soft armor."

  "It's now up to MS to comply with the protocol."

  As people all over the world have said, MS executives have a headache because of the rapid increase in YY users.

  MS specifically convened a high-level meeting for this purpose.

  "Let's talk about it, YY is aggressive, how should we deal with it?"

  "What is the reason for the rapid surge in YY users?"

  "Many netizens say that our MS imitates YY, and the new features are copied from YY. Many netizens are ashamed and give up using MS."

  "There is also YY Farm. Many netizens like the game YY Farm, and they like to steal vegetables."

  "YY Farm, stealing vegetables?" The higher-ups who didn't know this game were a little confused.

  "Yes, the game YY Farm is very popular recently. Not only young people like to steal vegetables, but middle-aged people also like to steal vegetables. Many people wake up in the middle of the night just to steal vegetables."

  "How fun is this YY farm?"

  "I tried it out and it was very interesting. So YY users invited their friends and relatives to use YY in order to have more friends stealing food, which led to the soaring of YY users."

  "Imitation of new features and YY Farm are the most important reasons."

  "Nima, we actually lost to a small game?"

  All the senior management of MS couldn't understand the power of YY farm.

  "It just started to break out. If this trend continues, YY users will soon surpass our MS. How can we stop YY from continuing to develop?"

  "We have an agreement with YY to compete fairly, and for a while we have no good way to stop YY."

  "That's right, even if YY is restricted from logging in on the computer now, there are still smart phones that can log in. In the future, smart phones will surely become popular. We can't limit YY, we can only compete fairly."

  "Yes, restricting YY now will only make people all over the world more disgusted with MS. When smartphones become popular, maybe people will give up MS completely."

  "But if we don't restrict YY from logging into the computer, what can we do to compete with YY, and what can we do to stop YY?"

  "Let's also make a game similar to YY Farm, so that at least we can guarantee that MS and YY will get two points in the world."

  "Yes, we have no way to defeat YY for the time being, we can only divide the world with YY."

  "It's not the way to copy YY all the time. Penguin, the chat software before Longguo, was completely defeated by YY because of copying YY all the time. We must not follow the path of Penguin."

  "In addition to imitating, we also need to innovate. In the past, MS had no competitors, and there was no pressure at all. Now that YY is a competitor, it is a good thing for MS. MS is really lazy. Tell me, before imitating YY, How long has it been since MS has updated new features?"

  "Before this, we will try our best to catch up with YY, otherwise we can only watch YY surpass us."

  "As for whether to restrict YY from logging in on the computer, I will discuss with the senior management of the head office. You can develop new functions as soon as possible, and improve the functions at the same time. MS can't lag behind YY."

  At the end of the meeting, MS manager Jess contacted the top management of the head office to report that YY was about to catch up with MS.

  The executives of Microsoft and Microsoft were secretly shocked when they learned of the rapid increase in the number of YY users.

  This, this YY is so awesome, it seems that there is a problem with the previous fair competition agreement.

  Su Hao, it's really not easy.

  Jess: "MS executives have analyzed the reasons. It is because YY's functions are better than MS's, and because of YY's farm, YY's users have soared rapidly."

  "Then do you have a solution?"

  Jess: "No, there is a fair competition agreement. We have no choice but to accelerate the improvement of functions and innovate functions."

  "The rise of YY cannot be stopped unless YY is restricted from logging in on the computer."

  "Restrict YY from logging in on the computer?"

  Jess said: "Yes, only this way can stop the rise of YY, otherwise we can't stop YY at all."

  "Only mobile phones can only sell more than 0 million units, and there are only so many people who have smart phones to use YY. As long as YY is restricted from logging in on the computer, YY will have nothing to do.. [-]"

  "Is this the solution that was negotiated by the MS executives?"

  Jess: "Yes, but this is up to you to decide. After all, it can only be done by the head office."

  "If YY is restricted from logging in on the computer, people all over the world will definitely dislike us. This needs to be carefully considered by you and the leaders of the head office."

  "Jace, fair play, can you keep the MS market?"

  Jess: "I can only try my best to guarantee that I have two points in the world with YY. It is very likely that YY will surpass MS to reach the top."

  Jess said it truthfully. YY's competitiveness is there, he doesn't dare to talk nonsense, otherwise, when YY surpasses MS in the future, he will be unlucky.

  "Okay, then I'll think about it and reply to you as soon as possible."

  In the past two days, YY users are still soaring rapidly.By the 10th, it had exceeded [-] million registered users.

  YY immediately announced the good news.

  As more and more people use YY, friends and relatives are driven to use YY, and the soaring speed of YY users is even more crazy.

  YY's backstage employees were shocked to see the crazy growth of data.

  This is going to be popular all over the world, completely detonating the world.

  The top executives of Microsoft Corporation saw that the number of YY users exceeded [-] million, and knew that they could not wait any longer.

  If you continue to drag on, if you want to restrict YY, it will really outweigh the gain.

  When people all over the world are using YY, you still restrict YY, why are you not fighting against the people all over the world?

  10th this day.

  Longteng real estate in many first-tier cities in Longguo has begun to build houses.

  People found that Longteng Real Estate had started to build houses, and they walked into Longteng Real Estate to ask when it would start selling.

  Longteng Real Estate responded in a unified manner, temporarily not selling houses, and waiting for the leaders' notice.

  They've all started building houses, why haven't they sold them yet?

  This matter was stabbed to the Internet by people, and it caused a crazy discussion for a while.

  "Longteng Real Estate has begun to lay the foundation. I went to ask them when they would sell the house. The staff of Longteng Real Estate said that they will not sell the house for the time being, and wait for the leader's notice."

  "They have started to lay the foundation and still don't sell the house? This can be sold. Laying the foundation means that the house type has been determined and the house can be sold. Why doesn't Longteng Real Estate sell the house?"

  "That's right, why doesn't Longteng Real Estate sell houses? Is Longteng Real Estate not short of money?"

  "Isn't there such a saying, can't the return of funds be able to develop faster?"

  "I don't understand. Other real estate companies are eager to take the land and sell their houses. Longteng Real Estate is better. They have started to build and still don't sell their houses. Su Shen's thoughts are really unpredictable."

  "The construction scale of Longteng Real Estate is very powerful. The construction site is the same every day. I estimate that the building will be built in three to five months, and the house can be sold completely."

  "Go to Sushen's Weibo and ask @Sushen."

  "Go and ask God Su, I have the down payment ready and I can sell the house."

  "That's right, my family is ready to make a down payment, and they are waiting for the houses of Longteng Real Estate to go on sale."

  For a while, netizens went to Su Hao's Weibo @Su Hao and asked Su Hao to come out and explain.

  Not only netizens are puzzled, but other real estate companies are also extremely puzzled.

  It stands to reason that Longteng Real Estate can sell houses. As long as Longteng Real Estate sells houses, they will know what kind of house price Longteng Real Estate will be.

  It's a pity that Longteng Real Estate has no plans to sell the house at all.

  Could it be that Longteng Real Estate is brewing some big move?

  Netizen @Su Hao asked Su Hao why the topic of Longteng Real Estate did not sell houses and rushed to the top of the hot search.

  Su Hao learned about it from Du Ruomeng after returning to Villa 20.

  The manager of Longteng Real Estate wanted to tell Su Hao about this, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was not good to disturb Su Hao because of this trivial matter.

  So Su Hao learned from Du Ruomeng that all netizens were concerned about why Longteng Real Estate didn't sell the house when he got home.

  "Su Hao, why doesn't Longteng Real Estate sell the house, I want to know too."

  Du Ruomeng and the girls were also curious.

  Su Hao said directly: "It's nothing, I will sell the house after the property of Longteng Real Estate is capped."

  "What? Wait until the ceiling is built before starting to sell?"

  "Su Hao, you are the only one doing this. There is no real estate company in China that does this."

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