It was sold out in just over a minute.

  "I thought it would be longer this time, but I didn't expect it to be just over a minute. It seems that the domestic market is still not saturated."

  "Nonsense, now many towns and villages have built 3G networks, and rural ones are also under construction. There are only one or two billion smartphones. How can the market be saturated?"

  "That is, let alone one or two billion units, the market for five or six billion units will not be saturated."

  "Think about how many people in the country use mobile phones. Many people can use two. How can these [-] million smartphones be saturated."

  "What's more, the scalpers are still rushing overseas, and another one or two hundred million is not enough."

  "Haha, I almost forgot the factor of scalpers, scalpers probably hate Huaxin Mobile, and Huaxin Mobile is the same in the whole country to suppress scalpers. If there are other companies, it doesn't matter if you are scalpers or not, as long as the mobile phone is sold, the rest I just don't care."

  "So, Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise, and it is absolutely not wrong to support Haoyu Group."

  "That is, I have been waiting for Longteng Real Estate to sell houses. I heard that Longteng Real Estate has been frantically acquiring land in first-tier cities recently, and it is estimated that it will start selling houses soon."

  "I had several auctions here the day before yesterday, and Longteng Real Estate won one."

  "Come on, as long as Longteng Real Estate gets the land, the house will be sold soon."

  "This time, Huaxin Mobile has made another [-] billion yuan. If this [-] billion yuan is invested in Longteng Real Estate, Longteng Real Estate will definitely develop more rapidly."

  "Haha, that's the truth."

  "By the way, can [-] million smartphones really make [-] billion?"

  "Internal information, there is only a lot of it, and as for the specific amount, it is not clear."

  "It's awesome, making [-] billion a day is really awesome, Su Shen is worthy of being Su Shen."

  "It's nothing,'s sales of [-] billion a day are the real cattle. That day, made more than [-] billion."

  "It's amazing, making more than six billion a day, it's amazing."

  "The richest man in the dragon country, you think it's just a blow. This speed of making money makes the rich people behind him completely desperate."

  "As long as God Su is there, other rich people don't even want to be the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom. In the next few decades, other rich people in the Dragon Kingdom will have to look up to God Su."

  "It's true. With God Su, don't even think about other rich people in the Dragon Kingdom. Who can compare the speed of making money."

  "It's more powerful than a money printing machine, who can compare."

  "When Feilong Motor is developed, Su Shen is estimated to be on the throne of the world's richest man."

  "Yeah, I almost forgot Feilong Motors. I don't know how the research and development progress of Feilong Motors is going."

  "There is no news, there is no wind at all, but I believe in Su Shen's ability, and Feilong Motors will shine in the world sooner or later."

  "Don't tout Su Shen, the automobile is different from other industries, the domestic automobile technology is too backward, and Feilong Motors still has a long way to go to rise."

  "Yes, unless Feilong Motors acquires a foreign auto giant, it will be difficult to break through in technology."

  "Acquisition, do you think Su Shen will not think of acquisition? Is it because Haoyu Group doesn't have the money? No, it is Su Shen who has the ability to develop more advanced technology, just wait, Su Shen will not let us down. "Su Hao's die-hard fans believe in Su Hao's ability.

  Not to mention building cars, even if Su Hao said that he would build rockets and spaceships, they would unconditionally believe it.

  Su Hao's black fans were very depressed when they saw that Su Hao's fans were touting Su Hao desperately.But the black fans were scared and didn't dare to fight back, and the intelligence complained in the black fan group.

  "Those die-hard fans of shit are really disgusting. You are bragging about Su Hao. I want to see what kind of cars Feilong Motors can make. When the time comes, Feilong Motors can't make awesome cars. I'll kill him."

  "That's right, Feilong Motors doesn't buy foreign auto giants. It wants to make a breakthrough in technology. Dream it. I'm waiting to kill Feilong Motors and kill Su Hao."

  Black fans can only revel in the black fan group, and they don't dare to hack Su Hao on major platforms.

  New Year's Day comes, 2003 has passed, and the new year 2004 has come.

  At this New Year's Day party, Tunghai University was thinking of inviting Su Hao to perform on stage.Su Hao naturally refused.Su Hao had a deep memory of the last lesson, and of course he would not agree to it again.

  Without Su Hao's performance, Dongda students were all disappointed, and the Dongda New Year's Day party seemed to have lost their souls.

  In the new year, new regulations will be introduced.

  On New Year's Day, the state announced various new regulations, one of which caught Su Hao's attention.

  The state attaches more importance to talents, encourages people to engage in research, and gives greater rewards to technological research that is beneficial to national development.

  The control of patents is stricter, and the treatment of elite talents is higher.

  In particular, the state has specially set up a special department, which is specially designed to manage and control talents and handle cases of suppressing talents.

  In a word, if your scientific research results are plundered and you feel that your talents cannot be used, you can find this department, and the state will solve it for you.

  In other words, all elite talents with real materials will have room to display in the future.

  After the introduction of this new regulation, many people have realized a problem, that is, the country has begun to really attach importance to personnel training.

  "That's great. All kinds of research patents will be rewarded by the state as long as they are graded, ranging from [-] to as little as [-]. The state is going to be serious."

  "That's not it, there is a special department set up, can it be true? To be honest, too many talents were buried before, and many people couldn't stand the domestic environment and ran away. Now, after the new regulations come out , there will definitely be more and more talents appearing, and the country will definitely become stronger and stronger.”

  "The highest reward is [-] million, my God, if this is rated the highest, it will instantly become a multi-millionaire."

  "This reward is not so easy to get. Haven't you seen an example? Products like 3G networks and smartphones that are ahead of the times are the highest level."

  "I don't ask for the highest level of reward, I am satisfied with a million-level reward."

  "3G network, smart phone, doesn't that mean that Su Shen can get a bonus of [-] million from the state."

  "That shouldn't be the case, but it seems that the state has exempted CEFC from tax for one year, which is the reward of the 3G network."

  "Hey, it's actually tax-exempt. This reward is even better. Huaxin Telecom's tax revenue is more than [-] million a year."

  "That's not it. At that time, the new regulations hadn't come out yet. Maybe these new regulations have something to do with Su Shen."

  "It has something to do with Su Shen, how do you say it?"

  "Because Su Shen was born, the country pays more attention to talents. Isn't this something to do with Su Shen?"

  "It's all rounded up by you, you bull."

  "The development of the country is getting better and better, and our life will be happier, which is a good thing."

  "That is necessary. After the introduction of this new regulation, parents will pay more attention to the training of their children, and there will be more talents in the future. Why should the country not be strong?"

  "A strong youth makes the country strong, and a rich youth makes the country rich. It makes sense."

  "Come on, let's work together, take Su Shenwei's goal, take Su Shenwei's example, learn from Su Shenwei, and work hard together."

  In response to the country's new regulations, Su Hao made a decision in his heart. .

Chapter 276

  After Su Hao asked Zhang Mengqi about the situation of the 985211 tutoring website, he made a decision.

  The 985211 tutoring website has spread all over the country. Last year, it made nearly [-] billion yuan. This amount of money is just to support the third-year high school students in poverty-stricken areas. There is still a lot of surplus.

  Moreover, there are only so many high school students in poverty-stricken areas, and they can't spend so much money at all.Last time Zhang Mengqi said that the 985211 tutoring website has sufficient funds, but Su Hao didn't take it seriously at that time.

  Now that I understand it, Su Hao knows that there is still [-] million cash in the tutoring website account.

  "Meng Qi, the tutoring website has to change its strategy. It's not just about subsidizing high school students, otherwise the money in the account will increase."

  Su Hao said: "At the same time, in response to the country's new regulations on talents, tutoring websites must stand up first."

  Zhang Mengqi said: "Well, I told you before, but you just didn't feel relieved. What do you say?"

  Su Hao said: "It is one aspect to support senior high school students in impoverished mountainous areas. We will also establish schools for elite students in impoverished mountainous areas."

  "Elite student school?" Zhang Mengqi didn't understand what the elite student school~ was all about.

  Su Hao explained: "That's right. The so-called elite school is located in the county seat in the remote mountainous area."

  "The admission standard is based on excellent grades. From elementary school to high school, tuition is free, accommodation is free, and there is a subsidy for food, which is basically free."

  Zhang Mengqi suddenly realized: "Well, those hundreds of millions are not enough."

  Su Hao said: "It's okay, this time it's the tutoring website and Haoyu Group together, which is to train talents for Haoyu Group and for the country."

  "Let those children in poverty-stricken areas who can study well but have no money to study can study carefree and give them a way out."

  "After they are admitted to university, they can take a certain amount of interest-free loans from Haoyu Group, and they will be given priority to work in Haoyu Group after graduation to pay off their debts."

  "Of course, it is not mandatory for them to join Haoyu Group after graduation, but I believe that most students will have a grateful heart and will choose Haoyu Group after graduation. Yu Group transports talents, and Haoyu Group has no worries in the field of talents."

  Zhang Mengqi said: "Interest-free loans, you have come up with all this, Su Hao, you are really amazing."

  "What's the matter? The tuition fee for each person is several thousand yuan a year. Even if there are one million students, it is billions. This is nothing to Haoyu Group."

  "At a certain time, Haoyu Group will set up a private bank, and then everything will be easy."

  Zhang Mengqi said, "Are you still thinking of setting up a private bank?"

  Su Hao said: "It's just convenient, it's not urgent. When the time comes, it's okay to set up a private bank."

  Zhang Mengqi said: "You are amazing. Talking about this with you, I always feel that my IQ is being crushed by you."

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Is it only IQ? Hehe."

  Zhang Mengqi rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said, "Be serious. Wouldn't it be bad to only set up elite schools in poor areas?"

  Su Hao said: "It's like this for the time being. You can't do it all over the country, right? Haoyu Group can't bear it."

  "This has to be done slowly, not in a hurry."

  "You ask someone to count the number of counties in poverty-stricken areas across the country, and I'll look at the data."

  Zhang Mengqi said: "Okay, when the holiday on the 4th is over, I will ask people to count them right away."

  1 month 4 number.

  Zhang Mengqi came to the tutoring website early and asked people to count the data of counties in poverty-stricken areas across the country.

  According to statistics, there are nearly [-] poverty-stricken counties in the country.

  Children from many families in these impoverished counties stopped reading after primary school. A small number of children completed junior high school, and very few completed high school.

  Is it bad to study?No, it's because I'm poor and have no money to study.

  After Su Hao got the data from the poverty-stricken counties, he went to the tutoring website to discuss with the top management of the tutoring website about the elite school.

  After discussion, Su Hao decided that there will be a total of 1800 academic years from the first grade to the third year of senior high school, and each school year will recruit famous students, a total of 600 students, and a total of [-] million students from [-] impoverished counties.

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