Longteng real estate company announced the establishment.

  At the opening press conference, Longteng Real Estate announced that it will enter the real estate industry with [-] billion yuan. After all, it means that the first phase of real estate will be built in all first-tier cities.

  Such a big move by Longteng Real Estate has made people all over the country ecstatic.

  "Haha, [-] billion funds are awesome, I know that Su Shen is awesome, so we can soon book a house in Longteng Real Estate."

  "Longteng Real Estate, the name is as domineering as ever, haha, why is it only a first-tier city, even a second- and third-tier city."

  "What's the hurry, Longteng Real Estate has just been established, and such a large scale is already very good, [-] billion, which company can provide [-] billion cash flow."

  "Yes, but why do you need so much capital? Isn't it true that most real estate companies borrow from banks?"

  "That's right, start building and start selling, why do you need so much money?"

  "Maybe Su Shen doesn't want to borrow money from the bank."

  "How is it possible, then the interest is easy to earn back, why not take out a loan if you can, and you are not a fool."

  "How can God Su's thoughts be understood by mortals like me? If you could understand God Su, you wouldn't be so poor."

Chapter 274

  "Yes, if you can understand Su Shen, are you still blowing water with us here, haha."

  "[-] billion can only show Sushen's determination in the real estate industry. The bigger the investment, the bigger the scale. Sushen Haoyu Group is the largest group in China. How could it be a small business to enter a new industry? Haoyu Group's [-] billion entry, other real estate companies are estimated to be afraid."

  "Haha, Haoyu Group is so awesome, Longteng Real Estate will definitely quickly become the leader in the real estate industry."

  "It is necessary to take it. Huaxin Electric has become the leader of domestic electrical appliances, Jiajiafu Supermarket has become the leading supermarket in China, Huaxin Mobile is also the leading mobile phone in China, and Longteng Real Estate is a necessary leading real estate company."

  "The real estate industry is very deep, and it is very early for Longteng Real Estate to become the leader."

  Some netizens raised objections.

  "Fuck off, this must be the black fan of Su Shen. The black fan will get the hell out of me. Within a year, Longteng Real Estate will definitely become the leader of the domestic real estate industry."

  "Wherever it takes a year, within half a year, Longteng Real Estate will become the leader in the real estate industry."

  "Yes, in one year, you underestimate Su Shen too much."

  "In one year, you are insulting Su Shen. With Su Shen's ability, where is it necessary to use one year's time, the start-up capital is [-] billion, and how many domestic companies can provide [-] billion cash flow, do you have any? ?"

  "That is, [-] billion to enter the market, where does it take a year, half a year is more, and in the next time, other real estate companies will enjoy the taste of being dominated by Longteng Real Estate, haha."

  "Black fans don't come out Hei Su Shen, if you dare to black Su Shen, Su Shen's fans will spray you to doubt your life."

  "That's right, black fans stay for me honestly, you can dislike God Su, and don't worship God Su, but you absolutely can't be God Su, if you dare to be God Su, I'll make you doubt your life. "

  "Haha, I don't care about these things. I just hope that Longteng Real Estate will be able to build and sell houses as soon as possible, so that the marriage house I get married next year may catch up."

  "Wait, the [-] billion capital is not a vegetarian. Within two months, Longteng Real Estate will start selling houses."

  "Two months, that's a lot. Buy land in one day, lay the foundation for construction in a week, and then sell the house. It doesn't take half a month for Longteng Real Estate to sell the house."

  "That's right, as long as the land is taken down and the construction starts, the model house can be sold immediately. Haoyu Group's reputation is there, and no model house is needed. As long as Longteng Real Estate says it's open for sale, someone will buy it immediately."

  "Haha, don't ask why, Haoyu Group is so awesome, I just believe in Su Shen, as long as Longteng Real Estate sells a house, I will buy it immediately."

  "Yes, as long as Longteng Real Estate sells the house, I will buy it immediately."

  "I just hope that the house price of Longteng Real Estate is not so high. As long as the price of Longteng Real Estate is not higher than that of other real estate companies, I will choose the house of Longteng Real Estate."

  "Don't worry about this, Haoyu Group is a super conscientious enterprise, the house price of Longteng Real Estate will definitely be a conscience house price, you can rest assured, it will definitely not be more expensive than the house price of other real estate companies, I dare to guarantee this, Don't ask me why, because I just believe in Su Shen's character."

  "That's a must, YY, Taotao.com, Huaxin Electric, Huaxin Computer, Huaxin Mobile, Huaxin Communication, Jiajiafu Supermarket, as long as it is a company under Haoyu Group, it is a super conscience company, only It’s the cheapest, definitely not the most expensive.”

  "Other real estate companies are expected to have a headache. Looking forward to the day when Longteng Real Estate sells the house, they will know what the price will be."

  People all over the country are discussing Longteng Real Estate, and they are all looking forward to the price of Longteng Real Estate.

  As people say, other real estate companies have a headache for Haoyu Group's entry.

  Haoyu Group is the largest group in the country and a well-known conscience company. If Haoyu Group enters the market, the house price will definitely be affected to a certain extent.

  All the bosses of big real estate companies are worried that Longteng Real Estate will mess up house prices.

  This Haoyu Group is full of food and nothing to do?Can't you sell your hands well and run your Taotao.com and other companies?Why enter the real estate industry?

  I hope that the price of Longteng Real Estate is not too cheap, otherwise it will be really difficult to deal with.

  Most real estate companies are worried that Longteng Real Estate will lower housing prices and even introduce more benefits.

  Many bosses thought about it and felt that it was necessary to inform Longteng Real Estate in advance.

  Ventilate in advance so that Longteng Real Estate does not mess around, otherwise the real estate industry may really be disrupted by Longteng Real Estate.

  Most of the real estate executives thought of going together, and then got together to discuss, they all decided to communicate with Longteng Real Estate first.

  Finally, the real estate dispatched a representative to contact Longteng Real Estate.Unfortunately, the representative did not have the numbers of Su Hao and Li Junlong, the manager of Longteng Real Estate, nor the numbers of Su Hao and Li Junlong. In the end, he could only call the front desk of Longteng Real Estate.

  The front desk heard that it was a real estate representative and dealt with it directly as a liar.

  Also the representative of the real estate company, why don't you go to heaven.

  The representative of the real estate company listened to the beep with a blank expression.

  This, actually got hung up. . .

  The representative of the real estate company called the front desk of Longteng Real Estate again.

  The receptionist at the front desk continued to deal as a liar.

  "This is Longteng Real Estate, not a private number. If you call me again, I'll call the police 々ˇ."

  The real estate company representative was completely speechless.

  Is this Dragon Real Estate front desk so awesome? . .

  The real estate company representative didn't make the third call because he knew it wouldn't help to keep calling.

  The representative of the real estate company told everyone that they could not contact the senior management of Longteng Real Estate. Everyone knew that the representative of the real estate company was regarded as a liar and was speechless.

  "You go directly."

  "Yes, we must communicate with Longteng Real Estate, and we cannot let Longteng Real Estate spoil the situation."

  "Longteng Real Estate is [-] billion yuan, and it will start selling houses soon. This matter must be implemented as soon as possible and cannot be delayed."

  "Okay, then I'll go, this is a mess..." The representative of the real estate company was speechless and wanted to give up this representative status.

  On the 22nd, the representative of the real estate company came to Longteng Real Estate and directly reported the identity of the representative of the real estate company.

  The lady at the front desk is the lady who answered the phone yesterday.

  When the young lady heard that the real estate company said it was a representative, she immediately thought of yesterday's harassing call, and her face changed greatly.

  "The phone call is not enough. You actually came to the door to harass. Security, come quickly, this guy is going to make trouble."

  The receptionist at the front desk called the security directly.

  The security guard at the door heard the call from the receptionist at the front desk and rushed in quickly.

  When the real estate company representative was confused, the security directly controlled him.

  "This person couldn't make a harassing call yesterday. He came to make trouble today. You hurry up and drive him out."

  Without saying a word, the security guard took the real estate representative out.

  The real estate company representative was completely confused.

  The top management of my dignified real estate company was actually put out by the security guards. It's very meow. Longteng Real Estate is too deceiving. . .

  The security guard put the real estate company aside and warned: "This gentleman, please leave. If you continue to make trouble, we will call the police."

  The representative of the real estate company said: "I am really a representative of the real estate company. The major real estate companies sent me to discuss matters with your boss as a representative."

  The security guard looked at the representative of the real estate company with a foolish look, and said, "Sir, if you don't leave again, I will call the mental hospital."

  The security directly treated the real estate company representative as a mentally ill person.

  The representative of the real estate company was even more depressed and shouted loudly: "I am really a representative of the real estate company, and I am a senior executive of Hengda Real Estate Company."

  The security guard couldn't persuade him, so he called the police directly, "Hello, this is Longteng Real Estate, and a mentally ill person is making trouble here. Please come and take him away."

  "Okay, I'll contact the psychiatric hospital to take the person away." The police receptionist heard that someone was making trouble at Longteng Real Estate, and immediately said to arrange someone to take the mental patient away.

  Longteng Real Estate is a subsidiary of Haoyu Group. It is the banner of Donghai. Someone dares to go to Longteng Real Estate to make trouble. Isn't this courting death?

  The representatives of the real estate company were immediately confused when they saw the security alarm.

  "You, you actually say I'm a psychiatrist, you're unreasonable."

  The security guard stared closely at the real estate company representative without refuting.

  And the mentally ill theories only fools can do.

  The real estate representative saw that the security guard was ignoring him and planned to leave temporarily.

  The security directly stopped the representative of the real estate company, "You can't leave, the police will come back and take you away immediately."

  "I, I..." The real estate company representative almost fainted.

  "I'll say it again, I'm not mentally ill, and I'm not trying to cause trouble. I'm really a representative sent by the real estate company."

  The security guards just stopped the representatives of the real estate company and let the representatives of the real estate company shout, in a word, they will not let you leave.

  The representative of the real estate company saw the tall security guard and knew that he could not leave, so he waited for the police to arrive.

  Within five minutes, the police arrived.

  The security guard said directly: "Police officer, this is the troublemaker. He always said that he was a representative sent by the real estate company. You should take him away quickly."

  The police who came looked at the representative of the real estate company. They looked like people, how could they be mentally ill. . .

  The representative of the real estate company saw the police's sympathetic eyes and quickly said: "I am really a representative sent by the real estate company. I am a high-level executive of Hengda Real Estate. I have something to do with the boss of Longteng Real Estate."

  When the police heard the shouting of the real estate company representative, they believed the security guard's words and took the real estate company representative away.

  "I'll send him to a mental hospital."

  "¨'Ok, thank you."

  The real estate company representative fainted on the spot.

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