Everyone knew that Li Rongrong had something to do with the capital, and it should be no problem for Li Rongrong to get land at a low price.But it doesn't matter if they are in the south. If Su Hao asks them to take the land after they speak, they will be miserable.

  Seeing that everyone was silent, Su Hao said, "The south is located in Shencheng. Shencheng is developing rapidly, which is very suitable for us to build a large-scale processing factory base."

  "I will discuss the land acquisition in person. Does anyone of you want to be in charge of the two large processing plant bases in the south and the north?"

  Su Hao glanced at everyone.

  The high-level executives of Huaxin Electric are just around the corner.But they also know that they have several kilograms and several taels. It's okay to be in charge of a small company, but they can't handle it now if they are in charge of a large processing plant base.

  At the same time, they also knew that they could not compete for mid-level leadership at headquarters.

  However, there are still a few people who are reluctant to miss this opportunity.

  In the end, four people started to recommend themselves.

  In addition to the candidates recommended by the high-level headquarters of each headquarters, there are a total of eight candidates.

  Su Hao tested them one by one, and finally decided on two people.

  Subsequently, Su Hao decided to invest another [-] billion to set up home appliance supermarkets across the country.

  Su Hao's goal is very clear, all cities and towns in the country are better than Huaxin Home Appliances Supermarket.Cities are supermarkets for major appliances, and towns are supermarkets for small appliances.

  In a word, within half a year, Huaxin home appliance supermarkets must be spread all over the country.

  11 month 2 number.

  Li Rongrong and Su Hao were divided into two groups.Li Rongrong went to Beijing and Su Hao went to Shencheng.

  Su Hao asked the group headquarters to send letters to Beijing and Shenzhen in the name of Haoyu Group.

  When the senior management of the two places learned that Haoyu Group was going to invest in their site, they were very happy and gave them a high-level reception.

  Su Hao came to Shencheng and was received by Shencheng's second-in-command in charge of the economy.

  Su Hao directly stated his intention.

  The second-in-command of Shencheng smiled when he learned that Haoyu Group was going to invest [-] billion to build a large-scale processing plant base in Shencheng.

  Ten billion, these are all political achievements. With these achievements, he will have a better chance to climb higher in the future.

  Without Su Hao speaking, the second-in-command of Shencheng immediately promised to give Haoyu Group the best policy.

  The fact that the second-in-command of Shencheng dares to promise is also because Haoyu Group and Su Hao are vigorously publicized by the state.For other companies, the second-in-command of Shencheng is happy but will not promise too much.

  Things went very smoothly. On November 11, Su Hao chose the place, and then completed the formalities with the Shencheng side. Haoyu Group got the land at the best price.

  The person in charge of the Shencheng base who accompanied him stayed in Shencheng, and vigorously developed the Shenzhen large-scale processing plant base with a group of elites.

  On the other side of the capital, Li Rongrong successfully completed the task.

  The [-] billion investment, the capital's top executives are also very happy, and because of Li Rongrong, as well as Su Hao and Haoyu Group, no one dares to come out and stop Haoyu Group from acquiring land in the capital.

  With the support of Haoyu Group and the support of local policies, the large-scale processing plant base is the same every day.

  On November 11th, Huaxin Electric held a press conference, announcing that it would invest 4 billion to set up two large-scale processing plants in Beijing and Shencheng, and bring recruitment advertisements.

  The press conference was recommended by media reports and YY pop-ups, and it became a national sensation.

  "My God, two large-scale processing plants have been established in Beijing and Shencheng. Huaxin Mobile has not done this yet. Huaxin Electric actually does this. Is this a counterattack from Huaxin Electric?"

  "[-] billion, [-] billion for a large processing plant, is Huaxin Electric trying to dominate the domestic market?"

  "[-] billion is too shocking. Which company in China dares to throw away [-] billion to build a large-scale processing factory? Only Haoyu Group and foreign electrical appliances want to defeat Huaxin Electric. Dream it."

  "Foreign electric appliances also want to kill Huaxin Electric, and don't look at who is covering Huaxin Electric. It is Haoyu Group, the Haoyu Group of Longguo's richest man Su Hao, you actually declared war on your own initiative, waiting to be destroyed. ,Ha ha."

  "I have a hunch that soon those foreign electrical appliance brands will be driven back to their hometowns, just like those big foreign supermarkets before, haha."

  "Huaxin Electric is really angry. Chongguan is angry, and immediately invests [-] billion to set up a large-scale processing plant. Foreign electrical appliance brand owners, I will ask you if you are afraid, haha."

  "Huaxin Electric is great, Haoyu Group is great, Su Hao is great, I support you in killing those big foreign electrical appliance brands."

  "As a native of Longguo, I support Huaxin Electric and Haoyu Group. As long as Huaxin Electric launches more new products with the same quality and price as foreign electric appliances, I will definitely support Huaxin Electric."

  "Yes, as long as the quality is the same and the price is the same, I prefer Huaxin Electric, because I am from Longguo."

  "It is recommended that you do not buy foreign electrical appliances for the time being, and Huaxin Electric will soon launch more favorable and cheaper electrical appliances."

  "That's right, I suggest that you don't make impulse purchases for the time being. The current promotional price is not the lowest. When Huaxin Electric fights back, the price will be the lowest at that time. Everyone must hold back. Huaxin Electric must not will disappoint us."

  "With an investment of [-] billion yuan, don't you believe in Huaxin Electric? Soon Huaxin Electric will launch more new products, with cheaper and better quality appliances. Now you will regret buying overseas promotional appliances. I suggest that everyone Don't buy it, no matter how much he lowers the price, don't buy it, and when Huaxin Electric fights back, there will be surprises."

  "Yes, Haoyu Group is the most conscientious enterprise in China. We must trust Haoyu Group and Huaxin Electric. Huaxin Electric will not disappoint us."

  Chinese people have called on everyone not to buy foreign promotional electrical appliances, waiting for the day when Huaxin Electric will fight back.

  The Chinese people's appeal played a big role. Before Huaxin Electric's price was cut, the sales of those foreign big brand electric appliances fell rapidly, even worse than before the event.

  Knowing that sales have fallen, the foreign electrical appliance alliance is extremely depressed.

  Huaxin Electric did not cut prices, but only said that it opened two large electrical appliances processing plants. Longguo people believe that Huaxin Electric will launch cheaper electric appliances in the near future. This, Longguo people are too deceived, right?

  Will a large processing plant really be operational for a while?

  You don't pay attention to the current interests, but value the uncertain interests of the future. Are you fools?

  The top executives of the Foreign Electrical Appliances Union underestimated the weight of Su Hao and Haoyu Group in the hearts of Chinese people.

  If the state did not publicize Su Hao and Haoyu Group, let alone two large processing plants, none of the five would have this effect.

  It is precisely because of the country's vigorous promotion of Su Hao that Su Hao is already an idol of young people and the pride of the Chinese people that everyone believes in Su Hao and Haoyu Group.

  The top executives of the Domestic Electrical Appliances Union were even more stunned.

  Sales of electrical appliances abroad fell, even worse than before the promotion, which was not what they wanted.

  What they want is a battle between foreign electric appliance brands and Huaxin Electric, and both sides will suffer.

  But now, the war has just started, and it has not even really started. It has died down. This is not the result they want.

  Huaxin Electric has invested [-] billion to set up large-scale electrical processing factories in Beijing and Shenzhen, which is a clear sign of vigorously developing Huaxin Electric.

  As long as Huaxin Electric is given time, Huaxin Electric will definitely dominate the domestic market.Where will there be room for them.

  "What should we do now? The foreign electrical appliance brand and Huaxin Electric can't fight, what should we do?"

  "Let Huaxin Electric develop, our market will be eroded by Huaxin Electric, and we are very likely to collapse in the end. What should we do now?"

  "It is absolutely impossible to watch Huaxin Electric develop steadily, and foreign electric appliances must fight against Huaxin Electric."

  "Now the Chinese people believe in Huaxin Electric, waiting for Huaxin Electric to counterattack after it grows, how could Huaxin Electric take the initiative? It is impossible."

  "The Chinese people believe in Huaxin Electric, and we will let the Chinese people not believe it. Who dares to guarantee the future, I do not believe that people really believe in Huaxin Electric."

  "Are you trying to spread rumors to smear Huaxin Electric?"

  "It can't be said to be a rumor, it's just talking about some topics to shake people's confidence in Huaxin Electric."

  "As long as people don't want Huaxin Electric and continue to buy foreign appliances, the battle will continue."

  "Okay, done, we must let the battle between Foreign Electric and Huaxin Electric continue, and let them lose both in the fight."

  The Domestic Electrical Appliances Union paid for some small platforms and small media to publish reports similar to smearing Huaxin Electric.

  For a time, there were many bad rumors about Huaxin Electric on the Internet.

  "Huaxin Electric is a lie, and any large-scale processing factory is a lie. Smartphones are selling so well, Haoyu Group is not willing to build a large-scale processing factory with an investment of [-] billion, how can it be possible to invest [-] billion to establish electrical processing. Factory, I'm skeptical about this news."

  "Huaxin Electric said that it will invest [-] billion to build a processing plant. I just want to say two words about this news, hehe. You don't build a processing plant to make money with smartphones, but instead build an electrical processing plant. Are your electrical appliances selling well? Does Huaxin Electric sell as well as smartphones?"

  "Huaxin Electric is not out of stock at all. Why set up a large-scale processing plant? It is not necessary, so I don't believe the authenticity of this news at all. I guess it is Huaxin Electric in order to delay the time, and does not want to be defeated by foreign electric appliances."

  "Smartphones are so out of stock, you don't build a large-scale processing factory, but an electrical processing factory. How can you make me trust you, Haoyu Group?"

  "I can't see what Haoyu Group is doing at all. Building a processing factory is also building a smartphone processing factory, definitely not an electrical appliance processing factory. Don't be deceived. Take advantage of the price reduction of foreign electrical appliances, buy early and earn early, otherwise wait. It's too late to regret if I don't engage in activities for a while."

  Netizens were not calm when they saw these voices. .

Chapter 256

  "What's the situation? Is there a great god who came out to popularize science? What the hell is going on? Is Huaxin Electric really building large-scale electrical processing plants in Beijing and Shenzhen?"

  "I really believe in Su Hao and Haoyu Group, but these people are right. Smartphones sell so well that they don't build a new processing factory. Why build an electrical processing factory?"

  "I'm all confused. Is Haoyu Group really building a processing plant, or is this just a delay?"

  "My God, why is there always someone black Haoyu Group, it must be the black Haoyu Group who provoked a war between foreign electrical appliances and Huaxin Electric."

  "Yes, I believe that Su Hao and Haoyu Group have held a press conference. It must be true. Haoyu Group and Su Hao can't use this kind of thing to deceive people."

  "But what they said is right. Smartphones are so popular and out of stock, why not build a smartphone processing factory, but an electrical processing factory instead?"

  "I just watch the fun, haha."

  Some netizens questioned, some believed, and some netizens watched the fun.

  Su Hao's fans saw someone hacking Su Hao, and they fought back extremely firmly.

  "Who in the end is making rumors to blacken my idol again? Can Su Shen be able to blackmail you? Don't let me pick you up, or I will definitely make you regret blacking my idol."

  "That's right, you dare to spread rumors to slander Su Hao and Haoyu Group, and wait for Haoyu Group's lawyer's letter. These unscrupulous platforms will be resolutely banned."

  Some fans went directly to large processing plants to collect evidence, and then posted the evidence online.

  "Have you seen it, Huaxin Electric Shenzhen Branch, have you seen such a big sign?"

  "It's only been a few days, and the Shenzhen branch of Huaxin Electric has already reached this scale. You still spread rumors about Huaxin Electric. I really don't know what your intentions are."

  "The mastermind behind the scenes, if you have the ability, you stand up and confront us. Can you hack the Haoyu Group?"

  "This is the Huaxin Electric Branch in Beijing, which has also started construction and is recruiting."

  "That's right, the capital has started to recruit workers. I had an interview yesterday, and I started to receive job training today. Someone actually said that Huaxin Electric's establishment of a large-scale processing plant was fake news. I really convinced those people. Those people opened their eyes and said. Nonsense?"

  "Shencheng is also recruiting people. Many migrant workers are applying for jobs. Huaxin Electric's treatment is much better than all other factories. People who know it come to apply."

  "Have you seen this long line of candidates? These are all applicants who saw the recruitment advertisement of Huaxin Electric. Huaxin Electric does not have any intermediaries. They just need to go to the door of the Huaxin Electric Factory for direct interviews. There are so many people like this. Are big projects fake?"

  When Su Hao knew that someone was hacking Huaxin Electric and Haoyu Group, the trend of online discussion had shifted.

  Netizens saw the evidence posted by Su Hao's fans all believed in Haoyu Group Huaxin Electric.

  "I'll just say, how can Haoyu Group deceive people? Su Hao is a role model for the people of the whole country. How can I deceive people? It must be Haoyu Group's business opponents who are spreading rumors about Haoyu Group."

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