"No problem, I support the establishment of an electrical alliance."

  “I also support.. 0”

  All electrical appliance brands agree.

  The representative of Guomei Electric directly stated: "Okay, since everyone agrees, from this moment on, the electric appliance brand we are working on will establish an electric appliance alliance. The status of the alliance is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low."

  "As long as we unite, our electrical appliance alliance will surely dominate the domestic market, and we will knock down Huaxin Electric and foreign electrical appliance brands."

  "Haha, that's a must."

  "Yes, with the leadership of Gome, the Electrical Appliances Alliance will definitely dominate the domestic electrical appliance market."

  The representatives of all electrical appliance dealers are full of confidence and smiling.

  Next, the representatives began to discuss how to provoke Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliance brands, as well as a series of measures.

  The fight between Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliances will definitely affect them. Before that, they must be prepared to minimize losses.

  After the war between Huaxin Electric and foreign electric appliances, they will attack again.

  After two or three hours of deliberation, the representatives formulated a series of measures.

  "In the next half a month, we will prepare well. On the day when the smartphone goes on sale, the operation will begin."

  "Okay, half a month's preparation time is enough."

  In the next time, Huaxin Electric will continue to launch new products, and the thousand-yuan TV that everyone is looking forward to is also officially put on the shelves.

  The thousand-yuan TVs sold very crazy. If Su Hao had not been prepared and expanded production capacity in advance, it would have been really difficult to meet people's needs.

  Domestic brand electrical appliances companies saw that Huaxin Electric's thousand-yuan TV sets were sold, and they could not wait to take action immediately.But in the end, they held back and developed according to the original plan.

  Large foreign brands have begun to pay attention to Huaxin Electric.

  TVs are out, refrigerators and air conditioners are still far behind. . .

  The appearance of Huaxin TV has greatly reduced their TV sales, and the loss is quite large. When the new products of Huaxin Electric's refrigerators and air conditioners are launched, they will lose even more.

  Major foreign electrical appliance brands began to consider countermeasures.

  Su Hao has always asked Lai Youbin to pay attention to the movements of other electrical appliance brands.

  Su Hao was a little stunned when he learned that the domestic electrical appliance brand did not move at all.

  How can there be no action? Huaxin Electric's launch of such a cheap new product will definitely affect the major brands of electrical appliances. How can those big brand electrical appliances fail to respond?

  Su Hao couldn't understand how he thought about it. In the end, he could only attribute the reason to the fact that other electrical appliance brands were afraid of Haoyu Group.

  After all, Haoyu Group is a key publicity company of the state, and those big brand electrical appliances do not dare to use insidious tricks.

  Su Hao was too lazy to think so much. Other electrical appliance brands did not respond the best, which could save a lot of trouble.

  During this time, there was another thing that made Su Hao happy.

  The establishment of Feilong Automotive Research Laboratory was completed.

  According to Su Hao's instructions, Chen Siyou, the manager of Feilong Automobile, spent huge sums of money to dig up a lot of research experts and many elites in the automobile industry, and completely set up the Feilong Automobile Research Office.

  On the day when the Feilong Automobile Research Laboratory was successfully established, Su Hao came to the Feilong Automobile Research Laboratory.

  All the researchers and technicians were very excited when they saw Su Hao.

  Many technicians jumped to Feilong Motors because of Su Hao. If Feilong Motors didn't belong to Su Hao, they would not join a new domestic car company no matter how much money was given to them.

  Su Hao used advanced insight to look at all the employees and found two technicians with ulterior motives.

  For these two technicians, Su Hao directly tested them with tricky questions.After the other party couldn't answer, Su Hao dismissed the two on the spot.

  When other technicians saw Su Hao's on-site test and fired him directly, they were all a little nervous.

  They couldn't answer Su Hao's question just now. If Su Hao continued to test, they would have to leave.

  Su Hao felt everyone's apprehension and smiled: "Welcome everyone to join Feilong Motors. Those two people just charged up, so I kicked them out."

  "I believe that everyone here has real materials. In the future, we will work together to build the Feilong Motors brand into the best car brand in the world."

  The crowd joined in.

  Afterwards, Su Hao chatted with all the research technicians, and from time to time he throws out a little new technology, which shocked all the research technicians.

  Su Hao spent two days in the Feilong Automotive Research Laboratory.

  In two days, Su Hao completely conquered a group of research technicians.

  Su Hao threw out some technical difficulties for everyone to overcome, and then left.

  Su Hao plans to conquer the electrical side first, and then devote himself to automotive research.

  10 month 30 number.

  Today is the time for a new round of smartphone sales. .

Chapter 253

  "Finally, I have to grab a smartphone this time."

  "This time, there are [-] million smartphones. Smartphones have already sold tens of millions in China. They should not be so popular. I will definitely be able to grab them this time."

  "It's not that popular, what can I say, before there were [-] million smartphones, smartphones would be extremely popular."

  "This time there are [-] million units abroad. It seems that the production capacity of Huaxin mobile phones has increased."

  "The 21 million parts are sent to [-] countries, which is not much at all. Even [-] million parts cannot meet the needs of foreign countries."

  "The production capacity of [-] million units a month is already very good, and the speed of this production capacity increase is very high."

  "This production capacity is actually quite good. [-] million a month, [-] million mobile phones a year, [-] million mobile phones can be sold a year, Huaxin mobile phone is definitely making a lot of money."

  "Yes, even the world's largest mobile phone brand can't say that it can sell [-] million mobile phones a year."

  "This is normal. I heard that Huaxin's mobile phone processing plant operates three shifts, and the production line has never stopped. It is normal to have this capacity."

  "Huaxin mobile phone processing plants have spread throughout Jiang Province. If you go to the East China Sea now, you will be extremely shocked."

  "The speed of development of Donghai City is really the same day by day. Because of Haoyu Group, the suburbs of Donghai City are even more prosperous than the city."

  "Is it real?"

  "Of course, you can go to Donghai to see it. I dare to say that the GDP of Donghai will exceed that of the capital of Jiang Province this year."

  "Is it so exaggerated?"

  "It's not an exaggeration at all, maybe the GDP of Donghai City next year will be larger than that of other cities in Jiang Province combined."

  "Normal, there is Haoyu Group in Donghai City, everything is possible."

  "Haoyu Group is developing at a high speed. This month, Huaxin Electric has shocked everyone. Now not only Huaxin mobile phone, but Huaxin Electric is also exerting force. It is strange that the GDP of Donghai City is not high."

  "Haha, now many graduates want to join the Haoyu Group. More and more businesses are pouring into Donghai City, and Donghai City will definitely become more and more prosperous."20

  "Can you say a few words about the phones you grabbed, don't disturb my mind, I'm still waiting to grab the smartphone."

  "Yeah, don't bother me grabbing the smartphone."

  "Haha, we said ours, how could it bother you if you robbed you."

  "You are talking about Haoyu Group, and you are talking about my idol, can I not watch it, I will be distracted when I see it, and I will blame you if I can't grab the smartphone later."

  "Haha, I laughed so hard, you probably won't be able to grab it like this."

  "Now many counties have built 3G network base stations, and towns and villages are also starting to build one after another. The demand for smartphones is even greater. If you want to grab a smartphone, it's difficult."

  "As much as he does, I'll just have a smartphone."

  "There are more than [-] mobile phones. People living in rural areas are still reluctant to buy them. There must be one of mine in these [-] mobile phones."

  "Come on, brother, lie under the covers on your smartphone, swiping Weibo and chatting about YY, and the video with your girlfriend is so sweet."

  "Fuck off, if you stimulate me again, I'll spit you hard."

  People abroad are even more crazy.

  Line up early in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store.

  Some people even camped in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store one day in advance.

  In 21 foreign countries, sales started at [-]:[-] a.m. as scheduled.

  After a long night of waiting, foreign people finally waited for the Huaxin mobile phone store to open.

  More than a million smartphones in a store are still sold out in less than a day.

  People abroad have a greater need for smartphones.

  Especially seeing friends using advanced smart phones, foreign people are extremely stimulated, and many foreign software have cooperated with Huaxin mobile phone one after another and joined the Huaxin mobile application store.

  Foreign users can download APPs that they usually use on their computers through the application store, which has also contributed to the sales of smartphones.

  People in 21 countries can't wait for the Huaxin mobile phone to satisfy the people of the whole country with a smartphone.Unfortunately, this is just an extravagant hope. The current production capacity of smartphones cannot meet the needs of 21 countries at once.

  The news that [-] million smartphones were sold out of foreign countries was sent back to China, and the Chinese people were ecstatic, proud of Huaxin Mobile, and proud of Huaxin Mobile and Haoyu Group.

  "Smartphones are great, Huaxin mobile phones are great, Haoyu Group is great, Su Hao is the best."

  "It's another [-] million, and Haoyu Group has made tens of billions from foreigners, haha."

  "Shen Su is awesome. He earns tens of billions of foreigners a month, which is too awesome."

  "Who else doesn't agree? Speak up if you don't agree, and we'll convince you."

  "Haha, who dares to disagree, this makes money faster than the bank's money printing machine, who dares to disagree?"

  "Sushen is too good. Sushen should also develop Dongfeng Express and Taotao.com to go abroad. Let the smartphone be sold on Taotao.com, and it will definitely be able to quickly open up the market."

  "The upstairs is awesome. This makes you think, if Taotao.com really opens up overseas markets, doesn't it mean that I can buy foreign things on Taotao.com?"

  "Of course, but this is just a talk. The development of Taotao.com and express delivery abroad requires enormous energy and financial resources, and it will definitely lose money. Haoyu Group will definitely not do it. I dare not say it in the future. Now Haoyu The group will definitely not allow Taotao.com and Dongfeng Express to develop overseas markets."

  "You guys are really awesome. I never dared to think that Taotao.com would develop overseas. Express delivery is not something that ordinary companies can afford."

  "Haha, when Haoyu Group becomes the world's largest group, maybe we can do it, haha."

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