The system technology had to be realised by R&D technicians, otherwise Su Hao would have no choice.

  Su Hao gave the automobile subsidiary a very good name, Feilong Automobile.

  The name Huaxin is not suitable for a car. Although Feilong is simple, it sounds domineering and is very suitable for a car brand.

  The person in charge of Feilong Motors, Su Hao was chosen among the senior management of the group.

  The top executives who wanted to be the head of Feilong Motors campaigned together, and finally Chen Siyou successfully broke through and became the manager of Feilong Motors subsidiary.

  Chen Siyou, 37 years old, has worked in the car industry before. Because of this, Su Hao chose Chen Siyou as the manager of Feilong Motors.

  The request is issued, the funds are in place, and Chen Siyou is responsible for the rest, and Su Hao only needs the result.

  Chen Siyou issued a military order and established a research laboratory within a month.

  In the following time, according to Su Hao's request, Chen Siyou tried his best to recruit technicians from other car companies, and also advertised.

  Haoyu Group established Feilong Motors subsidiary and welcomes elite talents in the industry to join.

  Chen Siyou also asked Su Hao to arrange YY pop-up advertisements.Su Hao agreed.

  Netizens were shocked when they saw YY pop-up ads.

  "Is Haoyu Group going to enter the automotive industry?"

  "Do you still need to ask, the advertisements are all out, Feilong Motors, the name is domineering, haha, Haoyu Group, come on, we must make the Feilong brand a famous car brand all over the world."

  "Haoyu Group actually entered the automotive industry? The automotive industry is different from other industries. Our country's technology is incomparable with foreign countries. Does Haoyu Group have this strength?"

  "Can our country's mobile phone technology be compared with foreign countries? Haoyu Group has not created the world's first real smartphone, and there is also a 3G network. Although Haoyu Group is not the first company to develop a 3G network, Kehao The Yu Group is the first company in China, and the strength of the Haoyu Group is there, but you still don’t believe in the Haoyu Group, are you from Longguo?”

  "I believe in Su Hao, I believe in Haoyu Group, Su Hao is the spokesperson for Miracles, and since Su Hao has started to enter the auto industry, I believe that the Feilong Motors brand will soon make a sensation in the world."

  "Yes, Su Hao is the best, Su Hao is the best, there is nothing that my idol can't do, idol, after the car is built, the price will be cheaper, I also want to own a car, haha."

  "Haoyu Group is a well-known conscientious enterprise. Price is definitely not a problem. I hope Haoyu Group can develop more advanced technologies and develop advanced engines. As long as the engine problem is solved, other problems are not big problems."

  "Yes, the engine is the heart of the car. It determines the power, economy, stability, and environmental performance of the car. As long as a good engine can be developed, nothing else is a problem."

  "Su Hao must have a way to solve the engine problem. If not, he will never enter the auto industry rashly."

  "my country's auto industry is really backward. Now the cars on the market are desperately abroad, and there is no domestic brand that can compete. I hope Feilong Motors can break the current situation and win glory for the country."

  "Don't worry, since Su Hao has chosen to enter the auto industry, Su Hao must be sure and confident. Su Hao, such a monstrous genius, will definitely not disappoint us or the Chinese people."

  The whole Internet is discussing Feilong Motors and Su Hao.

  The second elder learned that Su Hao established Feilong Motors subsidiary, and couldn't help but called Su Hao.

  "Su Hao, do you have the confidence to make a flying dragon car?"

  Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, I haven't forgotten what you said before. I have funds now, so I will enter the arena earlier, so that our technology will not fall behind any more 々ˇ."

  Second Elder: "Do you want me to provide you with a group of technicians?"

  Su Hao: "Grandpa Su, no need, you've already helped me a lot, I can't always ask you to help me, I've decided to spend a lot of money on digging technicians, don't worry, I'll take the car seriously and do my best. Ability to get results early.”

  Second Elder: "Su Hao, don't put too much pressure on you. I was just a joke at the beginning, just do my best, you know?"

  Su Hao: "Well, I see, Grandpa Su."

  "Grandpa Su, I decided to enter the auto industry ahead of schedule because I had an idea. Trust me, I won't let you down."

  The second elder smiled happily: "Haha, good, then I'll wait for your good news."

  The second elder was very excited when he heard Su Hao say he had an idea.

  For a monster like Su Hao, the second elder really couldn't find words to describe it. Since Su Hao said he had an idea, it meant that he had a good chance of success.

  3G network, lithography machine, smart phone, all are like this.

  At this moment, the second elder was looking forward to the day when the Flying Dragon car was actually launched.The second elder believed that Su Hao's flying dragon car would not disappoint him or the people of the country.

  Foreign auto brands are disdainful for Haoyu Group to enter the auto industry.

  I admit that you are very good at developing mobile phones, but the automobile industry is a completely unfamiliar industry. With the existing technology of Longguo, you can't even develop a decent engine. If you want to create an independent brand, just dream.

  Only with joint ventures, and only when we donate some outdated technologies to you, will you have the opportunity to have a slightly better brand.

  Su Hao directly ignored the ridicule of foreign car brands.

  Waiting for the day when the flying dragon car is actually launched, it will be great to slap them in the face again, and now let them bark for a while.

  After delegating power, Su Hao was free again.

  The night of September 9th.

  Zhang Mengqi went to Su Hao's room immediately after returning home.

  "Su Hao, the whole school's freshmen petition, I hope you will perform a show as a senior at the orientation party to encourage them. The school will find the class guide, and the class guide will ask me for your opinion."

  "Let me perform the show?" Su Hao looked puzzled.

  "That's right, since the state promoted you, all the students of Dongda University are proud to be your alumni, and those juniors are even more crazy. The principal was alarmed by the petition of all the freshmen." Zhang Mengqi explained.

  "Do you want to be so exaggerated?" Su Hao said speechlessly, "What did the principal say?"

  "How do I know what the principal said? It was the class director who asked me to contact you. It is estimated that the class director asked me to contact you because he was afraid of your rejection." Zhang Mengqi said.

  "Then do you think I should agree?" Su Hao asked.

  Zhang Mengqi rolled her eyes at Su Hao and said angrily, "I don't know if you agree or not. It's up to you. If you agree, you have to think about what to perform."

  Su Hao was speechless, "Yeah, I don't have any talent, what am I performing, do you want me to go up and laugh?"

  "It's not impossible, as long as you stand on the online stage, even if you don't perform anything, everyone won't say anything, hehe." Zhang Mengqi teased.

  "That's fine, I don't want to be a fool." Su Hao refused.

  "Are you refusing?" Zhang Mengqi said, "After all, it's a petition from all the freshmen. You should agree. You can go up and sing or something. Even if it sounds ugly, everyone won't mind."

  "Singing?" Su Hao's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

  How to forget the god-level skills rewarded by the system.

  God-level singing skills, god-level lyrics and composition ability, just right.

  "Okay, then I'll go up and sing a song." Su Hao agreed.

  As Zhang Mengqi said, all the freshmen petition, if they don't agree, it's really unreasonable.If he graduated, it would be fine. The question is whether Su Hao is still a student, or it is better to appear occasionally.

  "Do you really want to go up and sing?" Zhang Mengqi didn't expect that Su Hao would really agree to sing.

  "Well, I sing pretty well." Su Hao nodded lightly.

  "You sing well, are you sure?" Zhang Mengqi looked suspicious.

  Su Hao sang a few words casually.

  I like you, those eyes are moving, and the laughter is more charming. . .

  Zhang Mengqi was instantly drunk.

  "Does it sound good?"

  Zhang Mengqi came back to her senses and said in surprise: "It sounds good, it's super good, Su Hao, I really didn't expect you to sing so well. I think you sing better than many celebrities."

  "It goes without saying that as long as I am willing to debut, I will definitely become the hottest star in the world." Su Hao said confidently.

  Zhang Mengqi rolled her eyes at Su Hao and asked, "What song are you going to sing, I'll help you report the show."

  "I haven't made up my mind yet. You can sign up for the singing program first." Su Hao didn't think about what song to sing.

  "Well, the welcome night is the night of the 30th. You should choose the song early and learn it well." Zhang Mengqi reminded.

  Su Hao thought about it and decided to sing an inspirational song that hasn't appeared yet.

  Don't you mean to encourage, then sing an inspirational song to encourage you, hehe.

  Su Hao quickly wrote the lyrics and music according to his memory.

  God-level lyric and composing is really not a problem. Su Hao can write and compose in a few minutes.

  Fortunately, Zhang Mengqi had already gone out, otherwise, if he saw Su Hao finish writing a song in a few minutes, he would be shocked.

  For the next two days, Su Hao asked for a band to rehearse.

  After several rehearsals, Su Hao was very satisfied and asked the band to accompany him live.

  It's September 9st.

  Today is when a new batch of smartphones goes on sale.

  This time, there are still [-] million units, [-] million domestically and [-] million foreign.But this time, six countries are added abroad.

  In China, it is sold on

  Still sold out in just a few seconds.Those who got it were very happy, those who didn't get it were just slightly disappointed.

  According to Huaxin mobile phone can have a production capacity of [-] million a month, it will be their turn soon.You can buy it without grabbing it.

  Because of the participation of six countries abroad, each country has less than one million units.

  Americans know that there are less than one million smartphones, and some people have set up tents in front of Huaxin mobile phone stores since [-] p.m.

  This is the case in the five stores, and by 0:[-] in the morning, the queue has reached tens of thousands of people.

  Similar to other countries, people set up tents in front of the Huaxin mobile phone store early.

  Smartphones are too good, everyone wants to have them, but there are less than one million units, and you can't buy them if you don't queue up early.

  The [-] million units abroad were sold out in half a day.Haoyu Group once again made a serious profit.

  Seeing the crazy sales of Huaxin mobile phones, those big brand mobile phones are even more stimulated. They are all invested with large sums of money, promising large bonuses, and only hope to develop smart phones as soon as possible.

  As long as a smartphone is developed, there is only one result, making a lot of money.

  Huaxin mobile phone earns tens of billions of dollars a month, who is not interested.

  It's a pity that the technicians of the major mobile phone brands are completely clueless.

  Many technologies of smartphones are very advanced, and they can't crack it for a while, let alone develop a new mobile phone that bypasses the patents of Huaxin mobile phone.

  Smartphones are selling well, and the news that Haoyu Group has once again made tens of billions has been touted by netizens.

  "¨'Congratulations to Haoyu Group, and congratulations to Huaxin Mobile for making another tens of billions, haha."

  "Haoyu Group is really good at making money from foreigners."

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