Some people came to Su Hao's class to block Su Hao, and some went to the tutoring website to block Su Hao.It's a pity that Su Hao is already having a big meal with his classmates, and they are destined not to block anyone.

  After a full meal, the students were very happy.

  Because Su Hao has not changed, Su Hao, who has become a boss, is still approachable and does not look down on them, which makes the students very happy.

  After a full meal, Su Hao did not go back to school, but went directly to the headquarters of the group.

  Su Hao came to the office of Lai Youbin, manager of Huaxin Electric.

  After learning about the current situation of Huaxin Electric, Su Hao said, "Manager Lai, can Huaxin Electric compare with those big brand electric appliances now?"

  Lai Youbin asked, "What is Mr. Su (many comments say that the title of Mr. Su is not good, so it is changed to Mr. Su)?"

  Su Hao said: "All directions."

  Lai Youbin said: "Mr. Su, Huaxin Electric's current scale is not comparable to those of big brand electrical appliances. In terms of products, our Huaxin Electric products do not have unique characteristics, so they are not really big brands."

  "In general, we lack technology. Without technology, our Huaxin Electric Appliances is not recognized by the people of the whole country, and it is useless to expand its scale. It is completely incomparable with those big brand electric appliances."

  Su Hao said softly, "Well, you summed it up pretty well."

  "Now I'll give you a task to set up an electrical appliance production technology research room immediately. We have to develop our own brand technology. Only with our own technology can we, Huaxin Electric, become the largest brand electrical appliance in China and even the world."

  "Mr. Su, we are starting from scratch, it is very difficult." Lai Youbin reminded.

  "Isn't it me? Don't worry, I didn't have time before, but now I have time. You don't have to worry about the technology." Su Hao said: "During this period, expand the scale well, and start production as soon as the technology is developed."

  "Okay, Mr. Su." Lai Youbin knew Su Hao's ability and believed in Su Hao's ability extremely.

  October 9th.

  The construction project of the Huaxin Haoyu Headquarters Building was officially tendered. Representatives of the top construction companies in the country were present, and even representatives of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth national construction companies were present. .

Chapter 244

  The five national construction units from the second construction to the sixth construction are authorized by the senior leaders of the country to participate in the bidding meeting for the construction of the headquarters building of Haoyu Group.

  The design drawing of the headquarters building of Haoyu Group is designed according to the national landmark, such a super project, you don't want to miss the second to sixth construction.

  Seeing the presence of five national-level construction units, Su Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

  The title of Dragon Country's infrastructure madman is all supported by these construction units. If these five construction units build the headquarters building, Su Hao is very relieved.

  The bidding meeting was chaired by Li Rongrong.

  Donghai's second-in-command Li Dong also delivered a speech at the scene.Li Dong expressed Donghai City's position and highly praised Haoyu Group.

  In a word, Donghai City supports Haoyu Group.

  After Li Dong delivered his speech, he returned to his seat.

  Sitting next to Li Dong was Su Hao, and Haoyu Group gave the highest-level arrangement to Li Dong, the boss.

  "Su Hao, why don't you go up and say a few words?" Li Dong asked casually after sitting down.

  Su Hao smiled and said, "Forget it, I didn't want to come, but Li Rongrong forced me to come over, saying that there might be something on the scene that I needed to decide."

  "Su Hao, you are too low-key. You are a good example for young people in the country. You don't need to be so low-key." Li Dong said with emotion.

  Su Hao said: "Uncle Li, I'm only in the second year of sophomore year. I still want to live a quiet life for a few years."

  "Haha." Li Dong smiled softly and said, "Also, if your identity is exposed, you will definitely be more popular than the hottest star right now. You will be surrounded by people wherever you go."

  "I have such concerns, and I can't be said to be a role model for young people in the whole country. My weight is not enough." Su Hao said modestly.

  "Enough, if your weight is not enough, who else can be a role model for young people in the country?" Li Dong analyzed: "Haoyu Group's current scale, smart phones, 3G network, plus tutoring websites, your achievements It is already beyond the reach of many people in their lifetimes.”

  "According to the current development of Haoyu Group, it is estimated that you will become the richest man in Longguo by the end of the year."

  Hearing the words "the richest man in Long Kingdom", Su Hao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Uncle Li, you look down on me too much, I'm still far behind."

  Li Dong said seriously: "I'm not exaggerating at all. Last year's wealthiest man in China had assets of around 800 billion yuan. Haoyu Group has two big killers, smartphones and 3G networks. Will the assets not exceed 800 billion yuan?"

  Su Hao blurted out: "The wealth of the richest man is only 800 billion?"

  Li Dong said speechlessly: "Otherwise, how much do you think, or you think 800 billion is too little."

  Su Hao said with a smile: "No, I think the wealth of the richest man will be more. If it is only 800 billion, it seems that I really have a chance."

  "So, you can already become the richest man in the country, surpassing anyone in the country. If you are not big enough, who else can?" Li Dong asked rhetorically.

  "I don't know how much Haoyu Group's net assets are now. I'll find out after the end of the year." Su Hao suddenly said, "Uncle Li, do you think I should hire a bodyguard?"

  "Your thinking is too jumpy." Li Dong said darkly, "I almost couldn't keep up with your thinking."

  "But you have to hire a bodyguard. Your safety is the most important thing."

  Su Hao said: "Well, I'll invite some bodyguards later."

  "It's best to find elites who have retired from the army. You can consult the second elder." Li Dong reminded.

  Su Hao nodded thoughtfully.

  Li Rongrong on the stage began to show the design of Haoyu Group's headquarters building.

  Many construction companies were deeply shocked when they saw the design drawing of the headquarters building of Haoyu Group, and immediately began to quickly calculate the cost.

  There was a lot of discussion on the spot.

  "It is worthy of being a landmark building in the Dragon Kingdom. This design is really awesome."

  "Ordinary businesses simply can't afford this great project."

  "The second to sixth buildings are all here, so our hope is very slim."

  "Do you dare to build it for you?"

  "Why don't you dare, if such a great project can be built in my hands, I will die without regrets."

  "The cost is between [-] billion and [-] billion. Haoyu Group is really rich."

  "Can't you be rich? Didn't you see the super hot sale of smartphones? You can make money for this headquarters building in a month."

  "Is it that exaggerated? You can earn one or two billion a month?"

  "Don't you watch the news? Don't you go online? Someone on the Internet has calculated the profits of smartphones abroad."

  "The price of smartphones abroad is more than 8 points more expensive than in China. Excluding tariffs and labor costs, Haoyu Group earns 30 yuan more for each smartphone sold abroad than it is sold in China. August [-] On that day, Haoyu Group sold [-] million smartphones abroad, how much did you make?"

  "My God, [-] billion, that's [-] billion, making [-] billion a day?" The person who got this number was shocked and completely dumbfounded.

  "So, I'm not afraid that Haoyu Group has no money. I can say that the richest man in China this year is definitely the boss of Haoyu Group. Of course, the premise is that he announces the assets of Haoyu Group. If he does not announce it, the outside world will not be able to know the total assets of Haoyu Group. How much can only be calculated roughly."

  "It's so profitable, Nima, I don't know that Haoyu Group can make so much money unless you say it."

  "It's so scary, who is the boss of Haoyu Group?"

  "I heard it's Su Hao, look, it's the young man sitting next to the second-in-command of Donghai City."

  "Su Hao? So young? Nima, really that young man?"

  "Not sure, but it is certain that Su Hao has a relationship with Haoyu Group and has shares. I don't know how much."

  "Brilliant, this young man is too good, seeing him, I feel that most of my life has been in vain."

  "Calm down, calm down, there is only such a Su Hao in the whole country, can't compare, can't compare."

  There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and many people discussed Su Hao.

  Li Rongrong made a request.

  The first requirement is to be completed within two years.

  The first requirement alone has made many construction companies on the scene desperate.

  It takes them two years to complete such a great project, and they can't do it.

  The second requirement is that the quality must pass the test.

  This request is okay, it is a normal request.

  There are still a few small requirements in the follow-up, which all construction companies think are normal, only the first requirement is a bit exceeded.

  "Mr. Li, can the time for the first request be extended? Two years is not enough for such a great project of your group."

  Li Rongrong said directly: "Two years is not a problem for many construction companies on site. The requirements I said are all consulting professionals, and the requirements are definitely not high."

  "Our second construction can fulfill the request made by President Li."

  "That's right, Sanjian can also do it, two years, no problem."

  "Four constructions can also be done."

  Not only the five major construction units, but also other construction companies said they could do it.

  Li Rongrong smiled slightly and said, "Okay, everyone has already learned about the scene yesterday. I'll give you ten minutes to think about it. After ten minutes, companies will bid."

  There was a lot of discussion on the spot.

  Li Rongrong was by Su Hao's side.

  "Su Hao, am I doing okay?" Li Rongrong asked expectantly.

  "Of course, you performed very well." Su Hao smiled: "I think you are suitable to be a TV host."

  "Forget the TV host, I don't like it." Li Rongrong asked directly: "With so many companies on site, which company do you think is the best for our group to build?"

  Su Hao said: "It goes without saying that, of course, there are five national construction units from the second to the sixth construction, but I estimate that the price they give will be higher than other private construction companies."

  "That's why I asked you to come over and let you decide." Li Rongrong said, "After the bids are opened, you will decide which company will win the bid."

  Su Hao said speechlessly, "I'm not professional in this area."

  Li Rongrong said: "The design drawings are there, and those construction companies will build according to the design drawings, and professionals will also pick out the three best companies for you to make the final decision. You don't need a professional."

  "Three, that's okay, it's really embarrassing for me to choose from all the construction companies." Su Hao complained.

  "Su Hao, I thought you were good at everything, but I didn't expect you to be able to, haha." Li Rongrong teased.

  "Nonsense, I'm human too, I'm just a little smarter than you, but I'm not omnipotent." Su Hao said.

  "I know you're smart, so don't step on me." Li Rongrong rolled her eyes at Su Hao.

  Li Dong knew Li Rongrong's identity and silently looked at Su Hao and Li Rongrong without interrupting.

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