It's July 7th.

  The four major supermarkets started activities.

  For a time, the business of the four major supermarkets was also booming, but they couldn't compare with Jiajiafu Supermarket.

  The four major supermarkets have joined, and the business of foreign supermarkets is even more deserted, with few people a day.

  July 7 is a dark day for foreign supermarkets. On this day, the turnover of foreign supermarkets is not more than 12, and there are even many stores with zero turnover, which is the biggest loss in history.

  The next day, every day.

  Ten days later, on July 7st, Jacques Supermarket couldn't stand it and announced its withdrawal from Longguo Market.

  No way, the daily turnover is tens of thousands, and the turnover of two or three hundred stores is tens of thousands, and the blood loss, who can stand it.

  On July 7, Carrefour announced that it would withdraw from the Longguo Market.

  Carrefour, like Jashike, is one of the two supermarkets most boycotted by people. Every day they lose everything, so they decided to withdraw from the Longguo market.

  All the Chinese people cheered when Jacques and Carrefour announced their withdrawal from the Longguo market.

  "Haha, the whole world celebrates with you, so that you don't respect the Dragon Kingdom, let's see if you dare to be arrogant."

  "Beautiful, well done, unity is strength, haha."

  "Ordinary celebration, the motherland is great, and the people of the country are great."

  "This time, Jiashike and Carrefour supermarkets can be withdrawn from the domestic market. Jiajiafu Supermarket has contributed, Huaxin Mobile has contributed, Haoyu Group has contributed, Jiajiafu Supermarket is great, Huaxin Mobile Awesome, Haoyu Group is awesome."

  "Haha, it's true, if there is no smartphone, Jiajiafu supermarket can't do the two supermarkets at all. Fortunately, there are smartphones, so that the two junk supermarkets can be driven out, haha."

  "It's cool, it's really cool, I've never been so cool as today, it's a great victory to be able to drive Jacquard and Carrefour out of the country this time."

  "The four major supermarkets also have credit. It is also very good that they can unite with Jiajiafu Supermarket."

  "The four major supermarkets are a little bit of credit. Without them, we would have killed Jashike and Carrefour as well."

  "Go ahead and drive out those big foreign supermarkets at Walmart. Domestic supermarkets including Jiajiafu, the four major supermarkets and other small and medium supermarkets are enough."

  "Yes, continue to work hard, unite, and take down those big foreign supermarkets at Walmart."

  "It's a must, some of the things in those big foreign supermarkets are really expensive, and they'll be wiped out."

  "They must be wiped out. Jiajiafu Supermarket, you must withstand the pressure and don't give up. All of us support you."

  "Jiajiafu Supermarket is holding back. It's right to continue to engage in activities like this. We must also drive out the large foreign supermarkets at Walmart."

  The remaining few large foreign supermarkets, including Walmart, saw the voices on the Internet, and they were all scared, really scared.

  If Jiajiafu and the four major supermarkets continue to engage in activities, they will follow in the footsteps of Jiashike and Carrefour. .

Chapter 238

  Several large foreign supermarkets have been operating in Longguo for many years, and they have finally built a land in Longguo.In addition, the economy of Longguo is developing rapidly, and the future has unlimited potential.

  Longguo will develop into one of the largest markets in the world. If it withdraws from the Longguo market like this, several large foreign supermarkets will really not be reconciled.

  "It's all the fault of Jia Shike and Jialefu, but they patted their butts and left. As for us, we were harmed by Chiyu, who should we turn to."

  The executives of four large foreign supermarkets gathered together to discuss, and it was inevitable to complain about Carrefour and Jashike.

  "Now it's not to hold anyone accountable, but to find a solution." The senior representative of Walmart said very seriously.

  "What can you do?"

  "Walmart is a big international company, can't you do anything?"

  The representatives of the other three supermarkets all looked at the representatives of Walmart.

  The representative of Walmart Supermarket said with a wry smile: "I won't hide it from you, Walmart headquarters is very clear about Walmart's losses in the Dragon Country. Walmart has strength, but it can't stand the loss of several hundred million every day. The Walmart headquarters ordered Longguo Walmart to solve the immediate dilemma within a month, otherwise the Walmart headquarters will consider letting Walmart withdraw from the Longguo market.”

  "What, is Walmart quitting too?"

  "Walmart is so powerful, how could it withdraw from the Dragon Country market? Are you scaring us?"

  The representative of Walmart Supermarket said very seriously: "Do you think I am in the mood to joke with you now?"

  "It's not that you don't know the current situation. If there is no solution, we will continue to lose money. No one can stand it. It is impossible for Walmart headquarters to keep making losses in the Longguo market. If there is no way to solve the current predicament, only There is a way out of the Longguo market."

  Representatives of the other three supermarkets were silent.

  "The local high-level road doesn't work, we have to find another way." The representative of Walmart Supermarket said: "The magic weapon of Jiajiafu Supermarket is the smartphone. How is the progress of your country's big brand mobile phone manufacturers in developing smartphones?"

  The representatives of the three supermarkets all shook their heads, saying they didn't know.

  "I only heard that smartphones are difficult to replicate. If you want to develop 20 new smartphones around the patents of Huaxin Mobile, none of them can't do it in two or three years."

  "It is estimated that it is difficult for those big brand mobile phones to develop new smartphones in a short period of time."

  The Walmart representative said: "As a result, declaring war with Jiajiafu with a new smartphone will not work either."

  "Then there is only one way left."

  "What way?" The representatives of the three supermarkets all blurted out.

  The representative of Walmart Supermarket said: "Let the ambassador come forward to put pressure on Longguo. If the pressure is successful, we can continue to survive in Longguo, otherwise we can only temporarily withdraw from the Longguo market."

  "The ambassador came forward to put pressure on Long Guo?" The representatives of the three supermarkets were all taken aback.

  This matter can be big or small, and it is not easy to ask the ambassador to come forward.

  "That's right." The representative of Walmart said seriously: "Our ambassadors from the four countries put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom together. This is the only chance."

  "I can persuade our ambassador to come forward, you won't be able to persuade your country's ambassador to come forward, right?"

  "I can."

  "I'm fine."

  "I can too, but is it really useful? If it doesn't work, it will offend the senior officials of the Dragon Kingdom. It may be difficult to make a comeback in the future."

  The representative of Walmart Supermarket said: "We will talk about the future. Whether it can make a comeback depends on the means. As long as there is strength, making a comeback is not a problem at all."

  "As long as other mobile phones develop new smartphones, Jiajiafu Supermarket will not threaten us, is it not easy to make a comeback?"

  "Don't forget, we are not Jia Shi Ke and Carrefour, we are only affected by Chiyu, not the culprit."

  The three major supermarkets thought for a while and all agreed.

  "Okay, that's it, our four supermarkets let the ambassadors of their respective countries come forward to put pressure on the Dragon Kingdom."

  The high-level representative of Walmart Supermarket said with a smile: "Okay, let's talk about it. After persuading the respective ambassadors, let them come forward together. It is more powerful for the ambassadors of the four countries to come forward together."

  The high-level representatives of Walmart Supermarket firmly believe that if the ambassadors of the four countries come forward together, the Dragon Kingdom will definitely be soft.

  When Longguo is developing rapidly, it certainly does not want to be higher than the news that foreign companies will withdraw together.If it affects more foreign companies to invest in Longguo, it will be the loss of Longguo.

  7 month 23 number.

  The four foreign supermarkets contacted the ambassadors of their respective countries and negotiated the terms. The ambassadors of the four countries agreed to come forward.

  7 month 24 number.

  The ambassadors of the four countries successively called the second elder of the Long Kingdom, and their attitude was quite tough.

  The ambassadors of the four countries probably meant that if Longguo did not come forward to stop Jiajiafu Supermarket, they would remind those domestic companies that want to invest in Longguo that the environment of Longguo is not good and it is not suitable for investment.

  In a word, the ambassadors of the four countries want to protect the four major supermarkets of Wal-Mart.

  The second elder responded directly and forcefully and refused without hesitation.

  In a word, the supermarkets of Walmart are shameful. Longguo does not need such related households. If those who want to invest in Longguo are also such related households, Longguo does not welcome them.

  The ambassadors of the four countries did not expect that the attitude of the second elder would be so strong, and they were all a little confused.

  This is over.

  After the incident, the ambassadors of the four countries also gave a severe training to the four major supermarkets.Because it was the four major supermarkets that made them embarrassed by the second elder.

  "Go home if you can't get on, don't be ashamed outside."

  When the senior management of the four major supermarkets heard this, they were extremely desperate.Because they know that the last road is also broken, and the only way they have left is to withdraw from the Dragon Country Market.

  In this way, the four major supermarkets have withdrawn from the Longguo market.

  Persistence is useless. Continuing to persevere will only lose more. Timely stop loss at this moment is the kingly way.

  On the 26th, the three major foreign supermarkets announced their withdrawal from the foreign market almost at the same time, leaving only Walmart, a large foreign supermarket.

  Netizens were overjoyed when they learned that the three major foreign supermarkets had withdrawn from the domestic market.

  "Haha, three large foreign supermarkets have withdrawn again, and now there is only one Walmart left. Come on, we are about to win."

  "There is only one Walmart supermarket left. Brothers and sisters, hold on. Jiajiafu supermarket, you must persevere. At this time, you must not give up. Walmart supermarket must be taken down."

  "That's necessary. In this case, if Jiajiafu Supermarket gives up, it will be black for life."

  "Don't say it so seriously, Walmart Supermarket is strong, I'm afraid it will be difficult to kill it."

  "That's right, Walmart is one of the world's top [-] companies and a big company with assets of over [-] billion. It is very difficult to defeat Walmart."

  "We can't put pressure on Jiajiafu, it's just right to support Jiajiafu."

  "Yes, it's right to continue to unite with the outside world. Jiajiafu Supermarket has done a super good job. We must support Jiajiafu Supermarket."

  "Nonsense, don't you support Jiajiafu Supermarket? Do you support Walmart? I also want to watch Jiajiafu take down Walmart."

  "Guess how many days the Walmart can last?"

  "As long as there are no new smartphones, Walmart will definitely not be able to last, and as long as we are united, Walmart will never last."

  "Yes, unity is king. At this last moment, everyone can't lose the chain."

  "That's a must. If anyone loses the chain, no friend has to do it."

  "Come on, there is only one seedling left in Walmart Supermarket. As long as we pull out this single seedling, we will have a great victory."

  "Haha, looking forward to the great victory coming soon."

  "Looking forward to the great victory coming soon."

  Netizens are looking forward to Walmart's announcement to withdraw from the domestic market, and look forward to the early arrival of a great victory.

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