"Do you think there will be discounts at Jiajiafu Supermarket?"

  "What are you thinking, I definitely won't. Come here even if you don't have a discount. Would Jiajiafu Supermarket be stupid enough to go for a discount? Before the competition between the major supermarkets was so fierce, Jiajiafu Supermarket didn't offer any discounts, let alone now. "

  "That's right, Jiajiafu Supermarket doesn't offer discounts. I heard that other big supermarkets are losing [-] million every day these days. They are really rich."

  "I don't think it will last long. Now I suddenly feel that Jiajiafu has already planned all this. The so-called not cutting prices is waiting for this lottery event."

  "It's true when you say that. I wonder why Jiajiafu Supermarket didn't join the supermarket war before. It turned out to be waiting for this event."

  "Now the major supermarkets are severely damaged, and the Jiajiafu supermarket is attacking, and those big supermarkets will have to peel off their skins if they don't die."

  "Hehe, this is a good thing. I hope Jiajiafu Supermarket will become the leading supermarket in China, dominate the country, and drive those foreign supermarkets back to their hometown, hehe."

  "Jiajiafu Supermarket is a conscientious company. I sincerely hope that Jiajiafu Supermarket can become the leader of domestic supermarkets. Now many industries are dominated by foreign companies. It is a good thing that our domestic companies can thrive."

  "Haha, yes, the Jiajiafu Supermarket event will definitely kill those big supermarkets."

  Amid the buzz, the Jiajiafu supermarket opened its doors.

  As everyone guessed, Jiajiafu Supermarket did not cut prices, it was still a [-]% discount.

  But where can you take care of this? All the people who come to Jiafu Supermarket are to win the lottery. No matter your price, as long as it is not more expensive than before.

  After calculating the [-] yuan thing to pay, and then going to the lottery, the winners pay for their mobile phones, and those who don’t win the lottery continue to go home and go shopping at Jiafu Supermarket.

  The major supermarkets saw that Jiajiafu did not cut prices, and the flow of people was still bursting, which was a bit confusing.

  "What the hell is going on here? Who can tell me what the hell is going on here?"

  "Smartphones, we underestimate how much people like smartphones..."

  "Most of the people who go to Jiajiafu Supermarket are young people. Young people should just join in the fun. The current situation of Jiajiafu Supermarket will not happen tomorrow." .

  The winners are all overjoyed, happy to complete the payment, and then go home with their smartphones.

  "Haha, brothers and sisters, I have won the lottery. Keep working hard, haha."

  "Haha, I won the first time, brothers and sisters, come on."

  One after another, some people won the lottery, which stimulated the people at the scene.

  "Nima, I won the lottery for the first time. What kind of luck is this? Why can't I win? I have drawn three times."

  "I missed twice."

  By noon, many people were a little depressed.

  "I've already drawn five times, but I still don't get a hit. I'm so miserable."

  "I didn't win four times."

  "I didn't win six times, did I say anything?" People who didn't win the lottery a few times in a row were disappointed.

  "Haha, I won twice, haha."

  "I'm sorry, I also won twice. It just so happened that my girlfriend and I each had a smartphone. Thank you Jiajiafu Supermarket for giving me the opportunity. Thank you Jiajiafu Supermarket for letting me use my smartphone so early, thank you."

  People who win the lottery in a row are ecstatic.

  "Hey, it seems that I'm not lucky today. Forget it, let's go back. I'll come back tomorrow. I've already asked Jiajiafu Supermarket. There will still be activities tomorrow."

  "Let's wait for tomorrow. I'm really unlucky today. Is it because I hurried out to go to the toilet and didn't wash my hands?"

  "You didn't wash your hands when you went to the toilet. No wonder I didn't get the draw. It turned out that I was too close to you and was affected by you."

  "Haha, are you trying to laugh at me?"

  Jiajiafu Supermarket is lively everywhere.

  One day has passed, and all Jiajiafu supermarkets across the country have reached a new high in turnover, breaking the record of opening activities and making a lot of money.

  7 month 4 number.

  Jiajiafu supermarket is still crowded with people, and there are many more aunts.

  Many aunts who don't know the situation heard their children say that if they can buy a smartphone when shopping at home, they also come to join in the fun.

  In addition to the many advantages of popular science smartphones for their children, and the pleadings of their children, aunts also want to own smartphones.

  In particular, aunts whose children are not around want to have a smartphone. As long as they have a smartphone, they can usually make video calls with children who are not around to relieve the pain of missing.

  With the addition of Auntie Corps, the business of Jiajiafu Supermarket is even more popular.

  The major supermarkets were stunned when they saw this.

  "Nima, not only young people, but also aunties have joined. Are smartphones really that attractive?"

  "It seems to be true, don't you just want to buy a smartphone and can't buy it?"

  On this day, the previous situation was completely reversed.Before, the business of Jiajiafu supermarket was deserted, and the business of major supermarkets was booming.Now the business of Jiajiafu supermarket is booming, and the business of major supermarkets is deserted.

  Don't worry about your [-]% off, business is still deserted.

  One day later, the executives of the major supermarkets were all desperate when they learned about the turnover of their supermarkets that day.

  "Nima, blood loss, this is blood loss."

  "If it continues like this, the supermarket will definitely be closed, and a solution must be found."

  The executives of major supermarkets held an emergency meeting overnight to discuss solutions.

  It is a pity that there is no good way to discuss it.

  The way is, as long as there are smartphones, the dilemma in front of them will naturally be solved, but they don't have smartphones.

  In the next few days, the activities of Jiajiafu Supermarket continued, and the business continued to boom.

  The major supermarkets can only watch their supermarket business deserted, completely unable to deal with it.

  It's September 7st.

  After ten days of bombing, the Jiajiafu supermarket went all the way to Changhong, and other major supermarkets were rainy.

  As early as a few days ago, some large supermarkets have restored prices.There is still no business in the supermarket, so why bother with special discounts?

  In the past two weeks, all the big supermarkets have lost everything.

  In this case, the large supermarkets abroad held a joint meeting.

  "This time, the reason for bringing everyone together is to let everyone find a way to solve the current predicament. If we don't solve the immediate difficulties, we all have to close our doors."

  "We all know, but what can we do?"

  Everyone was silent. If there was a good way, everyone would not have to sit here today.

  "Why don't we talk to the senior management of Jiajiafu Supermarket together?"

  "We can't do it alone, we have to pull in those big supermarkets."

  "Yes, if there are only a few of our big supermarkets, Jiajiafu Supermarket probably won't take care of us, we have to pull in the big local supermarkets."

  "The country is a country that talks about human relations. We don't know the senior management of Jiajiafu Supermarket at all, and they have nothing to do with us. They won't take care of us. Only by pulling in the big supermarkets in China can we solve the current difficulties. Bureau."

  Everyone agreed, so the executives of foreign big supermarkets contacted the executives of local big supermarkets one after another. .

Chapter 236

  Foreign supermarkets and local supermarkets hit it off.

  Both sides have the same needs, and naturally they can come together.The opponent, who had been beaten to death, let go of his hatred because of the major threat of Jiajiafu Supermarket and became a temporary teammate.

  Senior representatives of ten major supermarkets sat together to discuss how to solve the threat of Jiajiafu supermarket.

  Large foreign supermarkets took the lead in proposing their methods, directly negotiating with Jiajiafu Supermarket, and even jointly pressured Jiajiafu Supermarket to stop its activities.

  The major supermarkets have resumed their pre-war prices and operated independently.

  In order to let Jiajia Aifu Supermarket give up its activities, major foreign supermarkets can promise not to block Jiajiafu Supermarket in the future.

  In a word, they develop their own supermarkets, who can occupy more markets depends on their ability.

  When the senior representatives of the local supermarkets heard the measures of the foreign supermarkets, their brows were slightly wrinkled.

  Don't they run their own business now, ~ it's all about their ability?

  Negotiation is ok, but pressure? - Are you sure you're not kidding?

  How to apply pressure?Threat?What are you threatening - Jiajiafu Supermarket?

  I heard that Su Hao, the boss of Haoyu Group behind Jiajiafu Supermarket, has a very good relationship with the second elder, so he put pressure on Su Hao?Are you tired of living?

  After the senior representatives of the local supermarkets expressed these concerns, the senior representatives of the foreign supermarkets were a little confused.

  There is also a little concern that the big local supermarkets did not say it.

  That is, if the Chinese people know that they are cooperating with foreign supermarkets to deal with Jiajiafu Supermarket, then they will definitely be criticized by thousands of people, and they may even become street rats that everyone shouts and beats.

  Naturally, local supermarkets will not tell foreign supermarkets about this.

  "Does Jiajiafu have a backstage?" asked the representative of a large foreign supermarket.

  The senior representative of the local supermarket said: "It should not be wrong. Although it is uncertain, since there are such rumors, it is very likely to be true."

  "That's why it's impossible to put pressure on Jiajiafu Supermarket?" The representatives of foreign supermarkets frowned.

  The representative of the local supermarket said: "It's okay to exert pressure, but what kind of pressure method? It should be impossible to make Jiajiafu Supermarket compromise on policy."

  The representative of the foreign supermarket asked, "So what can you do?"

  The representative of the local supermarket said: "We can only have a good talk with Jiajiafu Supermarket. If he is willing to reconcile, it is a good thing. If he is not, then we can only find another way."

  "On this point, the two supermarkets, Jiashike and Carrefour, must sincerely apologize to Jiajiafu."

  "What, let's apologize, it's impossible." The high-level representatives of the two supermarkets, Jacques and Carrefour, directly refused.

  "Then there's no need to talk about it. It was caused by you blocking Jiajiafu Supermarket first. If you don't show sincerity to apologize to Jiajiafu Supermarket, how could Jiajiafu Supermarket be willing to reconcile?" The local supermarket representative said: "If You don't even have this sincerity, so there's no need to talk about it."

  The representatives of other major foreign supermarkets are all closely watching the representatives of the two supermarkets, Jacques and Carrefour.

  The representatives of the two supermarkets were stared at by everyone, and the pressure was enormous.

  "It was you who caused it, you must apologize, there is a saying that is good, a man can bend and stretch, please apologize." The Walmart supermarket representative spoke directly.

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