Time comes to the 13th.

  At seven o'clock late, Huaxin mobile phones and smartphones were sold on time.

  The only channel, Taotao.com Huaxin mobile phone shop.

  At [-]:[-], netizens flocked to Taotao.com, no advertisements at all, and users of tops flocked to Taotao.

  In order to ensure that smartphones are not bought in bulk, Su Hao set one user to buy two smart phones.

  For this setting, all netizens praised and praised the conscience of Huaxin mobile phone.

  At seven o'clock, it's time for all the netizens to work hard.

  Thank you [Black Knife Angel] for the 688v point reward, I am very grateful, thank you! .

Chapter 230

  "Haha, it's time to use the speed of my 27 years of being single, this time I must grab a smartphone, I want to be the first person in the world to use a smartphone."

  "Three million smartphones, this is the first group of people in the world to use real smartphones, I must be one in three million, I must grab it."

  "Whoever gives me a high-end smartphone, I am willing to be his girlfriend."

  "Whoever is willing to give me a high-end smartphone, I am willing to accompany him to play for two days."

  "People who do not have 3G networks in their cities please don't snap up smartphones. It's useless if you buy them. Please wait for the next batch. Please give the opportunity to citizens who have 3G networks. Thank you."

  "Fuck off, my 28 years of being single will definitely bring out my hand speed, this time I'm going to grab two, haha."

  "I've hired fifty people to rob me, haha."

  "I hired a hundred people to help me snap up smartphones, am I proud?"

  "I hired [-] people to snap up smartphones, hehe." "Is there a scalper upstairs, special meow, the scalper will die for me."

  "Scalper, get out of here, don't pollute the Internet, get out."

  "Death to the ox."

  When netizens saw scalpers entering the venue, they scolded scalpers and told them to die.

  In fact, Su Hao's setting that each account can only buy two smartphones is to limit scalpers, but it's just as straightforward as a manufacturer can't say.

  Seven o'clock sharp.

  The time has come for the whole network to play hand speed.

  The entire Taotao.com platform was stuck for a while, and just like that, smartphones were snapped up.

  One second, only one second, three million smartphones were wiped out.

  When the users of the internet speed card entered the Huaxin mobile phone store, they were very depressed when they saw that they had been sold out.

  "I knew this was the case. With my internet speed, I really wanted to smash my computer at home, ah ah ah ah..."

  "Woooooo, I didn't grab it, I almost grabbed it, woowoohoo."

  "He aimed at it and grabbed it all in one second. Do you want to be so ruthless? This is a 3500 yuan mobile phone, not 350 yuan. Do you want to be so ruthless."

  "It's too ferocious, three million units per second, how can I grab it from the handicapped party?"

  "Alas, I ended up missing out on the first batch of smartphones, and I'll wait for the next batch."

  Those who didn't get it were extremely depressed, and those who got it were ecstatic.

   "Is 3500 a lot? Smartphones, you can earn if you grab them, haha, now I can show off my smartphone to my friends. My mobile phone is the most advanced electronic product in the world, no one, haha."

  "Haha, I got one, I'm so happy, haha."

  "The 5000 high-end version of the smartphone, haha, Huaxin mobile phone, hurry up to ship, I can't wait to experience the smartphone."

  The local tyrants who did not grab it are bidding online one after another.

  "I'm willing to bid [-] yuan for a high-end smartphone, anyone willing to transfer it?"

  "I'm willing to pay [-] to buy a high-end version, is anyone willing to transfer it?"

  "I paid [-] to buy a regular version, is anyone willing to transfer it?"

  "My favorite person said that as long as I give her a smartphone, she will immediately agree to be my girlfriend. If any kind big brother can fulfill me, I am willing to pay [-]."

  Some local tyrants even started to gain sympathy.

  More and more local tyrants bid, and the high-end version of the smartphone was once called to more than 8000, an increase of [-] yuan.

  The ordinary version is also called more than 2500, an increase of [-] yuan.

  "Thinking beautifully, I managed to grab it, I won't sell it, only a fool will sell it."

  "Don't say [-], I won't sell it if I give it [-]. Who knows when the next batch of goods will wait, so I'll keep it for myself."

  "Is money great? You can't buy a smartphone if you have money, haha."

  The scalpers saw the local tyrants asking for prices online, and they were even more aware of the limitless market for smartphones.

  The scalpers who grabbed the smartphone didn't choose the deal right away, they waited for the smartphone to get their hands on it and then looked at the situation.

  In the minds of scalpers, with such a great smartphone, after people get the phone, there will definitely be many people showing it off online, and the smartphone will become more popular and the price will be higher.

  Su Hao was not surprised by the situation of stealing all in one second.

  Smartphones are so popular, and everyone has rush-buying experience on Huaxin computers, it is normal to rush out in one second.

  Su Hao released news in Huaxin mobile phone shop.

  This batch of 7 million phones will be shipped tomorrow, and the next batch of smartphones will go on sale on July 1, with an estimated [-] million units.

  Warm reminder, tomorrow you can go to Huaxin communication business hall to buy mobile phone cards. For the time being, only first-, second- and third-tier cities have Huaxin communication business halls. Other places are opening one after another. I hope everyone will forgive this.

  Netizens cheered when they saw that Huaxin Communications started to sell mobile phone cards.

  "It's finally here, Huaxin Mobile phone card, I'm so looking forward to it."

  "It must be cheap, right?"

  "I'm most concerned about the traffic fee. If the traffic fee is too expensive, I'm afraid I can't use it."

  "Don't worry, CEFC will take this into consideration, and it will definitely not be too expensive."

  "It doesn't matter how much money he has, it's just right. He has several thousand yuan to buy a mobile phone. Is there a shortage of dozens of yuan for data charges?"

  "That's right, there's no shortage of money, haha."

  "Tomorrow, you can know the tariff of Huaxin Telecom's mobile phone card."

  The three major operators are very concerned about the charging standard of Huaxin Communication's mobile phone card, and at the same time they are extremely worried that Huaxin Communication's charges are too low.

  "Huaxin Telecom is a spoiler. I really don't understand how the country would agree to the establishment of CEFC." The top executives of the three major operators complained.

  "If they have the technology, what can they do? If you don't set it up for him, or if he doesn't authorize it for us, we won't be able to do it. In the face of national development, everything else is a small problem."

  "I hope CEFC can take it easy and don't make the price too low."

  On the issue of determining the charges for 3G packages, Huaxin Communications unanimously listened to Su Hao.Because everyone knows that no matter what you say, in the end, Su Hao has the final say.

  As long as there is a profit and no loss, they have no opinion.

  6 month 14 number.

  At [-]:[-] in the morning, the business hall of Huaxin Communications in the first-, second- and third-tier cities opened.

  Many people who grabbed smartphones couldn't wait to buy SIM cards.

  This is the first batch of mobile phone cards of Huaxin Communication, and there must be a good number. People who think of this are very early.

  People who haven't bought a smart phone come to the door of the Huaxin Telecom business hall early to wait for the beautiful number.

  Looking at the crowds at the door, the staff of the Huaxin Communication business hall was a little confused.

  "There are only [-] million mobile phones in so many cities, how come so many people come to apply for a card all of a sudden?"

  "It's a little unusual."

  Then I heard everyone's discussion, and then I knew that I wanted to buy a beautiful number.

  After learning the reason, the employees of the business hall of Huaxin Communications were dumbfounded.

  It's such a mess, is it so easy to buy a pretty number?

  After entering the business hall, people will soon see the tariff standard of 3G mobile phone cards.

  3G mobile phone cards are divided into four or three packages.

  The first package, monthly rent is 19 yuan, free nationwide answering, 500M traffic, one dime per minute for calling, and one penny per text message.

  The second package is 29 yuan per month, free nationwide answering, 1G traffic, one dime per minute for calls, and one penny per text message.

  The third package, the monthly rent is 39 yuan, free nationwide answering, 2G traffic, one dime per minute for calling, and one penny per text message.

  The fourth package, the monthly rent is 49 yuan, free nationwide answering, 5G traffic, one dime per minute for calls, and one penny per text message.

  The four packages are the same except for the different traffic.

  The most important point is that there is no roaming in the whole country with the Huaxin mobile phone card, and there is no such thing as roaming at all.The card of the East China Sea belongs to any place in the country, and it is a dime a minute to make a call.

  This is Su Hao directly, and people are completely stunned when they see the tariff standards of the 4 packages.

  "Nima, will this be too cheap?"

  "My God, am I dazzled? The whole country is free to answer calls, one dime per minute for calls, one penny per text message, and no roaming in the whole country. This benefit is simply amazing."

  "I can't believe my eyes. The most expensive is only 49 yuan. My God, Huaxin Communication is really too conscientious. I know that Huaxin Communication will not disappoint me or the Chinese people."

  "At the price of Huaxin Communication, the other three major operators must have trouble with Huaxin Communication?"

  After the exposure of the four packages of 3G of Huaxin Communication, the people of the whole country were in an uproar.

  "My God, this is completely different from the price I thought. I thought the minimum 3G card was 50 yuan, but I didn't expect it to be 19 yuan, which is too cheap."

  "Even if it's cheap, it's free nationwide. My God, if you want to be so cruel, the three major operators will hate Huaxin Communications."

  "The most ruthless thing is to cancel roaming, my God, this is too ruthless, the three major operators must be very confused, haha."

  "I'm going. I don't have a smartphone. I've changed to Huaxin Telecom's mobile phone card. The price of this package is really cheap."

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